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The Fan Works Challenge: Australia


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  Xacktar said:
-video snip-

So... Ogden 'Oggy' Kerman broke into the studio while everyone was asleep... and recorded this Valentine to Jeb's Girlfriend... Yeah..

Yours better get selected, it was friggin' hilarious.

Edit: Oh, just found it on Twitter. Congrats! :D

Edited by DannySwish
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This is the fastest narrated video I've ever done, way back in 0.21, which shows the smallest and 'shortest' reliable manned craft that I have ever created. (Note: This was made before I had screen recording software. Sorry for the poor quality.)

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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Things that are short: a selection of KSP haikus:

Fireworks again,

Above the KSC bay

Oh Jebediah!

To the moon they flew

Fated to return early

The hatch obstructed

Starting re-entry

Bob, deploy the parachutes

Jeb, we forgot them

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  Wooks said:
Is this thing still on? I have something that could be of interest.

Yeah, I think it's a permanent challenge that changes from time to time. I'd join, but I haven't played KSP for about a week, because I got hooked into blender and (my very first steps of) pixel art. :)

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How about a short story.


Every inspiration comes from somewhere…

The canteen doors swung shut leaving Jebediah Kerman alone with his thoughts and the rapidly congealing remains of his lunch. He prodded the unappetising mush of tubers, beans and greens around his plate and sighed. Scooping up another spoonful of stew, he paused at the sudden clatter of footsteps from outside. The doors flew open again and Wernher Kerman burst into the room, glasses askew and hair flopping over his forehead.

“Hi Jeb!â€Â

“Hey Wernher.â€Â

“Mind if I join you?â€Â

Jeb laughed hollowly, “Sure. There might even be some stew left if you’re real unlucky.â€Â

Wernher’s face fell as he took in the empty canteen. “Oh well, “ he said, “Looks like sandwiches again. Anyhow – what’s eating you Jeb? Not like you to be sitting here on your own.â€Â

Jeb looked moodily at his friend. “Final term project.†he said briefly, “Still can’t think of anything to do.â€Â

“I thought you were going in with Bill on his stability augmentation system?†said Wernher.

“Yeah, I thought about that,†said Jeb, “but I want to build something Wernher. Not a mockup for a wind tunnel, not a chunk of circuitry to plug into a test sim – I want to take something outside and see it fly.

“Ahh,†said Wernher carefully, “I think I see the problem.â€Â

Jeb pushed his plate away. “Yeah. I don’t think a hobby shop plane is really going to cut it. What about you Wernher? You were doing jet intakes weren’t you?â€Â

Wernher glanced around surreptitiously. “Variable geometry intakes,†he said absently, “but I’ve been working on something else on the side.†He got to his feet, “C’mon Jeb. I think you need to see this.â€Â


The two kerbals crossed the main quadrangle of the Kerbin Aeronautical Research Institute and headed for the large blocky building of the Jet Propulsion Department. Jeb was trying to keep up with Wernher’s muttered monologue.

“So anyway, I figured that if you can’t get enough air through the intake at that altitude, then why not store it onboard. Or if not air, then something that would do the same job. Thennnn I realised that you could power the whole aircraft like that – and with a much simpler engine. Just a pair of turbopumps, a combustion chamber and a nozzle really, although getting the details right was tricky. I thought about solids for a bit but they’re not very controllable.â€Â

Jeb blinked. “You seriously thought about propelling an aircraft with fireworks?†he said.

Wernher looked around frantically. “Shhhhh,†he whispered, “Yes, fireworks basically, but a bit more refined.†He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the side door to the JPD. They hurried down the corridor to Wernher’s workshop.

“What’s all this whispering and secrecy for?†asked Jeb.

Wernher gave him a sidelong look. “Well partly it’s because I’m not really ready to show this to anyone yet,†he said, “but also, I’ve ummm borrowed one or two things from the lab to build the D1.â€Â

“D1?†said Jeb.

“Demo 1†said Wernher, stuffing equipment into two large bags. Jeb spotted a pair of gas cylinders and what looked like a tripod stand. “Not a very original name I admit but nice and anonymous. OK, that’s everything – let’s go!â€Â


“Wernher – what on Kerbin is wrong with the Institute test range?â€Â

“I told you Jeb – I’m not ready to show this to anyone yet. You’re only getting a sneak peek because you were looking so damn miserable in the canteen. Right – here we are.â€Â

Jeb wiped the sweat from his forehead. The Institute buildings were safely out of sight, hidden by the hillside and a small copse of trees. The ground underfoot was hard packed and rocky and Wernher was having trouble setting up his tripod.

“Ooof, OK that’s far enough. Test rig next.â€Â

Jeb looked at the spindly contraption. “Hold on.†he said slowly. “Isn’t that…â€Â

“Borrowed!†said Wernher, “and I havn’t done anything to it. Well, nothing that I can’t undo anyway. Right – propellant tanks next.†He hung the gas cylinders on the makeshift test stand. Jeb raised his eyebrows as he recognised the name of a well known brand of camping gas stencilled on the side of one of them.

“Stove gas Wernher?â€Â

“Yes, yes, stove gas and nitrous oxide. OK, propellant lines are secure, just need to plug in the control box…â€Â

Jeb eyed the finished test stand skeptically. The D1 seemed to consist of an oddly shaped nozzle attached to a metal ball studded with bits and pieces of equipment. Two ribbed hoses connected the ball to the gas cylinders via a pair of what he assumed were valves. The whole unlikely contrivance hung from the tripod on what Jeb knew full well was a rather expensive set of strain gauges. Cables trailed from various points into the control box in Wernher’s hands.

“Are you sure about this Wernher?â€Â

“Perfectly sure. Here we go.â€Â

Jeb glanced around for the nearest rock to hide behind as Wernher started mumbling to himself.

“Valves open….gas generator on…â€Â

A small flame appeared at the tip of a tube.

“Pumps spinning up… and ignition!â€Â

Jeb heard a sharp metallic clicking from the depths of Wernher’s contraption and then jumped backwards as a gust of flame shot out of the nozzle with a whump of exploding gas. With a steadily building roar, the gust quickly focused into a bright blue flame. Jeb laughed.

“It even sounds like a camping stove Wernher.â€Â

Wernher’s only response was to point at the dial mounted on the side of the strain gauge assembly. Jeb leaned gingerly forward.

“Hey… this thing is putting out some serious thrust.†Then he stood bolt upright as a thought struck him.

“Wernher – you designed this for high altitude flight right? How high is high exactly?â€Â

Wernher shrugged. “Whatever you like, provided there’s still enough air for flight.â€Â

“What about a vacuum?†Jeb raised his hand. “Yeah, yeah, can’t fly in a vacuum I know – but the engine should still work right?â€Â

“It should work better in a vacuum,†said Wernher slowly. “but why a… oh you can’t be serious Jeb?â€Â

Jeb’s eyes gleamed. “Oh yes I can Wernher. I think we need to give this baby a new name and I’m thinking that LV-1 has a nice sound to it.â€Â


“Launch Vehicle One Wernher. Launch. Vehicle. One!â€Â

Edited by KSK
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