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What should we do if an alien race needs our help?


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In this scenario, the aliens absolutely do NOT want hostilities with humanity. They'll only fight if humans strike first, and even then they'll try not to destroy the Earth. Aside from this justified product of self-preservation, they harbor no ill-will toward the humans, and will favor a result that has both species prosper.

Of course, we may not know this for certain at the beginning, and a lack of trust may factor into it. This thread is more of a look into what humanity is like (whether we favor extermination, isolation or platonic symbiosis), rather than the aliens.

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A point to think about here. Whenever they left their home planet, Humans wouldn't have existed... or a least with any technology that they could've recognized from that distance. So they would be expecting to land on an "unpopulated" planet, that is one without a sentient species.

If we were able to restrain ourselves from "OMG NUKE EM!!" right away I think the best option would be to assist them on colonizing Mars. They would've undoubtedly brought enough survival gear that they could've set up artificial living conditions. They may lack the raw resources, but that's where we could make a deal. They obviously have all the technology to transport any amounts of material/supplies they would need to set up a colony on mars. So Earth could provide them with raw materials and in exchange we'd learn many of their technological advances just through the process. And farther into the future there could be some intermingling of the races between the planets. But wouldn't be possible until we can actually come together(Or at least get close to) as a species rather than hundreds of competing countries/races. But an influx of a lot of advanced technology could help that, or it could go the way some had said and provide one country with a load of advanced technology which they could use for military reasons and keep us infighting for many more years to come.

Right now,in our current geopolitical environment , I doubt any peaceful solution could come which would allow them to live among us.

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Why not let them resupply and refuel in exchange for some of their tech, then tell them to find a different habitable planet.

Alternatively, let them land somewhere and colonize, in exchange for their ship, which we then take and use to send humans to another habitable planet so we can colonize it.

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In this scenario, the aliens absolutely do NOT want hostilities with humanity. They'll only fight if humans strike first, and even then they'll try not to destroy the Earth. Aside from this justified product of self-preservation, they harbor no ill-will toward the humans, and will favor a result that has both species prosper.

Of course, we may not know this for certain at the beginning, and a lack of trust may factor into it. This thread is more of a look into what humanity is like (whether we favor extermination, isolation or platonic symbiosis), rather than the aliens.

Having observed us for this long, it is likely that even if we attacked them, they would not fight back. A huge part of human nature is our desire to destroy an asset than have it fall into the hands of an enemy, which was demostrated in the "Scorched Earth" policy the Soviets had, along with the Germans burning bridges and destroying roads and facilities as they retreated. This also leads to the "Sampson Option" that Israel has and the "Mutual Assured Destruction" policy of the United States Government. If the armies of Earth were to be met with an disadvantage, our immediate response would likely to be pressing the launch buttons for our nukes, rather than surrendering or laying down to die. Also, let it be known that the President of the United States and other world leaders can actually "sacrafice" entire cities by nuking them, if they are invaded and said city is being overrun by enemies.

The end result would be the aliens staring at a dead planet with a third of their number killed, their colonization ship half destroyed, and half their resources gone and with the guilty consience of having been responsible for the destruction of another sentient race that was spacefaring. (In a limited sense. Humans can already build spacestations, land on our Moon, and go to space, and we've been sending probes to our neighboring planets for decades. Spacefaring means "capable of travelling in space", something that we are.). So, it would most likely end with mutual extinction.



Now, if aliens did came, I bet the great powers of the world (United States, China, Russia, England, France) would all call dibs for their resources. International tensions would spring up, mostly between different alliance systems (NATO, UN, OPEC, .etc) and I find it likely that these great powers, (especially United States and China) will scramble to find land for these visitors in exchange for advanced technology.

- What the Chinese will likely do is to depopulate one of their proviences and trigger more issues with the USA and the UN. But it'll end in heated talk, and nothing else.

- The USA, being the USA, would likely use its military and intelligence network to destabilize, take over, and depopulate a small third-world country. This has been done before, such as in Guatemala, Panama, Grenda, Iran (They bribed and convinced the Shah), and countless other countries.

The end result would be powerful nations such as the USA and China taking off on an technological revolution in science and space, leaving other, weaker nations in the dust watching as the powers of the world literally start reaching for the stars (Interstellar).

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Whoever does reach out to help them will likely cut a deal for access to their technology, and this is where the real problem starts. Remember how the back-story for Macross goes? :)

We salvage a crashed ship, then the aliens come back looking for it? hmm.... Closer to

, I think.
In 2086, two peaceful aliens journeyed to Earth, seeking our help. In return, they gave us the plans for our first hyperdrive, allowing mankind to open the doors to the stars!
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Why not let them resupply and refuel in exchange for some of their tech, then tell them to find a different habitable planet.

Alternatively, let them land somewhere and colonize, in exchange for their ship, which we then take and use to send humans to another habitable planet so we can colonize it.

