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[1.6.1] Soundtrack Editor 4.6 (2019-01-28)


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I have no idea if it has been spotted or not, but it looks like there's a memory leak in the beta version. I'm watching my space center with the log up, and the moment it cycled the space-center music I had selected, ram usage jumped by the approximate value of what the song would be uncompressed. (~50 mb)

I've been noticing the ram creep while idle for a few weeks now. Noticed that in-flight on kerbin I didn't have ram creep, but in space, in the VAB/SPH, and the space center where I have active music tracks, I got consistent slow ram creep. There might be a problem with the track unload or cleanup code.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been doing some thinking in regards to saving memory... Would it be possible to store the actual audio tracks in an external program and then have a plugin that switches between playlists in that external program? It would be similar to Cwc's ancient Ktunes in how it handles music. Would this be a viable idea, or would it not work how you want it? :P Brainstorming

Many music programs have an API you can call to control playlists. You could write a mod to do this. I'm not a fan of tying people down to using specific third-party tools however.

Could you help me? i am working on a new mod and would like a plugin added to it that would give each planet its own music?

The beta of this mod supports planet-specific music.

Well, the music plays fine with the included tracks, however when I add my .ogg files into the required folder I drop into the settings.cfg to edit the text but upon starting ksp I hear nothing apart from stock music. Tried for nearly 2 hours last night to no avail. Shame cause I like the idea of this.

Just a quick ask for help if I may.....my music tracks are in the music folder, but how do I edit the .cfg file correctly? I have tried renaming the music names exactly but it seems to do nothing when I load up ksp?

Post your .cfg file and I can have a look for the problem. Make sure you're not including the file extension (e.g. .wav) with the file name.

Hey, pizza, why is this one not on Kerbalstuff CKAN?

I haven't looked into adding any mods to CKAN yet. The ones that are there weren't added by me.

I have a question. If I have all the stock songs on the Unused section and only two or three in the Construction/Space sections, would that save the total RAM usage? Or does the category not matter?

Yes, you can use this mod to disable all the stock songs to save memory.

I have decided to put a copy of this mod up as an example/pre-assembled version (with a .txt file that includes a disclaimer with copyright going to you.) With your permission, I'd like to link it here. (On another note, I fixed that odd issue with the music I had active getting carted off to the "Unused" section.)

That's fine, but I'd prefer if you left out the dlls and kept it as an addon, as this can cause people to accidentally downgrade their installs between the time that I update and the time that you do.

For some reason the mod wont recognize any mp3 songs i place in the folders. And nothing i do not even changing the config will make it work :(

Check the KSP+Data/output_log.txt for errors, or post it here so that I can check.

I have no idea if it has been spotted or not, but it looks like there's a memory leak in the beta version. I'm watching my space center with the log up, and the moment it cycled the space-center music I had selected, ram usage jumped by the approximate value of what the song would be uncompressed. (~50 mb)

I've been noticing the ram creep while idle for a few weeks now. Noticed that in-flight on kerbin I didn't have ram creep, but in space, in the VAB/SPH, and the space center where I have active music tracks, I got consistent slow ram creep. There might be a problem with the track unload or cleanup code.

Thanks for the report. I'll have to check it out.

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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Many music programs have an API you can call to control playlists. You could write a mod to do this. I'm not a fan of tying people down to using specific third-party tools however.

I shall attempt... keep in mind that I have never coded*. - I just discovered how to use .bat files to run playlists. Is there a way I could add a line of code to your beta so it plays a different .bat file instead of a different file?

*With exception of a semester of HS

- I all honesty though I feel like a champ in just figuring out how to get a batch file to play a file. Don't expect me to be able to do much more. :rolleyes:

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- I just thought of an idea for you which might be useful to remove the config file editing everyone is having problems with. If you write the plugin to play every song in a folder with the name of the scene it's supposed to be played in, it would allow people to literally just drop songs into a folder and it would play it for them in that scene. You might even be able to list the scene names in a config and let people add their own new scenes if wanted (Just a maybe though. Depends on how easy it is to program "Play songs in folder "X" if "landed" + "in SOI of planet X" rather then just a playlist for "Landed").

EDIT: I want to report a memory leak - two actually. Here's my output log for the first

The leak occurred upon loading VAB scene. It hangs on the black screen with loading icon and spams the log with ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.Parameter name: src along with what appears to be an error where it repeats "playing" every song in the playlist and then restarting with the same error.

