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Furthest You've Ever Driven?


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Just curious... what's the longest distance you've ever driven a rover? Due to a sloppy (but survivable) Duna landing, I just drove my rover 20 kilometers to rendezvous with the waiting kerbonauts. Road trip!

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I think I've driven about 300-600 km I think. I had built an ascent vehicle for Eve eve that would drive up to the 7.5 km peak. I sort of botched the landing tho, and I ended way further from the mountain than I had wanted. I ended up driving for over 2 hours with 4x time acceleration.

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I drove 50km on the Mun pretty recently with a kerballed rover. I wanted to test the long range durability of my rover, so I took Samsy and Newbree Kerman from their current assignment post at Kethane Site Alpha to the site of my first Mun landing (in this save anyway) about 53km away. As a bonus, there was a Mun arch there to explore as well!

The drive was supremely painful, but my rover eventually made it. Every so often, if I got too comfortable or went too fast, the rover would careen and go flying end over end in the low gravity. Most of the time I would be able to right it by slamming one of my Kerbals into it at high speed with RCS. Other times I'd reload the latest quicksave (which I did often). I also had to avoid craters like the plague, but every so often one would take me by surprise and I'd go flying off the edge Dukes of Hazard style!

Like I said, my Kerbals eventually did get there in mostly one piece. I took some screenshots to commemorate the occasion, but the drive was so painful I decided there was no way in Hell I would drive back, so I loaded up the last save I did right before the drive and fast forwarded the clock by about twice the time the journey took. I'm sure Samsy and Newbree did just fine without me!

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I do believe there is a gentleman on the forums who has circumnavigated Duna, which I hear is quite a drive.

yeah I remember that being posted too. Also there was a guy who drove to the north pole from KSC which would have been quite a drive.

I think the longest drive I did was to drive between several of Muns anomalies. But I find driving long distances way too tedious so I don't do long drives very often.

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I once drove from the edge of Dunas ice field to near the equator, that was quite a scenic and eventful journey.

I went the opposite way, the spacecraft was landed near the equator, so Bill, Danble, and Erbald took the Duna explore-o-pod for a long trip north. And then back.

Did it over many weeks.


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When it was still possible to circumnavigate Kerbin, I did that. After a while I started hallucinating from the long and tedious drive, unaware of my surroundings or my place in space and time. Wasnt best for my mental health

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I think it was about 140 excruciating Km on Duna or thereabouts, 70Km each way for a rescue pickup. Did it over three sessions. I usually just F9 such incidences, but thought i'd do a rescue instead for a change. Had no chance of landing that plane in one piece anyhow.

I do believe there is a gentleman on the forums who has circumnavigated Duna, which I hear is quite a drive.

That would be Brotoro. Patient that man be.

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I do believe there is a gentleman on the forums who has circumnavigated Duna, which I hear it's quite a drive.

It is but not as bad as new Duna,No super flat areas and those deceptive textures.Brotoro also did it.





I did it to pick up 6 kerbals stranded all around the planet covering about 4/5 of the circumference so I decided to go the whole way around.

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