Isn't that really just getting their technology any then telling them to go away, that they are unwanted in a way. Perhaps if we helped them colonize somewhere like Mars, we could live their with them too. Not that colonizing and making Mars habitable is an easy task though. Perhaps the Aliens will be more willing to share if we offer them something in return?

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we could give them data on exoplanets and resources in exchange for engine and reactor technology. obviously if they give us better launch technology it would be easier for us to support their mission and give them more ready access to earth manufacturing. but it seems it would be easier just to resupply from raw materials in the outer solar system and move along.

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I say Take em down. Propose safe haven. Learn their technologies. Then when theyre nice and docile steal their ship, go back to their world and conquer it. Then usher in a great era for humanity.

That's not very kind. You wouldn't like it if the aliens did the same to you.

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And that brings us to the present day. 250,000 aliens on a colony ship and 7,000,000,000 humans on planet Earth. They know that they can't get into a war with us and win, it would be like 250,000 21st century civilians with cellphones against 7 billion 16th century soldiers with muskets. They simply don't have the resources or the weapons. They can't drop asteroids on us, as that would destroy the habitable planet they need to survive. They could try living on Mars, but that is far from the ideal. And they can't go back home or call for help, because "home" no longer exists.

I say Take em down. Propose safe haven. Learn their technologies. Then when theyre nice and docile steal their ship, go back to their world and conquer it. Then usher in a great era for humanity.

Humanity is worried about the power it has to destroy itself when the atomic bomb was invented. Twenty four or so years before we even got a man to the moon. I can only wonder what an interstellar civilization would have. for weapons or means of self defense and how royally foolhardy it would be for us to **** them off. Even (their) terms of bare minimum protection would likely surpass any army we have, or at least be a pyrrhic victory for humanity. Maybe you should rephrase that as:

it would be like 250,000 21st century civilians with Modern (semi-automatic) pistols against 7 billion 16th century soldiers with muskets.

Even a wild west magnum would be devastating against 16th century people. At best a trained soldier could only reload in 20-30 seconds (much slower for civilian) per shot, no plural. An equivalent skilled marksman of the wild west could probably reload twice in that time, with 6 shots. Yeah this is man vs aliens, but moore's law holds true for aliens, they will be parsecs ahead of us in weapons.

Edited by WhiteWeasel
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Step 1) Politely tell the aliens that we extend them the same love and care that we offer to our fellow humans. Openly prepare nukes and soldiers lest the aliens lie. Ask the aliens what they want.

Step 2) Send a socially-skilled and heavily armed and armored investigative crew (preferably robots) to the ship. Tell everyone that anyone sent aboard cannot return until the possibility of fiasco has been eliminated.

Step 3) Learn about the aliens' culture and inspect their ship. Hereafter build trust, learn culture, and quell fear.

Step 4) If the aliens and their ship are found to be safe to descend, then figure out how to get them down without destroying their precious ship.

Step 5) Rig a remote pacific island with enough nukes to turn it into a glass parking lot and enough creature comforts to keep the aliens healthy and happy.

Step 6) Bring the aliens and their stuff to the island. Study the aliens, alien stuff, and alien ship until all dangers are accounted for. Overcome these dangers.

Step 7) Help the aliens construct a nation on the island and integrate willing aliens into human society.

Step 8) Remove the nukes, build trade routes, and solve remaining ethical and legal problems.

@WhiteWeasal The billions of musketeers could literally trample the pistol-armed civilians: never underestimate the determination of an organized people facing genocide. If the aliens are talking, then they either care about or cannot fight us, making war highly unlikely. Also, if the aliens were about to colonize Earth, then we could surprisingly swiftly permanently render it uninhabitable.


Edited by Duxwing
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@WhiteWeasal The billions of musketeers could literally trample the pistol-armed civilians: never underestimate the determination of an organized people facing genocide. If the aliens are talking, then they either care about or cannot fight us, making war highly unlikely. Also, if the aliens were about to colonize Earth, then our weapons of mass destruction could spitefully render this planet uninhabitable.


That's a special kind of foolish. What's to stop people from revealing your intentions to the aliens, or even giving them our weapons and means to manufacture them? They'd likey have something that could solve one of the major problems facing humanity that some one would trade weapons for. Better yet, they could attack us from orbit, long out of the reach of kinetics, and missiles can be interpreted by their better laser defense system. Perhaps a better analogy would be spanish conquistadors vs the aztecs, they were hilariously out numbered by your "organized people facing genocide", and look what happened.

The most famous conquests were those of the mighty Aztec and Inca Empires, in Central America and the Andes mountains respectively. The conquistadors who took these mighty Empires down (Hernan Cortes in Mexico and Francisco Pizarro in Peru) commanded relatively small forces: Cortes had around 600 men and Pizarro initially had about 160. These small forces were able to defeat much larger ones: at the Battle of Teocajas, Sebastian de Benalcazar had 200 Spanish and some 3,000 Cañari allies: together they fought Inca General Rumiñahui and a force of some 50,000 warriors to a draw.
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That's a special kind of foolish. What's to stop people from revealing your intentions to the aliens, or even giving them our weapons and means to manufacture them? They'd likey have something that could solve one of the major problems facing humanity that some one would trade weapons for. Better yet, they could attack us from orbit, long out of the reach of kinetics, and missiles can be interpreted by their better laser defense system. Perhaps a better analogy would be spanish conquistadors vs the aztecs, they were hilariously out numbered by your "organized people facing genocide", and look what happened.


