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What do YOU want to see in 0.24?

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What I think a great thing to look to the future of Science in KSP, is to have like a whole new expansion to the Tech Tree. And this new tech tree will have Celestial research where you can literally establish a mining colonies, actual functional bases, etc.

So like you can conduct "X" number of specific Scientific Research ie Location of fuel reservoirs, Iron deposits etc, then in each respective Planet you can research in the tech tree, a specific Scientific Building. So like a brand spanking new Moon Base would cost somewhere around 2000 tech for example, along with having an actual economic cost, since people really want to have an economy in KSP.

Now the actual implementation can either be you just research the buildings, and they magically pop up in predefined locations from the dev team, OR like everything else in KSP you have to bring you're brand spanking new Fuel Base, Vehicle Assembly Base, Research Base etc, with you to wherever it needs to go, and it will have specific coding to make sure that it only functions properly when all the previous research is done.

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I'd quite like some new probe science parts, such as cameras and scoops. Also, money and a general economy for career mode would be good. I wouldn't mind a couple of new planets either, but they probably won't be in the next update, and at the minute, we don't really need them.

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  tetryds said:
Ingame option to set orbit encounters style with a brief explanation of what each do (at least on the main menu).

@FOARP: There is an altimeter on IVA.

You get used to switch to IVA to see the relative altitude at least once before landings.

It's technically incorrect though. It always tells you the distance in the vertical direction, even when you're rotated and aren't upright. An actual instrument would be directional such that it would tell you the distance to terrain along the direction it's pointed, not straight down. i.e. if you're angled at 45 degrees over perfectly flat ground then the distance to ground such an instrument would actually give you would be larger than the vertical distance (in fact it would be VertDist/sin(45 degrees). ) While this may seem like it would be a pain to use, there are times this behavior would be better. For one thing it would let you know if you're about to smash into a mountain, and therefore would allow you to fly a landing entirely in IVA mode without having to look down.

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  Raven. said:
What I would like to see in the 0.24 update:


3. Maybe a sneak peak of Gas Giant #2?


1. Gas Giant #2 with its moons. It would be cool if one of those moons had a retrograde orbit.

2. An Asteroid belt on similar orbit with Dres.

3. Geysers on Eeloo.

4. Volcanoes on Laythe.

Agreed, but not until you use the...

  Raven. said:
8. Parts for a space telescope.

This is the crux what I'd like to see in 0.24 or later: Real Discovery.

Current SCIENCE experiments are point-in-time, and some are certainly correct such as e.g. barometer or thermometer readings, but some require a bit of time to aggregate. The seismic readings only make sense if running for a minimum time and has already been mentioned by other more prominent commentators (e.g. generating impacts while a seismic sensor is running), but something like a telescope or other observational equipment would definitely need this.

Essentially, in career mode we know far too much about the other bodies in the Kerbol system. Before I've launched a thing I can view all the ridges on Pol and the surface of Moho which is right next to Kerbol, both of which are incredibly difficult from surface observations. As more is known about a body, the more is shown e.g.:

  • surface details of remote objects are obscured until good quality observations are made, e.g.
    • blurred surface details when no quality observation of that part of the surface exist
    • and especially non-existent surface detail as with the far side of the Mun - that would be a fantastic early achievement to engage and excite players, even without associated science reward

    [*] the location of adjacent biomes as soon as one is discovered/explored

    • made even more useful with a biome overlay on map mode

  • perhaps even the existence of moons or Eeloo/further objects?
  • all of which would persist on the sandbox game unless the player explicitly asks for all details to be revealed

Finally, real setup requirements for some experiments, e.g.:

  • the seismic detector would be useless on shock-absorbant legs, or craft with moving parts such as the larger PV arrays or Kerbals on-board
  • temperature scans in full sunlight gives a different reading from a shaded instrument etc.

This little game has immense learning utility, and while the whole thing is a Little-Green-Men fantasy it has significant real-world analogies that can be used to teach and (unintentionally even) learn. All of it lends itself to gamification, and while mods will take care of a lot of this (e.g. SCANsat, FAR, DRE...) there is an opportunity for Squad to at least create a good platform for these in a consistent fashion (e.g. duration experiments) or outright lead (e.g. exploration).

