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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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Orionkermin: I wonder if you might be willing to make "tankbuttless" versions of your engines?

Here's an example of the LV-T45 (and a larger-area-ratio-nozzle LV-T45) from Lack:


The advantage is they will work on any size stage and can be clustered much more easily. Seems especially useful given they already aren't one of the stock diameters.

I would love to see all the engines like this. But whatever happened to them in STX?

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I get a weird bug whenever I try to activate the Soy-Juice SM. It bugs out, doesn't activate the engine, but flickers between activated and deactivated on the right-click menu. The fuel gauge on the side is tweaked out too.

Yea i'm getting this too with the newer version of BahamutoD's animation plug-in. I haven't had enough time to isolate the issue, which is why I haven't updated the mod yet.

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Not an operations problem, as she launched and docked with Skylab B without a hitch. However...



There are a few problems with the way the orbital module reflects light.

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Not an operations problem, as she launched and docked with Skylab B without a hitch. However...



There are a few problems with the way the orbital module reflects light.

Yeah, I've had this problem. With vanilla ATM, it works fine. However, after installing KSPRC, Better Atmospheres, (maybe even EVE?) or other mods that modify ATM, it breaks this part (for whatever reason). If you made a backup before you installed any of those (as far as I can see, you have EVE installed), use that ATM folder. It should fix the part, but as for other issues, I'm not certain.

EDIT: It didn't fix it, but I have a suspicion it's something like that.

Edited by Z3R0_0NL1N3
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  • 3 weeks later...
So, OK, are you back to actively working on this yet? I think it's in need of some polishing HotRockets/CoolRockets/and especially SmokeScreen configs!

Maybe roll up some patches/configs and send them in, perhaps?

Also, i've not had any trouble with the BD animated modules, perhaps that's been resolved on their side?

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I wanted to upload my personal Module Manager codes for you. Some are part of Hades and HawkW codes, but trimmed up since some of those parts aren't around or got renamed. They are for the HGRbetaV0.23.

This first one is for ECLSS Life Support. I reduced the numbers and made them go in balance with the ECLSS mod. If you notice with that mod, each capsules that has 1 Kerbal uses 400 units of O2, then 2 Kerbals 800, etc. So you can see the pattern, it goes up by 400.

///////ECLSS Life Support Patch///////

@amount = 800
@maxAmount = 800

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 800


@amount = 800
@maxAmount = 800

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 800


This one is for the Dev version of ECLSS 1.0.17. The numbers for O2 has changed, there is more O2 per Kerbal, 1650/1 Kerbal and CO2 amount has changed to 1485/1 Kerbal.

///////ECLSS Life Support Patch///////

@amount = 3300
@maxAmount = 3300

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 2970


@amount = 3300
@maxAmount = 3300

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 2970


This one is Spud capsule, the one that looks like Sputnik. If you notice the module up close, it has a built in antenna that looks sawed off. I decided to try out this code to test out the capsule having a built in antenna. The code is pretty much taken from the stock long antenna or Communitron 16 from game.

///////HGR Spud Capsule Antenna///////

name = ModuleDataTransmitter

packetInterval = 0.4
packetSize = 2

packetResourceCost = 10.0
requiredResource = ElectricCharge

DeployFxModules = 0

This one is a Remote Tech 2 patch. This has the code from Hades for the solar panels, thats not new. What I did add Remote Tech 2 to work with the capsule once you add the code above, to have a working antenna.

I haven't played with it much in game yet, but I think the Ominrange might be turned down from 2500000, since this antenna doesn't really extend. Maybe something like half, 1250000. I don't know.

///////HGR Spud RT2///////

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
MaxQ = 6000
EnergyCost = 0.13

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

The two antenna codes are just something to try out, I really haven't tried it, so I may or may not use it in the long run.

Edited by therealcrow999
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Cool patches! I'm a TAC sorta guy for the first one, so I can't comment, but the RT2 config I will certainly give a try (if/when I get a chance to get my KSP on again :D )

Using the Spud as a (heavy) satellite core is an interesting option... I can now imagine it unmanned but crammed with science equipment.

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I wanted to upload my personal Module Manager codes for you. Some are part of Hades and HawkW codes, but trimmed up since some of those parts aren't around or got renamed. They are for the HGRbetaV0.23.

This first one is for ECLSS Life Support. I reduced the numbers and made them go in balance with the ECLSS mod. If you notice with that mod, each capsules that has 1 Kerbal uses 400 units of O2, then 2 Kerbals 800, etc. So you can see the pattern, it goes up by 400.

