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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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One time the Experimental Aircraft Association brought a B-17 to an airport near where I live and offered tours for free. They sold flights in it for low price of $400. I didn't get a flight because I didn't have money, but I got to walk through the plane and get some pictures. They even let me crawl in the Ball Turret under the belly. That thing is small, I respect B-17 Ball Turret gunners very deeply.

That must have been memorable, the only historical plane I've seen is the DC3.

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For once! an aircraft that actually flew on the second try!


- - - Updated - - -

That must have been memorable, the only historical plane I've seen is the DC3.

I think I've seen the Concorde and B747-100 prototype once, in the Museum of Flight.



Back on topic, added bombs to B-17.

Oh hey, it actually works!



Edited by Columbia
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New video and spacecraft exchange coming for this thing.... just need to fine tune the suspension. Suspension is a mix of ant engines and structural pylons. Really good for munar traveling.... Im not going to tell you what it is though even though it kind of obvious. :sticktongue: And yes there is two seats and a dish on the front beam. Gotta keep your connection to ksc :)


I really love this thing.

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New video and spacecraft exchange coming for this thing.... just need to fine tune the suspension. Suspension is a mix of ant engines and structural pylons. Really good for munar traveling.... Im not going to tell you what it is though even though it kind of obvious. :sticktongue: And yes there is two seats and a dish on the front beam. Gotta keep your connection to ksc :)


I really love this thing.

Looks exactly like the chassis of the car I released yesterday http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130958-Kakar-R1-Off-Road-Test-Vehicle

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That must have been memorable, the only historical plane I've seen is the DC3.

There's an aviation museum on my local military base that has several historical aircraft, such as the first helicopter bought by the army, and a complete replica of the Wright Army Flyer. They used to have a prototype AH-64 Apache from Desert Storm, but I think they got rid of it. Unfortunately, there aren't any WWII planes, I guess those are all in the Air Force Museum.

I could rant about that place forever, but I don't want to derail this thread. Maybe one day I'll get some pictures and post them on their own thread for people to see.

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After inspecting the aircraft a bit, I decided that the B-17 I made needed a wing overhaul. Meaning, I probably wouldn't be able to release it this week.

Ah well, there's always next time.


Yeah, your wings look a little short. As for the ball turret's view of the bomb bay, I should mention that in order to get from the front of the plane to the back you have to cross a narrow catwalk that goes through the bomb bay. If you're going for minute accuracy you may want to add that, even if it doesn't lead anywhere.

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Yeah, your wings look a little short. As for the ball turret's view of the bomb bay, I should mention that in order to get from the front of the plane to the back you have to cross a narrow catwalk that goes through the bomb bay. If you're going for minute accuracy you may want to add that, even if it doesn't lead anywhere.

That goes through the bomb bay.. That is the most kerbal way to get around the plane. Crawling under a huge mass of lethal explosives.

I think it would be so tiny that it would be impossible for me to recreate that.

Also, is the wing in the previous picture long enough? That was already the new wing.

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That goes through the bomb bay.. That is the most kerbal way to get around the plane. Crawling under a huge mass of lethal explosives.

I think it would be so tiny that it would be impossible for me to recreate that.

Also, is the wing in the previous picture long enough? That was already the new wing.

Yeah, the bomb bay extends all the way to the top of the plane, but isn't very long, only one or two rows of bombs when I went through it. If it makes you sleep any better, there were cables strung along the edges to act as handrails, but then again, it WAS a tourist plane, so those may or may not be authentic.

As for the wing, I'll let you see for yourself, here's a photo of my B-17 scale model:


would embed the image here, but I'm using a phone.

Edited by pTrevTrevs
Gotta fix those typos
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Still a bit of wobble but my updated GP2-5 launcher is coming along well. :) It can manage 50 tons to orbit.

Trying to make 5m tanks out of stock parts is pretty annoying though. :/


For some reason Microsoft edge really doesn't like letting me use the image function :/ Just comes up with ~ when I try 90% of the time.

Edited by Frozen_Heart
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I started working on a b-17, but I am now away for a week from my computer... So I can't finish it up, unfortunately. RN it is 300 parts ish, and the rear needs some work

Mine is 379.. I don't know what is making up the extreme part count. Engines? Cockpit? Tail? Reaction wheels (That may or may not have been clipped into the fuselage?)

I think I need to rebuild it..

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Yeah, nothing there looks to be too part heavy... With the B-17 I'm working on, I'm using wings for the fuselage, and the front looks awesome, but the rear definitely needs some work. (the top and bottom fuselage sections clip into each other, and things get messy)

Wings for the fuselage? Welp, I'm beaten..

Are you going to use a cargo bay for yours?

I reckon it's the cockpit and engines making up the parts.. the part count of the main frame of mine was around 140.

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I thought about using a cargo bay, but I wanted to base the fuselage on a 2.5m scale, and with the fuselage being made with wings, it would be near impossible to get that working stock.

Ah, well. I'm gone from KSP for the week as well, so we're probably going to finish ours at similar times.

Best of luck!

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Ah, well. I'm gone from KSP for the week as well, so we're probably going to finish ours at similar times.

Best of luck!

Best of luck to you too!

Well, if either of you need some more reference pictures of my model or advice on the little details, just give me a yell!

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