- Note that there also could be another leak I found in the main menu if you have an invalid track name in the .cfg where it does the same spam of "play every song in playlist (meaning none), recheck, repeat playing everysong. The last image has a picture of it too.

Javascript is disabled. View full album

The second leak starts as initial load up ends and it also hangs on the black screen with loading icon. It gave the above error exactly once and began to spam with the same exact repeat playlist error as before. Here is its output log.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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- I just thought of an idea for you which might be useful to remove the config file editing everyone is having problems with. If you write the plugin to play every song in a folder with the name of the scene it's supposed to be played in, it would allow people to literally just drop songs into a folder and it would play it for them in that scene. You might even be able to list the scene names in a config and let people add their own new scenes if wanted (Just a maybe though. Depends on how easy it is to program "Play songs in folder "X" if "landed" + "in SOI of planet X" rather then just a playlist for "Landed").

EDIT: I want to report a memory leak - two actually. Here's my output log for the first

The leak occurred upon loading VAB scene. It hangs on the black screen with loading icon and spams the log with ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.Parameter name: src along with what appears to be an error where it repeats "playing" every song in the playlist and then restarting with the same error.

- Note that there also could be another leak I found in the main menu if you have an invalid track name in the .cfg where it does the same spam of "play every song in playlist (meaning none), recheck, repeat playing everysong. The last image has a picture of it too.


The second leak starts as initial load up ends and it also hangs on the black screen with loading icon. It gave the above error exactly once and began to spam with the same exact repeat playlist error as before. Here is its output log.

The config file editing is temporary. I have a GUI in the works that you can use to create and modify playlists just like a media player, without needing to rename all of your files.

That's not a memory leak, that's a crash. Many crashes in fact. When an error like that happens, the code doesn't get a chance to clean up after itself and anything can happen. It needs a bugfix.

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The config file editing is temporary. I have a GUI in the works that you can use to create and modify playlists just like a media player, without needing to rename all of your files.

That's not a memory leak, that's a crash. Many crashes in fact. When an error like that happens, the code doesn't get a chance to clean up after itself and anything can happen. It needs a bugfix.

Huh. I was thinking it was a memory leak because it froze and the memory KSP was using slowly rose? It's a crash though because it stopped the game from working instantly? - I haven't messed with the in-game player yet I'll give it a go this afternoon. :)

- I put the Twitch video up on YouTube as a direct export and I plan on editing it into a more comprehensible video in about 6 hours after classes get out. I think I left you some messages on Skype but I can't check that from the Library sadly. Best of luck man! If there is anything I am able to do to help you out, especially after you've devoted so much time to teach youngins like me, I would love to aid.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, so i'm a french guy and ty for this mod (and sorry for my bad english :( !  )  :D But i don't know why, when i go into the SPH i hear my song AND the stock song :(


SPHAmbience = SoundtrackEditor/Music/Construction/ACE_COMBAT_3_[Music_-_freefall

{   track = Groove Grove
    track = Brittle Rille
    track = SoundtrackEditor/Music/Construction/ACE_COMBAT_3_[Music_-_freefall

    track = KSP_SpaceCenterAmbience
    track = KSP_SPHAmbience

Thats my settings ... am i doing it wrong ? I'm not rly strong in english so maybe i do a mistake :( Plz heeelp :'(

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12 hours ago, xZephy said:

Hi all, so i'm a french guy and ty for this mod (and sorry for my bad english :( !  )  :D But i don't know why, when i go into the SPH i hear my song AND the stock song :(

Thats my settings ... am i doing it wrong ? I'm not rly strong in english so maybe i do a mistake :( Plz heeelp :'(

Looks like you're missing your } characters at the end of each section. It should be like this:

SPHAmbience = SoundtrackEditor/Music/Construction/ACE_COMBAT_3_[Music_-_freefall

{   track = Groove Grove
    track = Brittle Rille
    track = SoundtrackEditor/Music/Construction/ACE_COMBAT_3_[Music_-_freefall

    track = KSP_SpaceCenterAmbience
    track = KSP_SPHAmbience


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  • 1 month later...
On 12/13/2015 at 8:08 AM, xZephy said:

Hi all, so i'm a french guy and ty for this mod (and sorry for my bad english :( !  )  :D But i don't know why, when i go into the SPH i hear my song AND the stock song :(

Thats my settings ... am i doing it wrong ? I'm not rly strong in english so maybe i do a mistake :( Plz heeelp :'(

This is correct behavior.
Default "SPHAmbience" is ambient audio of a fan rotating in background.

