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Survive That Attack!


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Time shows down for you because you are. going FTL. So for me, you are moving very slowly and I can just step out of the way. (Seriously, it's basic relativity.)

I force the next poster to attend a lecture on string theory and general relativity.

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I deflect your kicks and uppercut you. (Mikeman's KO'ed.)

I uppercut the next person.

Uppercut a second time? Ouch...

I throw a banana cream pie at the next poster.

LOL, didn't meant to uppercut you... I was upper-cutting random person...

Time shows down for you because you are. going FTL. So for me, you are moving very slowly and I can just step out of the way. (Seriously, it's basic relativity.)

I force the next poster to attend a lecture on string theory and general relativity.

I wore earmuffs and did my own business throughout the lecture.

I force the next poster to sit for 1000 years.

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Oh wait, I'm in MOPP-4 protective posture! My trusty rubberized canvas gas mask saves the day!

And of course, I was in a full body NBC suit strolling around the deck of the USS Missouri because we were about to launch not one, not two, but a full broadside salvo of NINE W23 nuclear artillery shells to engulf the next user in the white-hot light of freedom.

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Hmm. bullet-proofed and bomb-proofed body armour and gas mask anyone?

I use Thrird's "Murder Diary" to tell me the location of the next vict- I mean poster- in the future, allowing me to hunt them down with Third's machete, and body armour.



Yup. Machete wielding serial killer right there, with a phone that tells him where his victims will be when he kills them.

EDIT: Crap, ninja'd.

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For every action, a new alternative universe is created. In the one that you missed, I broke my bonds and threw you out a window. I then proceed to do the same to the next poster, as they were standing too close to me.

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Luckily, it was a first-floor window, and I missed all the glass shards by bouncing off Pockrtplanesairways' body.

I then Sparta-kick the next poster into the suction zone of a 737-800's CFM56 engine, while muttering "43".

Fun (if disturbing) fact: 42 people have died from being ingested by an engine on a Boeing 737. The last one was in China several years ago.

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Well, if the engine had been on it would have been better. For you. Now it's not, as I have a people-grinding engine at my disposal.

I tap the next poster on the back, putting the engine behind them, turning it on so that as they turn around, it comes online.

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