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[1.1.x] CoolRockets! Cryo and Launch Particle FX


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    • No. It slows down my machine at launch. I need my CPU cycles elsewhere.
    • No. I don't like the engine effects.
    • No. I don't like the tank effects.
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    • Yes. I especially like the tank effects.
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Dtobi let me take over CoolRockets when he left. So here it is :)

This is an early release of a visual enhancements for stock engines and stock tanks. I am doing this early release because I would like to have some feedback on this mod.

There are two kinds of effects: a) cryogenic engine boiloff and &) ice falling off the tanks.

The mod consists of a module manager config and 2 models for the particle effects. The mod allows to try out the particle effects and effects parameters in the vab in order to do so, you have to set the debug flag in the config. Here is a short description of the effects in case you want to change these or add tehm to other mods (be aware that this is an early release. The syntach and meaning of the parameters might change at some point).

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Module Configuration (the module are actually in SmokeScreen now

Pre-Launch-Effect (starts before launch)

		name = KM_PreLaunchEffect_SmkS // the name of the plugin. Don't change!
		effectName = PreLaunchEffectEngine1 // the name of the particle system in the .mu. You can have several systems with same or different names.
		checkBottomNode = true // deactivate if something is attached at the bottom node (for engines)
                debug = false // show or don't show the debug context menu in the VAB tweakables.
		width = 0.1 // width of the particle system
		height = 6 // height or lifetime of the particles
		xOffset = 0 // move the whole thing on the xyz achsis
		yOffset = 0
 		zOffset = 0
		numP = 20 // number of active particles in the system	
		speedX = 0 // direction of the particles
		speedY = -0.2
		speedZ = 0
		size = 1.5 // sizeof the particles. It ranges from x/2 to x
                rndVelocity = 0.1 // random movement in all directions
                runningTime = 0.5 // stop x seconds after launch



		name = KM_PostLaunchEffect_SmkS // the name of the plugin. Don't change!
		effectName = PreLaunchEffectIce1 // the name of the particle system in the .mu. You can have several systems with same or different names.
		checkBottomNode = true // deactivate if something is attached at the bottom node (for engines)
                debug = false // show or don't show the debug context menu in the VAB tweakables.
		width = 0.1 // width of the particle system
		height = 6 // height or lifetime of the particles
		xOffset = 0 // move the whole thing on the xyz achsis
		yOffset = 0
		zOffset = 0
		numP = 20 // number of active particles in the system
                softDecrease = true	// reduce the number of particles over the lifetime of runningTime
		speedX = 0 // direction of the particles
		speedY = -0.2
		speedZ = 0
		size = 1.5 // sizeof the particles. It ranges from x/2 to x
                rndVelocity = 0.1 // random movement in all directions
                runningTime = 0.5 // stop x seconds after launch




Important! Please follow the steps EVERY TIME you update a Klockheed Martian Mod! All public releases are located here:


a) Download the last ColdRockets version and unzip it in GameData : ColdRockets.zip

&) Download and install SmokeScreen release (2.5.2 and later needed)

c) Download and install ModuleManager

Get KW Rocketry configs for RSS here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68196-CoolRockets%21-Cryo-and-Launch-Particle-FX?p=1089185&viewfull=1#post1089185


V.02 Added Scripto23's Laztec config (thanks for sharing it)

V.03 Added four particle systems to engine effects (numbered 1 to 4) and updated KM_Lib

V.04 Fixed four nozzle bug. Now engines with up to four fx should work.

V.05 Toggle button now vanishes from context menu after launch. Launch smoke does not follow rocket any more.

V.06 Mod take over by Sarbian. Merged the module with SmokeScreen. Some config change to make config easier. Old configs are still compatible.

V.07 Renamed modules in SmokeScreen to avoid conflict with km_lib. I added "_SmkS" at the end. Included KWRocketry config by ObsessedWithKSP & Dodecadevin

V.08 Update for 1.0. Config for LV-1R and MK-55. Deactivated on the LV-N


This mod uses and distributes module manager in an unchanged form. Credits go to sarbian and ialdabaoth .

This mod was created by dtobi. Most of the credits goes to him.


After one year of developing and maintaining mods for KSP, it is time to move on for me.

