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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


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I made some nationality ribbons, but have no idea how to add them to my game.

It'd be very appreciated if anyone could tell me how to do so.

Also, please feel free to use these ribbons.

[EDIT]Admin plz delete this repeated reply, thank you.

Edited by SkullWhale
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I lose all the ribbons every time the game has a memory related crash.

I work around this by quicksaving manually. So if I reload into a ribbonless career, I'll just load a save manually.

Basically doing this and using the automatic backup mod that Nereid also wrote seems to at least be able to resolve the problem if you come across it...

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I had an attack of the Ribbon Kraken. I wrote a very tiny Perl script to pull ribbons from old savefiles and deduplicate them, intending to combine that with aggressive saving. (I'd be grateful to know if my assumption that two Hall of Fame entries that differ only by time should be combined and no other should is correct - in particular, I have no idea what the "data =" line does for S+ entries and suspect there should be at most one per Kerbal). The script is at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/games/savemangler - it reads savefiles on STDIN, ideally oldest first, and spits out a replacement set of Hall of Fame entries on STDOUT. It's a quick bodge but perhaps someone will find it useful. It probably gets firsts wrong, but as it happens I think my post-Ribbon-Kraken game gave Jeb all the same firsts he had beforehand. If there's more info about the FF data format forthcoming, I'll try and refine it a bit. I do wish KSP kept savefiles in version control.

- - - Updated - - -

A little pondering suggests entries with codes of the form X+ should only be de-duped if they have identical timestamps. Updated script on that basis.

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I recovered a crew from a 50-day long station construction mission. As I tend to delete ribbons that are earned in favor of a custom arrangement, I pulled up the FF overlay. Much to my chagrin, I had most of my data wiped.

Most. In fact Jebediah, Bill and Bob were untouched. Every other Kerbal had a 100% wipe of both ribbons and missions. I never removed any mods between the last time I checked and now, though I did add miscellaneous parts. I also did some save file editing for other reasons, but I can't imagine how that would break this mod if all the data remained intact in my persistence file. Like another poster earlier, I did load up another profile/save to test certain things, though I had done that before without seeing a wipe.

So yeah, apparently there's such thing as a half-kraken here. I find it curious that of the three Kerbals whose records stuck were one each of every class, and the original 3 to boot. Also interesting that the ones on the mission itself lost their data as well, yet still earned new ribbons in the process.

Edited by Warhawk
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I'd be grateful to know if my assumption that two Hall of Fame entries that differ only by time should be combined and no other should is correct - in particular, I have no idea what the "data =" line does for S+ entries and suspect there should be at most one per Kerbal

S+ is the tracking data for Science Recovered, so if you limit it to one per Kerbal, they're never going to get the culmative science ribbons. I'm fairly sure you shouldn't delete anything since FF seems to work as intended in these regards, multiple of the same code but with different times are used to track things that require more than one event... (culmative missions, contracts, science, etc.)

Here's what I can tell you quickly from glancing over my save:

L+ - Launch (mission start)

M+ - Mission End

C+ - completed contract

S+ - recovered science (and data value is how much)

EX+ - Exit (begin EVA)

B+ - Board (end EVA)

[i'm not entirely sure on these two]

Everything else seems to be ribbons.

Edited by Nitrous Oxide
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Thanks, I'll give it a try. Any idea what causes this? I did not revert, used no quick saves and the mission was only a 3-4 hours conducting orbital surveys with no game crashes. I only took focus off the ship 1-2 times to the tracking station to time warp. This isn't the first time this has happened.

The Kerbal got all his ribbons but no time was added to his time nor was the mission counted for one of them.

EDIT: I added the entries myself and now the times are correct (as close as I could remember). However, I had to reverse the subtraction formula you listed otherwise it gave negative time. Going to launch a new, short mission and make sure the counters update.

EDIT 2: No idea whats going on, it awards ribbons but still refuses to add to the mission counter or timer.

I'm seeing something related to this. Started a new game last night, ran one mission with Bob - he got his ribbons and mission recorded. Loaded the game this morning and Bob's ribbons are still there but apparently he got them for flying a desk because his mission count is zero. :)

I've installed into the right folder and according to the persistence file, Bob has got a mission, but FF isn't picking it up.

Does anyone have a workaround for this? Or an idea of what might be going wrong?

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I'm seeing something related to this. Started a new game last night, ran one mission with Bob - he got his ribbons and mission recorded. Loaded the game this morning and Bob's ribbons are still there but apparently he got them for flying a desk because his mission count is zero. :)

I've installed into the right folder and according to the persistence file, Bob has got a mission, but FF isn't picking it up.

Does anyone have a workaround for this? Or an idea of what might be going wrong?

Double-check in the Hall of Fame section of the persistence file, for mission count to be tracked properly there needs to be both an L+ entry and an M+ entry with Bob Kerman's name. Time is handled in seconds. For example:

time = 2198407.29728955
name = Bill Kerman
code = L+
data =
time = 2198443.05728959
name = Bill Kerman
code = M+
data =

As per my post above, L+ defines the start of a mission and M+ defines the end. If you're missing one or the other, it won't show up properly when you load the save the next time.

