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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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My tinkering continues with the replicating the Lockheed Martin mars mission proposal.

Iv'e built a kerbalized version of the "base camp" station, tender, and transfer vehicle modules.


Here is part of the assembly just cheated from low Kerbal orbit to Duna orbit for a glamour shot.  Things are getting awfuly parts-intensive with those Solar arrays.  To make it playable on my computer I might resort to the large rectangular arrays.

Much of the complication comes from a set of stock hinges to extend the solar array arms after launch.  This is my first foray into stock moving bits in a loooonnnngggg time.  I'm quite pleased with them!


I will probably omit the probe body and reaction wheels as simply rolling the station flings the arms out nicely with centripetal force.  A much simpler solution.

These big modules need big rockets! 



I also scaled-down the lander from the previous post.  It is still over-sized in relation to the station, but this is as small as it is going to get in the game and still actually DO something.


I was pretty worried that the  lander wouldn't be able to transition to retrograde after re-entering conventionally.  Testing on Kerbin made this seem dubious.


Thankfully Duna is another story.  The lander easily transitions over to vertical flight once below 250m/s in the middle atmosphere.

Landing is a breeze.  Even though the lander is very tall, all the mass is in the tail, so it is nice and stable.  Again, I'm pretty chuffed with  how it is turning out.


The payloads still need work as they are a little on the explodey-side when deployed.

I'm glad I'm playing around with this kind of mission as it is taking me well outside my comfort zone.  I may never actually run the whole mission in earnest, as it is Absurdly Complicated.  With atleast 12 launches and 12 rendezvous to perform in both Low Kerbin Orbit, Munar Orbit and Dunar orbit to assemble and transfer all the different vehicles, It would be one hell of an undertaking.  I could definitely do it, but I just get much more enjoyment solving build challenges than fiddling with maneuver nodes.  



Edited by Exothermos
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Some pics I took for an airshow I'm holding soon, in a KSP-based roleplay. Don't worry mods, it's off forums )))

Not stellar quality, but they should be enough. The showcased crafts are my F-19 (The large, Su-35 like plane) and F-25 (The smaller plane, which I tried making like a mix of the Su-57 and my F-19)




I think the engines weren't the only on wet mode after this near miss...


And the one below is shortly after the one above... It was a staged fight between the two



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I'll restart work on the 7000 ton lifter, the upscaled 3000 ton lifter has caused it to be really poorly designed, not only in structural stability, but in efficiency
-14% weight to orbit vs 34%
-2100 funds per ton vs 7 funds per ton

I think I'll proclaim myself master of efficient lifters at this point.

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I've been building carrier type ships (or trying, anyway) for the last week or so, and today I started wondering how big I could make one. This is the result - ~400 meters long and weighs 40,000 tons. Kerbal for scale on top of the front of the ship. I wanted to make it even bigger but Tweakscale only let me scale the Mk2 parts up to 20m.


Edited by CaptainKorhonen
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8 hours ago, He_162 said:

I'll restart work on the 7000 ton lifter, the upscaled 3000 ton lifter has caused it to be really poorly designed, not only in structural stability, but in efficiency
-14% weight to orbit vs 34%
-2100 funds per ton vs 7 funds per ton

I think I'll proclaim myself master of efficient lifters at this point.

Might want to check the payload fraction challenge thread before making that boast, but for size I think you are currently unmatched!

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You guys have to try this racer out, try controlling from the top probe, radial out, full throttle and stage to turn engines on, then race, b to brake, and you will need your brake, try turning without acceleration, it gets hairy but controllable sliding


Edit: Just realised I am a bit ignorant of the handling of the F1 challenge cars so this might not be that good

Edited by selfish_meme
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