///////ECLSS Life Support Patch///////

@amount = 800
@maxAmount = 800

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 800


@amount = 800
@maxAmount = 800

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 800


This one is for the Dev version of ECLSS 1.0.17. The numbers for O2 has changed, there is more O2 per Kerbal, 1650/1 Kerbal and CO2 amount has changed to 1485/1 Kerbal.

///////ECLSS Life Support Patch///////

@amount = 3300
@maxAmount = 3300

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 2970


@amount = 3300
@maxAmount = 3300

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 2970


This one is Spud capsule, the one that looks like Sputnik. If you notice the module up close, it has a built in antenna that looks sawed off. I decided to try out this code to test out the capsule having a built in antenna. The code is pretty much taken from the stock long antenna or Communitron 16 from game.

///////HGR Spud Capsule Antenna///////

name = ModuleDataTransmitter

packetInterval = 0.4
packetSize = 2

packetResourceCost = 10.0
requiredResource = ElectricCharge

DeployFxModules = 0

This one is a Remote Tech 2 patch. This has the code from Hades for the solar panels, thats not new. What I did add Remote Tech 2 to work with the capsule once you add the code above, to have a working antenna.

I haven't played with it much in game yet, but I think the Ominrange might be turned down from 2500000, since this antenna doesn't really extend. Maybe something like half, 1250000. I don't know.

///////HGR Spud RT2///////

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
MaxQ = 6000
EnergyCost = 0.13

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

The two antenna codes are just something to try out, I really haven't tried it, so I may or may not use it in the long run.

I ended up not adding the Spud to have stock antenna to my game and the RT2 compatibility. The Spud to me is a converted Sputnik, so they ended up welding off the old Sputnik antenna. So if I want antenna, like any other part in game, I will just add one. So I am not going to use that code after further testing, but I will leave it up for people.

- - - Updated - - -

I wanted to upload my personal Module Manager codes for you. Some are part of Hades and HawkW codes, but trimmed up since some of those parts aren't around or got renamed. They are for the HGRbetaV0.23.

This first one is for ECLSS Life Support. I reduced the numbers and made them go in balance with the ECLSS mod. If you notice with that mod, each capsules that has 1 Kerbal uses 400 units of O2, then 2 Kerbals 800, etc. So you can see the pattern, it goes up by 400.

///////ECLSS Life Support Patch///////

@amount = 800
@maxAmount = 800

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 800


@amount = 800
@maxAmount = 800

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 800


This one is for the Dev version of ECLSS 1.0.17. The numbers for O2 has changed, there is more O2 per Kerbal, 1650/1 Kerbal and CO2 amount has changed to 1485/1 Kerbal.

///////ECLSS Life Support Patch///////

@amount = 3300
@maxAmount = 3300

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 2970


@amount = 3300
@maxAmount = 3300

@amount = 0
@maxAmount = 2970


This one is Spud capsule, the one that looks like Sputnik. If you notice the module up close, it has a built in antenna that looks sawed off. I decided to try out this code to test out the capsule having a built in antenna. The code is pretty much taken from the stock long antenna or Communitron 16 from game.

///////HGR Spud Capsule Antenna///////

name = ModuleDataTransmitter

packetInterval = 0.4
packetSize = 2

packetResourceCost = 10.0
requiredResource = ElectricCharge

DeployFxModules = 0

This one is a Remote Tech 2 patch. This has the code from Hades for the solar panels, thats not new. What I did add Remote Tech 2 to work with the capsule once you add the code above, to have a working antenna.

I haven't played with it much in game yet, but I think the Ominrange might be turned down from 2500000, since this antenna doesn't really extend. Maybe something like half, 1250000. I don't know.

///////HGR Spud RT2///////

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
MaxQ = 6000
EnergyCost = 0.13

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

The two antenna codes are just something to try out, I really haven't tried it, so I may or may not use it in the long run.

I ended up not adding the Spud to have stock antenna to my game and the RT2 compatibility. The Spud to me is a converted Sputnik, so they ended up welding off the old Sputnik antenna. So if I want antenna, like any other part in game, I will just add one. So I am not going to use that code after further testing, but I will leave it up for people to test.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good news everyone! This works beautifully in .25 However the Soyjuice LES is missing it's texture.

0.25 has introduced bugs that affect all mods using .TGA textures (A great headache for myself also). One of these is textures not loading at random, which is likely what is happening with the SoyJuice LES.

Unfortunately it seems the only solution is to re-export the textures in a different format or hold out for a bug fix from SQUAD (which may not be likely, if this is to do with a Unity bug).

Anyway, I can also confirm it working more or less perfect in 0.25, barring texture issues.

