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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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In my quest to replicate every noteworthy modern military plane I have come to the f117 and hit a problem I have not been able to overcome. The body is done and looks pretty decent but I cannot figure out how to make it fly (where to put the engines so as not to ruin the look or how to distribute and place fuel tanks or control surfaces). As such I have come here seeking help, whether it be simple advice or an attempt to physically make it fly. Until it is fixed it shall remain forever a statue:


If anyone wants to help the craft file can be downloaded here

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In my quest to replicate every noteworthy modern military plane I have come to the f117 and hit a problem I have not been able to overcome. The body is done and looks pretty decent but I cannot figure out how to make it fly (where to put the engines so as not to ruin the look or how to distribute and place fuel tanks or control surfaces). As such I have come here seeking help, whether it be simple advice or an attempt to physically make it fly. Until it is fixed it shall remain forever a statue:


If anyone wants to help the craft file can be downloaded here

Maybe if you house the engine(s) deep inside the body and leave just a small exhaust hole at the back directly behind the center of the engine so as to not block the thrust? That would be somewhat realistic I guess as the real thing had buried engines to minimize thermal signature.

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In my quest to replicate every noteworthy modern military plane I have come to the f117 and hit a problem I have not been able to overcome. The body is done and looks pretty decent but I cannot figure out how to make it fly (where to put the engines so as not to ruin the look or how to distribute and place fuel tanks or control surfaces). As such I have come here seeking help, whether it be simple advice or an attempt to physically make it fly. Until it is fixed it shall remain forever a statue:


If anyone wants to help the craft file can be downloaded here

I'll see what I can do.

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WWII Bomber replica is coming along, it flies, though I have no roll control yet, nor half the fuselage, I don't think there is anyway for you guys to identify this yet. Though the dimensions are exact, the weight is a bit more than it's real counterpart fully loaded and the part count is under 100 so far, speed in excess of 90m/s


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Would you consider mad-maxing my Jeep or Asteroid sports car
Wanna Mad Mako my Max? Er, um... you know what I mean.
Sure thing dude have a go with my RAGE! buggy:

I know, I know:

My V2 with transport!

Not much success so far with the jeep or asteroid sports car, but I have some ideas how to make it work to try soon.

I haven't had time to try the Mako or V2 yet, but this is what I have so far for the RAGE buggy, looking a bit like a post-apocalyptic lawnmower:


I had to add off-road wheels because the plan is to maybe use all these crafts in some sort of video so they all need at least two of the faster accelerating off road wheels to be able to keep up with each other. Other than that all I've really done is shorten the cockpit to put in a pretend supercharged engine.


Edited by BlueCanary
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Not much success so far with the jeep or asteroid sports car, but I have some ideas how to make it work to try soon.

I haven't had time to try the Mako or V2 yet, but this is what I have so far for the RAGE buggy, looking a bit like a post-apocalyptic lawnmower:


I had to add off-road wheels because the plan is to maybe use all these crafts in some sort of video so they all need at least two of the faster accelerating off road wheels to be able to keep up with each other. Other than that all I've really done is shorten the cockpit to put in a pretend supercharged engine.


H aha ha! I love it! It really looks apocalyptic and bodged together. Needs more flames though. :D

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H aha ha! I love it! It really looks apocalyptic and bodged together. Needs more flames though. :D

Well, maybe it could borrow some flames off my doof wagon attempt, based on selfish_meme's DMR Watney. Since KSP doesn't have flamethrower guitars (yet - I'm sure Jeb would appreciate the addition) I decided it to make it more lights and fire than sound, and so strapped on a stupid amount of rockets in a vaguely organised fashion. I'm going to have to remove the suspension since, as you can see in this screenshot, it gets completely flattened when the engines are on. Next task - making it look less stupid.


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Well, work on Project Voyager in my "Exploring The Gas Giants" series (So far has NH and Pio. 10/11), I've managed to get the central body mostly done, though the booms are yet to be worked on.GXEVK07.png4PfwsAg.pngPretty proud of it, but the overheat bug is back, and always will be until that is fixed, and i'm not sure when, I've thought it's caused by clipping, but some mostly unclipped parts still explode. While I have plenty of references on Voyager 1 and 2, actual dimensions are hard to find. Anyone have any thoughts on this craft so far?

Edited by SaturnianBlue
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Not much success so far with the jeep or asteroid sports car, but I have some ideas how to make it work to try soon.

I haven't had time to try the Mako or V2 yet, but this is what I have so far for the RAGE buggy, looking a bit like a post-apocalyptic lawnmower:


I had to add off-road wheels because the plan is to maybe use all these crafts in some sort of video so they all need at least two of the faster accelerating off road wheels to be able to keep up with each other. Other than that all I've really done is shorten the cockpit to put in a pretend supercharged engine.


Nice! That looks great!

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Well, maybe it could borrow some flames off my doof wagon attempt, based on selfish_meme's DMR Watney. Since KSP doesn't have flamethrower guitars (yet - I'm sure Jeb would appreciate the addition) I decided it to make it more lights and fire than sound, and so strapped on a stupid amount of rockets in a vaguely organised fashion. I'm going to have to remove the suspension since, as you can see in this screenshot, it gets completely flattened when the engines are on. Next task - making it look less stupid.


It was made for Duna, so the suspensions a bit soft for Kerbin...it is very pyrotechnic though!

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