I'll make some assumptions right here.

Firstly, these aliens probably aren't very much more advanced than us. They starte their journey when humanity was still in caves, hitting each other with mammoth bones, and end it when we're building spacestations and hitting each other with early laser weaponry and machine guns.

That means the journey of the aliens took around 10,000~ years, give or take two millennia from the equation. That is already accomplisable today with an Orion drive or an theoretical solar sail craft usin laser stations in LEO. Theoretically. And if we get the funds. That probabl shows that they are not so advanced that we are no match. We are a match.

And remember, had it be not for the diesases that the Spainards had carried to people who had no knowledge of medicine and herbs, the Incans would've easily whupped the little force and chased them away. And remember that these Aztecs and natives mistook the Spainards for god, something that almost everyone, even their leaders, believed.

The gap in us and the aliens may not be so much technology wise, but may very well be that they had the funds to get to the stars first, while our governments keep short handing us.

It's less of 16th century conquistadors with muskets vs 21st century civilians with cellphones and more of 18th century soldiers vs people from 1860-1890.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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I really am loving this conversation. I personally think that people wouldn't be so welcome to an alien race, and knowing our scientists, they would probably probe their spaceship looking for the technologies that got them here in the first place, so we could advance our own space program. And then we would probably prejudice them and, insult them, as we did the Indians.

Now one of three things can happen:


On into the future they would be perfectly equal, nothing special about them, and nothing special about us. They would rent and buy property, own companies, start families, live similar human lives. The space program would be forwarded by the technology they brought to Earth with them. They would venture out into the solar system, like their race did all those centuries ago, and we would progress into exploring solar systems differing from ours. Once this technology is possible, some aliens will eventually (maybe with some humans) go and see their home planet after all that had happened. They will return to a planet where there is life flourishing again, after the years of radioactivity broke down. Or their planet will have turned into a radioactive wasteland and become inhabitable with ancient high-tech debris, marked with long-melted down nuclear reactors, and cities abandoned and coated with ash.


The aliens will land, make contact with us and we will prejudice them, making them the smallest viable thing in our social systems, develop hatred for their race, and they will be wiped out by us and forgotten as a human triumph over invaders or runts.


Now going back into the early stages of #1, we could probably offer them the technology to colonize a planet like the moon, and Mars (probably not mars because we really want to colonize it) and allow them to flourish on the very resource plentiful moon. At which point they might break away from being tied to humanity after being so reliant on us, and create their own republic on the moon, which could also end up in one way or another, either they break away by revolution, or by peaceful receit. I would personally like this one because it's like a child, walking to an adult for help, getting the help they need, and growing up to be a strong adult. At which point we could collaborate with them as a human race, and continue into the future!

Obviously I would much rather have #1 or 3 happen, because I always imagine that something amazing like that will happen, and we will eventually become partners in life, and we would make our world a better place, and explore our solar system together, like brothers in arms. Maybe eventually we would merge races, which i would prefer to avoid so that their heritage would always be remembered. But I never thought about something like this and it really got me thinking how awesome it would be! Thanks for making such an astounding story, i really enjoyed replying to it!

Edited by MrZayas1
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Otherwise known as being an asshole. Why the heck would you even do that? We know they're friendly, are you just xenophobic or what?

It's a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question. No offense meant. I personally would love some collaboration between different species and live in a perfect world. But the rest of us.. well...

Just consider the possible advancement and power that can be gained by pacifying the aliens and stripping their technologies and studying their biology. Even if just a portion of that could propel us to the stars (so to speak); then I'm sure that there are less than scrupulous organizations or groups of people bound to exploit it. In history, wars have been started and fought for much less....

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Watch out, I'm about to drop a social sci-fi scenario on your heads.

So it's another normal day. Kids in Vancouver are tucking into hot coco for supper, while the people of Tokyo try to break through the morning rush hour. Humanity of the spaceship Earth continues it's march into the future. Then, observatories around the world notice something: a huge, metal object entering the solar system at a small percentage of the speed of light. As it nears Earth, it slows down, rather than speed up, as Kepler would wish it to. It's a spacecraft the size of a small city. As it enters orbit around the Earth, a radio message blares out from the ship, in every human tounge. In a word, the message is: Help.

Important part for all of you favouring ICBM attack is bolded.

With that kind of engines, we really can only look at them.

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Important part for all of you favouring ICBM attack is bolded.

With that kind of engines, we really can only look at them.

Not really.

Firstly, it's expended almost all it's fuel and resources getting here.

And secondly, if we do drive them away, they got nowhere else to go. No plan B, no other planet.

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