It is played together with "SPHMusic", which should be normal track.

Use default "SPHAmbience" if you want rotating fan sound, otherwise set it to "none".

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On 11.1.2014 at 0:25 AM, LMA said:

Friken fantastic I make music myself but hadn't looked into how to replace the music yet. I'l give it a go when I get my Blade Runner style music done might even do my own version of the omm song. deffo got to add the mos eisleybar music to the VAB.


Just stumbled upon this thread, now I'm curious about your Blade Runner style music!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Heya, so I'm using the 3.0 beta of this with KSP 1.0.5. I had previously been using the mod with KSP 0.2.4 and finally got around to updating my game to the most recent build. Problem is, while I got the mod to play a customized space playlist fine, the VAB and SPH are completely silent. Not even vanilla tracks play in them, only the ambient sfx.

Here is my cfg for reference:


ksp playlist
	name = Construction
	loop = true
	shuffle = true
	preloadTime = 5
	track = KSP_Construction01
	track = KSP_Construction02
	track = KSP_Construction03
	track = KSP - VAB_SPH_SneakyAdventure
	track = Groove Grove
	track = Brittle Rille
	track = Acid Trumpet
	track = 01 - Professor Kliq - Our Universe
	track = 02 dynamic symmetry
	track = 02 Fall In Love
	track = 02. Nalepa - Durian
	track = 03 - A Break In The Clouds (Ambient Version)
	track = 03 Improvised Jam
	track = 03. Nalepa - Phenomenology
	track = 04. Nalepa - Lighter
	track = 07 The World Is Yours _ Brooklyn Zoo
	track = 17 - Professor Kliq - Suburban Walkman
	track = 18 - Professor Kliq - Ambition
	track = 18 Bumper to Bumper
	track = 21 Wheels of Progress
		scene = VAB | SPH

	name = Space
	loop = true
	shuffle = true
	preloadTime = 5
	track = KSP_SpaceAmbience01
	track = KSP_SpaceAmbience02
	track = KSP_SpaceAmbience03
	track = KSP_SpaceAmbience04
	track = Arcadia
	track = Bathed in the Light
	track = Dreamy Flashback
	track = Frost Waltz
	track = Frost Waltz (Alternate)
	track = Frozen Star
	track = Impact Lento
	track = Wizardtorium
	track = 02 - Kaern
	track = 05 Point Of No Return
	track = jack wall and sam hulik - vigil
	track = Stellardrone - 02 Crystal Spheres
	track = Stellardrone - 02 The Earth Is Blue
	track = Stellardrone - 04 Journey To The Sun
	track = Stellardrone - 05 On A Beam Of Light
	track = Stellardrone - 06 Blinking Star
	track = Stellardrone - 06 Pale Blue Dot
	track = Stellardrone - 07 An Ocean of Galaxies
	track = Stellardrone - 09 The Edge of Forever
	track = tangerine dream - Remote Viewing
	track = Testton 2
	track = Uncharted Worlds Slower
		scene = Flight
		inAtmosphere = No

	name = Astronaut Complex
	loop = true
		track = KSP_AstronautComplexAmbience
		scene = None

	name = Credits
	loop = true
		track = KSP_Credits
		scene = Credits

	name = Menu theme
	loop = false
	preloadTime = 5
	disableAfterPlay = true
	playNext = Menu ambience
		track = KSP Theme Orchestral Cover
		scene = MainMenu

	name = Mission control ambience
	loop = true
		track = KSP_MissionControlAmbience
		scene = None

	name = Research complex ambience
	loop = true
		track = KSP_ResearchAndDevelopment
		scene = None

	name = Space center ambience
	loop = true
		track = dobroide-forest
		scene = SpaceCentre

	name = SPH ambience
	loop = true
		track = KSP_SPHAmbience
		scene = None

	name = Tracking station ambience
	loop = true
		track = KSP_TrackingStation
		scene = TrackingStation

	name = VAB ambience
	loop = true
		track = KSP_VABAmbience
		scene = VAB


Not sure what's wrong here, all I did was edit the existing cfg to add my tracks in. Please let me know if I can fix this problem, and thanks for this fantastic mod! :)

Edited by Markelius
fixing formatting
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On 1/12/2014 at 8:07 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

MP3 support is now working.................(cont)

  Just putting in a request for an update to 1.1~. This mod has become one of my essentials, Greatly appreciate the work that's been done so far.
Take care bud.

Edited by Talavar
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