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Making high contrast nav ball!


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Agreed, this is certainly worthy of its own add-on thread. I'm a little surprised replacing the navball graphic wasn't included in EnhancedNavBall.

In an effort to make my first forum post as much of a contribution as a week-old newbie can, I present my custom navball designed for _low_ contrast, relieving the higher priority navigation markers. It is heavily influenced by 5thHorseman's minimalist navball design:


A second iteration is in the works replacing the cardinal direction letters' typeface for a clearer distinction between E & W.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
XedMada, that's a fine texture but aren't the pitch numbers in the wrong order in the bottom half?

Oh and welcome to the forums! :)

HAH! You are correct, sir!

I'm going to claim thats why it took me four hours to dock my space port together... makes perfect sense. Broken equipment. Yep.

Wonder how long it would have taken me to notice that. Obviously longer than 24 hours.

Correction replaced with slightly better and worse cardinal direction letters.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  flashcactus said:
Hrm, So I've installed this plugin, fired up KSP & replaced the navball.png with 5thHorseman's 8-column black top/green bottom texture. But instead of it I'm getting this:


What did I (or xEvilReeperx) do wrong?

Did you exit KSP and restart?

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I did, and it works now. It's a bit odd that the plugin doesn't reload the texture while KSP is running, though.

To xEvilReeperx: Consider this a feature request :>

Also: I've fixed the bottom 15's on 5thHorseman's remake of regex's remake of 5thHorseman's awesome texture, thus adding another meta level. Enjoy :P

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  xEvilReeperx said:
You should be able to reload the game's textures in the debug menu (in the space center). This mod was originally just a proof of concept to see if it could be done so it lacks some polish :)

Ah, thanks for the tip, restarting the game takes ages :huh:.

Aaaand I've forgot to attach the actual texture.


And another one with the 60's squashed vertically and widened a bit to make them more readable:


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  • 1 month later...
  rynak said:
I liked something from all the versions posted here, and disliked other things, so i ended up making my own frankenstein navball, taking ideas from all those posted already, and adding some own.

My navball is functionally divided into three zones: horizon, climb/descend area, polar area. Each of them is designed differently, because at least i tend to use those zones differently:


Horizon area: Free of any clutter. There aren't even pitch markers, because quite frankly, so close to the horizon, you functionally don't need them. Directions are readily available above and below, but the area where you're usually headed during level flight, is kept free, so that you can horizontally navigate without obscuring info.


Climb/descend area. Pitch markers from 30 to 60 degrees. Just three markers in 15 degree steps (30, 45, 60) - more precision would just look fancy, but functionally add useless clutter. Again, above and below, sky directions remain in sight.


Polar region: No one needs any precision at this angle, because: 1. There's no space. 2. There's no space. 3. You can't control very precisely at this angle anyways. Rather, all you care about is sky directions. What was east again? 90? 270? I need to know fastish! Nevermind that - just use big letters instead. The polar region thus is nothing more than 4 big letters, and a crosshair. One curiousity you can notice in the above pic though, is that not only is the north colored (red), but south as well (blue).

Pic for ingame usage:


Ultra Hi-Res source pic without antialiasing and smoothing - for editing only:


The whole thing was created in an exotic freeware app called "diagram designer" by meesoft. Probably no one knows or uses it, but in case anyone wants to edit it in diagram designer, instead of an image editor, drop me a line and i'll post the file.

EDIT: Reuploaded pics to 2img, because bayimg sucks.

EDIT2: Reuploaded pics to tinypic and min.us, because 2img sucks too.

I like this one a lot, has functionality from multiple ones and put together in one. It would be cool if you could do a couple color variants for the bottom half, like have a blue one and a white one. Not the KSP stock blue shade, something more solid blue or a bluegreen.

Edit: I just realized he or she posted a HiRes version to be edited, I will run it threw MS Paint.

Edited by therealcrow999
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That was the plan, yeah. I keep meaning to ask kitoban if I can add it myself but I've been short of time the whole past month with work and other projects. The source is public domain so if anybody would care to do that or wants to build a more polished version you're of course free to do so :) Otherwise I'll try really hard to fit it in this weekend

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Is it possible to create a proper forum for this with the latest version in the first post. Searching through 116 posts to be sure I have the most recent version kind of blows. I am running 0.90 I do not see a 0.90 version in any of the posts. I did see something in the source repo but it says something about crosshair and has no texture in it. Just the dll.

I have a bit of a color blindness issue and I would really like to be able to change the colors on the navball. What I would really like to change is the damn magenta target markers. They are practically invisible to me and what everyone sees as green the prograde and retrograde markers are yellow to my eyes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can we get a version of this for ksp 1.0 and cn this mod please get added to it's own mod thread and put on kerbalstuff? PLEASE. I am red/green color blind and without this mod and enhancednavball I can barely play the game because I can't see the damn navball or the markers.

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  xEvilReeperx said:
Hi, RE: the lack of updates: TextureReplacer has this functionality so I let NavBallTextureExport die when the thread wasn't seeing any new updates and missed all the new posts.

If TextureReplacer isn't good enough on its own, let me know and I'll come up with a more specialized solution

Those of us on low end or older PCs appreciated the standalone functionality, although I suppose it really should be rolled into Enhanced NavBall which I like to think of as Myopic Friend NavBall.

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  lincourtl said:
Those of us on low end or older PCs appreciated the standalone functionality, although I suppose it really should be rolled into Enhanced NavBall which I like to think of as Myopic Friend NavBall.

^^ THIS...I wholeheartedly agree, as someone who has a mid-end laptop...I dont bother with mods that aesthetically enhance the environment of the game...HOWEVER, those small plugins that may enhance the aesthetics of the GUI, are quite another thing... ;)

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  lincourtl said:
Those of us on low end or older PCs appreciated the standalone functionality, although I suppose it really should be rolled into Enhanced NavBall which I like to think of as Myopic Friend NavBall.

I'd just like to throw my support behind this.

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