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So im looking at the persistance file and see the hall of fame entries.



time = 173625.143666307

name = Kasper Kerman

code = L+

data =


But where are the awarded ribbons actually kept track of? Ive had one game loose all of its ribbons and it really killed the mood. I figured I would just keep a backup somewhere but I'm not sure what I should copy over

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So im looking at the persistance file and see the hall of fame entries.



time = 173625.143666307

name = Kasper Kerman

code = L+

data =


But where are the awarded ribbons actually kept track of? Ive had one game loose all of its ribbons and it really killed the mood. I figured I would just keep a backup somewhere but I'm not sure what I should copy over

The entry you are looking at IS an awarded ribbon record. If you have a backup that you are coping in, replace all FinalFrontierHallOfFameEntry records older than your backup with the records from your backup.

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RE: Ribbons disappearing.

It seems every time the game crashes all ribbons are gone. But timely manual quicksaves (Alt F5) had prevented me from losing the ribbons so far.

I wonder why this happens? Normal autosave on quitting the game appears to store the ribbons, but post crash recovery, no ribbons.

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part of the problem may be that nereid for some reason is using his own custom SFS node rather than a SCENARIO node to store his data. I've noticed that if I load an SFS file containing a SCENARIO the game can't find a use for (mod no longer installed), the log says it is ignored and the node is not removed or otherwise edited. If I load an SFS file containing FF entries and FF isn't installed, the entries are deleted.

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S+ is the tracking data for Science Recovered, so if you limit it to one per Kerbal, they're never going to get the culmative science ribbons. I'm fairly sure you shouldn't delete anything since FF seems to work as intended in these regards, multiple of the same code but with different times are used to track things that require more than one event... (culmative missions, contracts, science, etc.)

An obvious issue there is "first kerbal to do XYZ". If the timestamps are identical, all the entries should be preserved; but if not the earliest entries should trump the others - we introduced more "first kerbal to do XYZ" in a fork of history, or because we did things before noticing the ribbons got eaten.

L+ - Launch (mission start)

M+ - Mission End

Another useful facility for the script would be to fake up entries to ensure these come in pairs (except the last L+, since the kerbal may still be on the mission). If we see two L+ in a row for Urist Kerman, slip in an M+, and vice versa.

I'm kind of hoping Nereid reappears, but if not, I'll make more changes next week.

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I amended the script to dedupe X+ entries if they are entirely identical (and to make that actually work, sigh). I also wrote http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/games/missioncount which adds M+ and L+ entries to fix the case where a kerbal seems to have taken off, or landed, twice in a row.

If anyone else is trying to use these it's worth noting that if you run the script on Windows under Cygwin or similar, there are all sorts of MSDOS line ending issues, which I'm afraid are your problem.

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Your scripts seem to work nicely, after I figured out how to run them. Thanks.

For anybody else on Linux who'd like to try them but doesn't know how: save the scripts with the extension .pl and put them in your saves directory. Open a terminal in that folder, and run this command, substituting your own save file names in the relevant place.

perl savemangler.pl File1.sfs File2.sfs File3.sfs > mergedfile

You can then copy/paste the output from mergedfile into the right place in persistent.sfs (or whatever save file you're using).

Then run

perl missioncount.pl persistent.sfs



Actually, I just noticed that Jeb's accumulated EVA time is more than 10 times his accumulated mission time. Ribbon kraken wormhole timewarp? :confused:

Some of the EX+ entries appear to be missing their B+ counterparts. Easy to fix.


Actually, restoring those "missing" entries didn't change anything, and I'm not even sure they're the cause of this anyway. I realised they came from when I recovered Jeb while he was on EVA.

Edited by UnanimousCoward
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Just discovered this mod : LOVE IT !

Are there any plans to allow for config-file based renaming/etc of the "custom" ribbons that can be awarded manually?

(Just cosmetic labels/descriptors)

Edited by tjsnh
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  • 3 weeks later...

Very disappointing.

Started a new game that included FF. Did many missions, clocked 80 in game kerbal days. over 2 - 3 weeks of real game time. Never had the game crash.

Today I start up and do my usual checks which includes the FF roster and to my dismay.. it's all gone.. no mission time logged for any kerbals, no ribbons, nothing. it is as though it was all reset somehow.

Such a shame.. I got this mod for the very reason it advertises.

Sometimes it's hard to choose a kerbal for a mission because they are all the same... well, they differ in courage and stupidity but they have no history, no personal merits they have achieved. Do you remember who was the first kerbal in space? No? Ok, who was the first kerbal on Mun? Still no idea?

The Final Frontier plugin will handle this for you. Each kerbal will get ribbons for extraordinary merits. And the number of missions flown (i.e. vessel recovered), total mission time and total EVA time is recorded, too.

And in the end, it was all for nothing, as I am back to square one.

Aside from the name and vanilla game skill sets. The kerbals have reverted back to being undecorated clones..

I truly hope this gets worked out for 1.0 release.. until then, I have no choice but to remove the mod indefinitely as I am disheartened by this failure.

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I used to consider this mod essential to any of my KSP installs, but I have gone a while without using it myself since the issues of all FF progress being lost started (it has happened to me a couple of times before I quit using it). Unfortunately Nereid hasn't communicated anything to us recently (unless I missed something), so the mod's future seems to be up in the air. It looks like FF could benefit greatly from integrating Ippo's CrewFiles API (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83755) instead of using it's current persistence methods. I hope Nereid is able to continue work on the mod, or at the very least change the license to allow someone to take over. Outside of my web development career, I do have a fair bit of Python and Java programming experience, and am looking into learning C# (trying to transition from web to software development), so I may be interested in contributing to the project in the near future (license permitting).

Edited by stevehead
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  • 3 weeks later...

One thing I find annoying is trying to read the Ribbon description tool tip text. due to its white text on top of other ribbons.

Is it possible to change the text color or better yet give it a non transparent background color?


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