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Ranting about "Kerbalnaughts" and the K syndrome.


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kI kthink kthe kreason kthat kpeople kput k kat kthe kbeginning kof kthe kword kis kthat kit kis ka ksimple kand kuick kway kto kmake ksomething "ksound" kerbal, kbut kit kisn't kvery kreative :P

Translation: I think the reason that people put k at the beginning of the word is that it is a simple and quick way to make something "sound" kerbal, but it isn't very creative :P

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Our moon is not "the Moon." "Moon" is not a proper noun; Jupiter has more than 15 of the buggers, but while they're named Io, Europa, Ganymede and so forth, they are all moons.

AFAIK in English language, our satellite is called "the Moon". In most, if not all other languages, it's just "Moon". The same goes for our central star.

Personally, I find the "the" to be unnecessary stupid appendage, but those are the "rules".

It's better to call those buggers "natural satellites" or just "satellites" and keep "Moon" for our own satellite.

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... Which would be why Squad named them "Photovoltaic Panels," and not, in fact, "Solar Panels."

Gigantor XL Solar Array

Kerbalnauts are Kerbal Astronauts.

Kerbalnaughts are when you've run out of Kerbalnauts.

Kerbal astronauts is the exact phrase used by Gene Kerman in the flight basics tutorial.

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It's so obvious to me. In ancient Kerbese, "Kerbo-" means "Universe." They call themselves Kerbals because they know their destiny is to be citizens of that Universe, which is why they developed rocket technology before the wheel. Or even the city.

So they call themselves kerbonauts for the same reason we call our astronauts astronauts.

And of course, after a long day they head to the local pub and drink Kerbodraughts.

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It's so obvious to me. In ancient Kerbese, "Kerbo-" means "Universe." They call themselves Kerbals because they know their destiny is to be citizens of that Universe, which is why they developed rocket technology before the wheel. Or even the city.

So they call themselves kerbonauts for the same reason we call our astronauts astronauts.

And of course, after a long day they head to the local pub and drink Kerbodraughts.

My Kerbals drink Kuinness

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Potassium? I'd think that about Krypton.

I Believe it would be ununoctium for the most kerbal element. Or francium, it's like potassium to the power of 77 googols, the water vapour in the air is enough for it to catch on fire.

And to the OP, I believe the K-syndrome is just a running joke in the forums now, think about it. When was the last time something beginning with 'k' was added? I believe it to be 0.7.1, the first version, unless you count 'the sun' as being 'kerbol' and a hit box making it a actual thing, but then it would still be as early as 0.14, about 2 years ago (when I brought the game BTW) so I don't believe it is over used.

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I just find it slightly amusing. I know it's not particularly clever, but I like it. Besides, it's easier to laugh about the tragic rapid midair disassembly of the Kerpollo 2 and the loss of its brave Kerbalnauts than it is to laugh about something more seriously named.

If I was running a 'real' space program, then I'd be more careful about my naming conventions and make sure things actually make sense. But right now? I'm working on a 100-ton mobile Mun base that I've dubbed the Munsanity. Seriousness doesn't really apply.

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I've quickly had a look of this thread, and it seems that many peoplo don't like the name Kerbonauts, because of the "K" and many other reasons.

It's ok if we start call them Kosmonauts?

In an attempt to draw parallel from real world to the Kerbal universe I think the best name would be SOInauts.

So if they find a mineral that makes the Kerbal astronauts weak will we have to call it Hryptonite?


Edited by Kasuha
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