On a minor note, I know everyone else seems to be really keen on economy, but a cost-based economy doesn't make too much sense to me without construction delays and real value for recovery of used parts. Economy and associated bits are low on my list, but will by all means add gameplay depth.

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  lipatden said:
Agreed, but not until you use the...

This is the crux what I'd like to see in 0.24 or later: Real Discovery.

Current SCIENCE experiments are point-in-time, and some are certainly correct such as e.g. barometer or thermometer readings, but some require a bit of time to aggregate. The seismic readings only make sense if running for a minimum time and has already been mentioned by other more prominent commentators (e.g. generating impacts while a seismic sensor is running), but something like a telescope or other observational equipment would definitely need this.

Essentially, in career mode we know far too much about the other bodies in the Kerbol system. Before I've launched a thing I can view all the ridges on Pol and the surface of Moho which is right next to Kerbol, both of which are incredibly difficult from surface observations.

The problem I have with this idea is that it's pointless unless the dev's first change their minds about procedurally generated solar systems and/or having alternate premade solar systems. As it stands right now, If I play a campaign in which I point a telescope at Duna to learn what it's like and pick up data about it, and then later start over with a second campaign and in that second run through I also point a telescope at Duna... I'll get the same exact data about Duna that I got from the first game. It will have the same mountains, the same terrain, the same atmosphere, the same mass, the same radius, the same position, etc.

It's sort of like playing Civilization on the Earth-map instead of a random map. All of the terrain exploration and discovery aspects will be gone because you'll know exactly where all the terrain is before you explore it. If you start in Italy and there's a sea to the south of you, the map may be blank, but you know perfectly well that what you'll find on the other side of the sea is the Sahara Desert. The "fog" of exploration is largely fake in that situation and you know it as a player.

The only players for whom your proposed data revealing in-game would matter are first-time players who don't already know the Kerbol system.

For the idea of hidden system information that gets revealed in-game by exploration to matter, you have to have a non-hardcoded solar system so the discovery would actually feel like real discovery.

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  FOARP said:
5) Implement an in-game radar/laser altimeter so you know your real altitude.

Most command pods have a surface altitude readout in IVA so this is accessible/visible, even if not conveniently. Perhaps a toggle of absolute vs surface altitude where altitude is presently displayed, but only once you've unlocked/installed a part? :P

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  vexx32 said:
I am confused as to what you mean. Landed/splashed down craft can be recovered from anywhere on Kerbin anyway.

I guess he meant only being abble to recover from those places.

Hey crazy genius, you really think that at cold war the pods landed anywhere near the place they were launched?

Edit: I also want to see temperature being measured in Kelvin, would not mess up the celcius/farenheit measurements.

Edited by tetryds
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  tetryds said:
I guess he meant only being abble to recover from those places.

Hey crazy genius, you really think that at cold war the pods landed anywhere near the place they were launched?

Edit: I also want to see temperature being measured in Kelvin, would not mess up the celcius/farenheit measurements.

for difficult gameplay

NOTE : I'm Serbian Sorry for bad English :)

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  vexx32 said:
If you want 64-bit mode, you'll have to install Linux. Unity's 64-bit mode is too unstable for Windows and Mac machines, and until the Unity devs get to properly fixing it, complaining that KSP doesn't have it is rather nonsensical.


Also, I think I'll be moving this to Development Discussion.

One day I might to to dualboot linux. Hopefully.

ONTOPIC: I would like to see economy in career mode, moar animations, and biomed EVERTHING.

  CrAzY GeNiUs said:
for difficult gameplay

NOTE : I'm Serbian Sorry for bad English :)

That's not hard. That's impossible. Sorry, no.

Edited by pigletx2
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More information about flights and warp/acceleration controls

The basic game simply does not provide enough information, mods like flight engineer and mechjeb are essential at the moment.

I don't think controlling time warp should be a significant in game skill. Patience is part of the game but it needn't be so painful.

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  lipatden said:
Most command pods have a surface altitude readout in IVA so this is accessible/visible, even if not conveniently. Perhaps a toggle of absolute vs surface altitude where altitude is presently displayed, but only once you've unlocked/installed a part? :P

Or maybe you can manually set your altitude, so you can set relative to the ground/sea level/your base

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