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Want to know what we need? Runways. It's pretty sad, there are 3 runways. 1, the KSP Center (duh), 2, the Island runway, and 3, the City Mod Runway.

I really want MOAR runways/airports. I want one in the mountains. I want one in the desert. I want lots of scattered airfields and strips out in the vastness of Kerbin.


Anything in RED is a possible Medium sized runway (maybe with a hangar and a tower)

Anything in CYAN/LIGHT BLUE is a possible Small runway (maybe a small airfield)

Anything in MAGENTA is a full-fledged airport, with concrete runways and large terminals/buildings.

Anything in NAVY BLUE is a pre-existing runway/space center.

The City Runway in the Kerbal City mod is great, but I feel that it's the only runway, and it's pretty close to KSC compared to KSC-2. The Island Runway is WAY to close and easy to fly to, and it's stale when you actually touch down. Segway-ing into a Career idea: Build a spaceplane and travel from Runway X to Runway Y in Z amount of time. :sticktongue:

TL;DR, KSP is lacking worthwhile places to travel too on Kerbin.

If anyone knows good mods that add runways (that come built-in, not placed with KerbTown), please link me to them down below.

Too Squad: ADD MORE RUNWAYS! *flings chair*

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Your map looks outdated. The strip of land east of KSC is no longer an isthmus and is now a peninsula, and a significant equatorial crater is missing.

Build a spaceplane and travel from Runway X to Runway Y in Z amount of time

I believe these "ferry" missions were confirmed not to ever be implemented in the stock game.

These things said, more runways would be nice.

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i kinda want this but i dont just want places to land, i want to be able to start missions there too, store aircraft, and refuel. they should be intractable, but obviously not with the full facilities of the space center.

and make it moddable.

Edited by Nuke
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i kinda want this but i dont just want places to land, i want to be able to start missions there too, store aircraft, and refuel. they should be intractable, but obviously not with the full facilities of the space center.

Maybe not BUILT the plane there, but store and refuel it. Then You could start a contract from there.

Anyway - great idea OP.


Am I crazy or is KSC-1 marked way to far north on that map?

Edited by Serratus
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im thinking something where you park the plane in the hanger. you can then store the plane (its taken out of play) there until you want to use it again, then you can select it from a list of stored aircraft. when you do its refueled and ready to fly.

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Runways would indeed by nice to have, though some indication as to their location in the map view might also be helpful for those of us to directly locate where they are.

Some of these sites could potentially be developed into alternative launch sites to KSC (eg a Polar station) where one could try their hand at non-equatorial operations from launch.

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Runways would indeed by nice to have, though some indication as to their location in the map view might also be helpful for those of us to directly locate where they are.

Some of these sites could potentially be developed into alternative launch sites to KSC (eg a Polar station) where one could try their hand at non-equatorial operations from launch.

I kind of like that they are not on the map. I use flags as beacons to mark airfields in my game. works great and your can name them what ever you want.

means you need to go out, find and "tag" the airfield first.

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Ideas that would work well with this:

- Kerbal housing - houses near the airports could serve as passengers / crew.

- Selectable launch sites - for those of us who like planes more than space. Also maybe the possibility of spending in-game currency to build a VAB, SPH and Launch Pad to be able to buld from there as well.

- Refuel and repair - has been mentioned.

My two cents.

TL;DR: KSC's scenery gets boring, let's move house.

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