Edited by Beale
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Thanks for letting me know guys, I haven't even had time to test my own mod in .25 yet. I may get some time to at least re export textures this weekend if that's all it takes for basic .25 comparability. Otherwise I'm mostly going to continue my work on revamping the pack.

My over arching plan is to quite literally remake everything... I've got about half the 1.875m parts made and mapped. And I plan to finish modeling the rest before starting texture work. I'd like to recreate the engines (especially the G120, now that we have LFO verniers) after this and finally return to the soy-juice which suffers from being an awkward size due to the mod changing direction mid-development. I'd like it to fit better on the 1.875 parts. The overall style will be somewhere between the kerbodyne and KW parts, so a little less cartoony than I have now, but should still feel "used" and kerbal.

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I haven't a trouble with the pack in .25 yet, although I need to check the landertrons still.

I've never felt the soyjuice was an odd size for 1.875 parts, it seemed to be... hrm, a good, if cramped fit below the squad 3 man pod (the name eludes me at the moment). The style as well, i've seen as pretty stocklike as far as that goes; hell, its HGR styled, and that's nothing if not a good thing!

Also, lately i've been using the soyjuice service module with the radish. It works... surprisingly well, actually. If I can get my new save up and running, i'll send in some more screencaps. I've had an idea of using the soyjuice as a station part, and i'm looking to experiment with that :D

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Thanks for letting me know guys, I haven't even had time to test my own mod in .25 yet. I may get some time to at least re export textures this weekend if that's all it takes for basic .25 comparability. Otherwise I'm mostly going to continue my work on revamping the pack.

My over arching plan is to quite literally remake everything... I've got about half the 1.875m parts made and mapped. And I plan to finish modeling the rest before starting texture work. I'd like to recreate the engines (especially the G120, now that we have LFO verniers) after this and finally return to the soy-juice which suffers from being an awkward size due to the mod changing direction mid-development. I'd like it to fit better on the 1.875 parts. The overall style will be somewhere between the kerbodyne and KW parts, so a little less cartoony than I have now, but should still feel "used" and kerbal.

I have a request or a wish part, I love the double engines of the Titan II rocket, I was wondering if you could make one that would go with the size of MK1 pod and Radish. I know there is one KW Rocketry and NovaPunch, but I have been look forever for something more stock-a-like. I figured that double engine would go well with your pack since you have the Radish pod, that combination of pod and engine could make a nice stock looking Gemini rocket.

I definitely would like to have added to my game the MK1 pod size, but maybe one for the Mk1-2 pod, but to be honest the M1 pod size is what I was looking forever to add. The KW Rocketry one is nice, but the auto-shrouds don't mesh with stock stuff that much, don't get me wrong I love that engine and KW Rocketry pack. I just would like to have that type of engine for stock-like. I think KW one might be on the powerful side, a nice engine with a nice in game balance awesome.

Well it doesn't hurt to ask.

Keep up the good work.

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Part Request~

Well, I can't promise anything. But, I will consider it since a distraction is nice every now and again. Heck some my best work comes from being distracted. I'd release it as a stand alone part, rather than in HGR though. Simply because I want HGR to mostly focus on 1.875m parts and a couple of real world-like spacecraft that I feel fit that size cattagory well. :)

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Well, I can't promise anything. But, I will consider it since a distraction is nice every now and again. Heck some my best work comes from being distracted. I'd release it as a stand alone part, rather than in HGR though. Simply because I want HGR to mostly focus on 1.875m parts and a couple of real world-like spacecraft that I feel fit that size cattagory well. :)

No worries, I just wanted to throw my idea out there. If it comes of something or not, it still threw it out there.

Since you did this pack this is the only large variety part pack I use. The other part packs like KW and Nova are too huge, plus I love stock-a-like. Your part pack is just the right size and I love the parts. I know sometimes making parts, people can get carried away and make tons of parts. I think its best if wanting to make more parts is split off and call it something else and make another bundle pack. I'm glad you had fun making those parts, I remember when you just started out with the Radish pod, I thought thats all you would do.

I just realized you have HGR - Home Grown Rocket Parts and HGR R&D. I wonder which one I was using, lol. I think the one that had them all.

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Part Request:

i wish i had a service module for the MK1 pod as i have already tried making it into a mini soyuz using a modified sdhi service module and a spud but the miss matched textures always bothered me so just wondering if you can.... also can you do like a double umblical type thing for the service module that has 2 "arm" like things that would attach to the sides of the MK1 and detach when you decouple (i would suggest using the Animated Decouplers plugin for that although i don't know if it is updated) just to add for awesomeness.

just wondering

i feel i could explain better oh well

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