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I started using MechJeb


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Then don't use it.

Or use it to dock. It adds a whole new dimension to the game. "I only brought 2000 monoprop. Is it enough to dock?"

Unlike manual docking where after a dozen sorties I unexpectedly ran out of monoprop only to discover that I complete forgot to add monoprop tanks to my lander in the first place (and was relying purely on what was in landercan)

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  iNUKE said:
And all of a sudden lost interest in teh game :(

What is there to do that isnt automatic?

-.- This mod kills it

You could uninstall it. One can argue that KAS kills docking, but it all boils down to how you choose to use the mods and how you make your own fun.

I have MechJeb installed in my game, but I use it to take over tasks which I already find time consuming and boring to do manually without it. It's a great learning tool on how to perform launches and gravity turns though.

My launch profile is pretty much standard and reliable when I do them manually, plus slow interplanetary burns sometimes take half an hour to perform, so I relegate these mundane tasks to Mechjeb while I go off to make a coffee or something. Rendezvous? I can perform that to 0.01m of my station when I do it manually. I've accidentally smashed ships into space stations because of that sort of precision. So I sometimes use mechJeb on these mundane tasks too. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I give MechJeb tasks that I've already mastered and have no interest in repeating over and over again ad nauseum.

One thing MechJeb can't do though, is fly VTOL SSTO planes, which is what I spend most of my time doing. MechJeb also can't handle horizontally oriented landings, and it can't auto drive rovers along a set route (it only has auto throttle and heading control).

The thing is, while most things in real life are automated like satellites and robotic rovers, it depends on how interested you are in roleplaying. Sometimes I download a new IVA cockpit which looks pretty damn neat, and I'll fly it manually for some immersion and general fun.

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I completely agree with you iNUKE. Ever since I installed MechJeb I lost complete interest in the game. It's like it took over my computer even, you can't uninstall it; it just keeps playing KSP on automatic like some terrible, soul-sucking piece of malware. I finally tried formatted my computer to get rid of it but once I installed a fresh copy of KSP it came back! Don't ever install MechJeb, it will ruin your computer!

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I personally do not use MechJeb, as I prefer to be the pilot. For me, the piloting is part of the game; there's a since of achievement when you've assembled that space station without the aid of MechJeb. Even then, MechJeb has a tendency to do poorly with craft that operate outside the bounds of the normal game, for example, helicopter, boats, etc, all of which I use heavily in my very heavily modded game.

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  parameciumkid said:
2000 Monopropellant? What in tarnation are you docking? I rarely need more than 100!

Depends not just on the size, but also if whatever you're putting up in orbit is balanced in regards to the RCS ports.

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Mechjeb is an extremely versatile toolbox. It is up to you to decide which tools to use and which to leave in the box in order to get the best game experience out of it for YOU.

I for one only use it for the info panes (target info, orbit info and surface info). I especially find orbit info to be a fun enhancer, as it allows you to actually make orbital manoeuvers without having to go to the map mode every 2 seconds...

Sometimes I will use the node planning tool but only under certain circumstances...

I, however, never use the auto pilot and auto manoeuvers/warp functions or anything like that because it would ruin the fun for me.

It is up to you to only use the parts of mechjeb that don't ruin the fun as you see it.

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Mechjeb stopped me from giving up on KSP... I'm hopeless at docking, despite hundreds of attempts I can't get it to work.

And I don't have the patience to do all the elaborate calculations for plane changes and interplanetary trajectories.

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I only use MJ for the dV calculator, the orbital info, and for long tedious burns while I watch TV. It also makes a handy radial probe core for deorbiting upper stages. Used responsibly MJ makes the game more fun. Sounds like you should uninstall it for now, but give it a try again in the future.

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  parameciumkid said:
2000 Monopropellant? What in tarnation are you docking? I rarely need more than 100!

You or Mechjeb? I nowaday put two Stratus-V tanks on my moon landers and don't even bother refilling them in between sorties as the whole docking sequence takes less than 5 units.

Mechjeb, on the other hand, has routinely emptied an FL-R1 (the biggest RCS tank) on an "apollo style" craft (MK2, FL-R1, X200-16, Poodle) when trying to dockâ€â€and failing by running out of monopropâ€â€which is where I'm projecting the 2000 from. If you like living on the edge in KSP, relegating docking to MJ is surely a good way to go.

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  jwenting said:
Mechjeb stopped me from giving up on KSP... I'm hopeless at docking, despite hundreds of attempts I can't get it to work.

And I don't have the patience to do all the elaborate calculations for plane changes and interplanetary trajectories.

Get NavyFish' docking alignment tool. It gives you all the information you need to make manual docking easy, fast and efficient.

I don't regard it "cheating" (is there such a thing?)â€â€it doesn't do the work for you, it merely gives you a docking intstrument that should have been included with KSP in the first place.

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Oh no, another "MechJeb is the public enemy of gaming" again. Use it, or don't. But stop telling another people what to do.

And actually, if you ship uses >2.000 monopropellant units being docked by MechJeb... your ship probably need a RCS reorganization, my ships rarely use more than 40 or 50 units when I let it autodock, less than what I use (I can do all the manuevers, but I'm extremely fuel unefficient xD).

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  Kerbart said:
Get NavyFish' docking alignment tool. It gives you all the information you need to make manual docking easy, fast and efficient.

I don't regard it "cheating" (is there such a thing?)â€â€it doesn't do the work for you, it merely gives you a docking intstrument that should have been included with KSP in the first place.

I tried several such, but I lack the fine motor control. So you're another one of the "if you need MJ to do something you shouldn't be playing KSP"?

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  regex said:
I completely agree with you iNUKE. Ever since I installed MechJeb I lost complete interest in the game. It's like it took over my computer even, you can't uninstall it; it just keeps playing KSP on automatic like some terrible, soul-sucking piece of malware. I finally tried formatted my computer to get rid of it but once I installed a fresh copy of KSP it came back! Don't ever install MechJeb, it will ruin your computer!

Yeah, I think it would ruin your soul more.

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  Tery215 said:
Yeah, I think it would ruin your soul more.

You are absolutely correct. It should be crystal clear to any sane person that installing MechJeb will make you lose all interest in the game and send you to the Christian Hell in the process.

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