I will release the code and models into the public domain if anyone is interested. Please just drop me a message if you are interested in taking over the development and maintenance for this mod or if you would like to use its code or models in other mods.

It was a pleasure to work with you guys!



If you have a favorite mod with engines or tanks, consider making the launch effects and upload these. I'll gladly include any third party configs.

Edited by sarbian
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  • 9 months later...
Niiiiice. Looking into it now


Okay, so I downloaded it and put it in GameData. I didn't see anything?

Am I dumb or am I dumb? XD

I am the one being dumb. I forgot to include module manager. It's coming.

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I copied my modulemanager before the fix was uploaded. It worked.

It looks pretty cool and it's compatible with hot rockets.

Cool = Cryo and derived from HotRockets. Damn you're a genius.

The Tank effects could use some more work though

Edit: Runtime of Postlaunch ice seems fast to me. I observed launches and it looks like it lasts for a couple of seconds. (I know I can edit it but just sayin)

Edited by blackheart612
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Would that be possible to have it check with RealFuels? Just think of how awesome it'd be to have the effects automatically applied to cryogenic fuel tanks and appropriate engines... :)

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dtobi, this looks really great!

Dragon01, it looks like it just uses module manager to patch in the necessery fx to specific engines. After work today I'm going to see if I can whip up a cfg that applies it to the appropriate engines in the RealEngines.cfg of RO

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Except it doesn't work like that. RO has customizable fuels for many engines, meaning you can have a keroLOX engine which should display cryo effects, but can also be reconfigured to hypergolics, which shouldn't have them. Also, ice doesn't appear on tanks that don't have cryogenic fuels, meaning the "ice falloff" should be restricted to tanks that have a substantial amount of cryogenic fuels.

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I think it looks quite weird to have the cryo effects come out of the main nozzles. It might be how it works IRL, but I think it looks weird. Is there a way to make it emit through the "side nozzles" (the small things on the lv-t engines) only?

EDIT: Or maybe it's just because there's a LOT of it coming out of the LV-T engines, almost the same amount as from the Mainsail. Maybe it should be reduced a bit?

Edited by wasmic
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I copied my modulemanager before the fix was uploaded. It worked.

It looks pretty cool and it's compatible with hot rockets.

Cool = Cryo and derived from HotRockets. Damn you're a genius.

The Tank effects could use some more work though

Edit: Runtime of Postlaunch ice seems fast to me. I observed launches and it looks like it lasts for a couple of seconds. (I know I can edit it but just sayin)

I agree, that the tank effects are not perfect. I included a pretty extensive debug mode and support for other particle effects to allow others to contribute. If someone wants to give the effects a shoot, I am willing to help and provide the necessary guidance.

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Would that be possible to have it check with RealFuels? Just think of how awesome it'd be to have the effects automatically applied to cryogenic fuel tanks and appropriate engines... :)

Hmmm. I'll keep that in mind. If realtor's would include a public function checkCryo() I could query that and react on it.

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I think it looks quite weird to have the cryo effects come out of the main nozzles. It might be how it works IRL, but I think it looks weird. Is there a way to make it emit through the "side nozzles" (the small things on the lv-t engines) only?

EDIT: Or maybe it's just because there's a LOT of it coming out of the LV-T engines, almost the same amount as from the Mainsail. Maybe it should be reduced a bit?

Give it as shot! Patches for the conduit are very welcome.

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Except it doesn't work like that. RO has customizable fuels for many engines, meaning you can have a keroLOX engine which should display cryo effects, but can also be reconfigured to hypergolics, which shouldn't have them. Also, ice doesn't appear on tanks that don't have cryogenic fuels, meaning the "ice falloff" should be restricted to tanks that have a substantial amount of cryogenic fuels.

Yes, this is why I mentioned using it for the RealEngines config which only has one fuel option per engine. As for the the cryo tanks, I'm not sure how to go about doing that since the tanks can be any size so the particle effects could end up either inside the tank or super far away.

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That's why I'm asking for the plugin to support that. I think it could be done, especially if Dtobi worked with NathanKell on supporting both Stretchy Tanks and modular engines.

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+1 for Stretchy tanks

btw, ice effects fall off, cool smoke comes out. It seems to me like only ice is falling off in this effect. Hold on a sec, I'll try drawing a suggestion on how it can look like

Edit: Something like this at post launch maybe?


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