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Who's going to be playing Banished tomorrow?


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Looks cool, but I likely can't get it.

I only have $1.42 on my steam account, and there'd be no way for me to get this besides someone being really kind...(hint, hint).

I feel you. My parents hate credit cards and buying stuff on the internet without one is almost impossibru! Buying KSP was an odyssey, and I don't want to repeat it, so FTP games it is for now. :(

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Yeah nice to see this also on the KSP forums!

I'm soo going to play this. It's less than 8 hours from now going to be released. :D

Since I discovered KSP this will be one of the greatest games I've played (I've watched so many let's play vids on Youtube).

Btw I love the Banished vids from GamersDissent. http://www.youtube.com/user/GamersDissent/videos?tag_id=UCdtxiC-z9Y2hyqESvcfA7Cg.3.banished&shelf_id=12&view=46&sort=dd

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When I first saw it I was into it right away, because I just left Sim City 4 behind and in general love building games. (I could waste eternity in a C&C level just building my base and keeping the AI subdued in a corner. :P )

When I watched quill18 on youtube playing it I began thinking if it is already balanced enough? The availability of food resources without the need to start building crops any time soon in the game seemed a bit off to me, but maybe it wasnt explained in all detail?

Will get it though, but might be waiting a few weeks for some patches and maybe a steam sale at easter.

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To do: order buildings to be built, mark resources to be gathered, distribute workforce on jobs/buildings to be worked - close to settlers without the road building disaster but with aging/dying/propagating population and need for food, clothing, housing and firewood during the cold seasons.

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Just bought it. I waited for the steam release so I could get it on there. HOWEVER I don't like how steam charges 18,99 EUR as if that's a fair counterpart to 19,99USD. So I got it direct from the developer (which also includes a steam key, go figure!) for the 19,99USD (15EUR for those interested). So if you wheel and deal in EUR, consider saving yourself half a pizza and get it direct (with steam key!)

edit: also, I didn't check out a thing about it, bought it completely based on you guys' enthusiasm. How's that for trust eh? Now it better be good!

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So far it's fun!

Game 1 - Hard: Nobody builds anything and I give up and go to sleep

Game 2 - Tutorial

Game 3 - Hard: I try to make them build a bridge to get them across the river to build where I want them to; it takes too long, winter comes, everybody dies


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Game 4 - Hard: They survived for three winters! Then I didn't have enough laborers (I think) and everybody starved to death while the fish was piled up neck high at the fisherman's hut. In the end two people survived, I made them a fisherman and a woodcutter, they lived next door but apparently hated one another because one was always hungry and the other was always cold.

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