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Well... I'm trying to design a standardized expandable spacelab design and accompagnying nuclear or electric push/pull tug design, to replace my old wobbly juryrigged spacelab of junior dockingports and many many small batteries (but not enough), which is still hard at work gathering science tho.

Edited by 78stonewobble
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Currently I'm trying to establish a base in Duna orbit, complete with science lab, fuel depot and lander.

The lander is already in low Duna orbit, left there from the first crewed Duna landing mission (which, btw. is also still in Duna orbit, waiting for a return window in about 100 days...). It needs an engineer's attention, as the chutes need to be refitted, and recently developed scientific equipment needs to be mounted, but otherwise it should still be OK. Only challenge: It's out of fuel and doesn't have a probe core. On the other hand, a small tug with two probe cores (one undockable) and a small fuel reserve will do the trick. The other two station components are waiting in low Kerbin orbit for their transfer window to Duna... Bringing the fuel depot to Kerbin orbit cost more fuel than planned, due to a severe lack of struts (the launcher was wobbling so bad, it was barely controllable), but as the lander anyhow just has 5 chutes left (RealChute Mod), the fuel should hopefully still be enough. The crew for the station will follow in a later transfer window. For now it's all remote controlled.

In addition I'm waiting for an Eve->Kerbin window, as there are two ships waiting for their trip home. The Gilly Surveyor (which landed in all Biomes of Gilly) and the Eveship 1, which sadly lost a crew member when the lander turned out to be less aerodynamically stable than anticipated....

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Currently researching the 90 tier of science and planning a Mün landing. All so mundane.

But I'm also far along in the planning stages for a low-altitude relay network to provide complete surface coverage of Kerbin for DP-10 omni equipped probes. I've already built and tested the 6x launcher that will be required. 18 relays in three orbital planes should do it! I'm only really waiting for the in-stack monoprop tank before launching (next science tier).

The launcher will boost each sextuplet into a 150 by 205.05 km 90deg polar parking orbit and the relays will circularize under own power on each third orbit (gives me a few for fine tuning each sat and is conveniently the same parking orbit as will be required for phase adjustment of other planes) to form an equally spaced ring of six in a 150km circular orbit.

Two further launches will be required into 90deg polar orbits at 60deg inclinations to the orbit of the first. After achieving a 150km periapsis over a pole the launcher orbit will be adjusted firstly to get precisely in phase with existing rings (Intercept of >0.5km with existing sat), and secondly to a parking orbit of 150 by 205.05km. This will initially drop each sat 1/3 phase behind those in existing rings and subsequently on every third orbit a sat can circularize to 150km.

The final result should be total coverage of Kevin by 18 probes in 3 orbits crossing the poles in turn and should be glorious to behold! After this, no point on Kevin will ever be more than 500km from a satellite relay. I'm ridiculously excited about this.:rolleyes:

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Preparing this


for a journey to Jool.

Lander/miner/refinery/tug module that makes the forward half of this craft can land on all the moons except Tylo and Laythe (tested dozen times on Mun and Minmus), and refuel itself. (Well, it can land on Laythe, as well as Kerbin, but it's one-way.)

Just need to add a separate lander for Tylo (the Tylo thread in the challenges forum section has loads of usable designs) and something small and airbreathing that can survive the reentry on Laythe and fly to the nearest island. There'll be no kerballed landings on those two moons, so it isn't a Jool-5.

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Moon colonisation on my RSS save: my initial lunar program is coming to its end with the aim to land on the Moon soon accomplished, and I have started designing a Lunar base, and all the infrastructure to support it (crew, supplies, fuel).

The current setup includes the base, two orbital stations (one in LEO and one in LLO), and "taxis" for transfering crew and resources from Earth to Moon and back.

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I'm currently working on an extra hard game with the money- rep- and science slider on 10%. This makes the gameplay more longlasting for me.

My current mission was a semi circumnavigation of the mun with a rocketslide. I was slide-hopping from biome to biome with bob as a scientist. I was hoping to completely circumnavigate the globe but after visiting 60 percent of its circumference, i ran out of juice. I could have sent a refuel rocket but i already scienced the sh!t out of 7 biomes, which got me enough delicious science points (600 or so) to get te drilling tech I'm currently craving for. So i got bob back home to his family and tried to cash the science points. I forgot about the fact i didn't have enough credits to upgrade the research facility to the highest tier so I'm planning an ike 3 and ike 4 flyby mission to get some money . I can't wait to get started when i get back from work. :)

By the way, i really enjoy reading these kind of threads. They are inspiring and give me cool ideas for future missions.

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I have several project going on so far. I have a Dres flyby that will have a course correction soon, I have a remote tech mother ship going off Duna, along with a flyby craft that was made before that one. And i have three craft waiting for the transfer window to open up, one for Eve, one to flyby and go to Moho, and the third to also flyby and then go rescue a kerbal that is in orbit around the sun within Moho's orbit.

Edit: forgot the new research station I am building.

Edited by Itsdavyjones
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I am currently trying to design a rocket capable of landing on a planet/moon and coming back. Because I have landed (and not returned from) on Duna, Ike, Dres, Bop, Gilly, Eve, The Mun, Tekto, Asclepius, Arkas, and I have set up a base on Eve and on the Mun, and I NEVER EVER managed to come back to Kerbin.

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I've got a few things going on right now.

A) I sent a probe out to flyby Moho and made a course correction recently. It'll arrive in 9 days.

B) I just sent a probe to explore Duna. It has a bunch of science equipment on it and it should contribute to the development of a Space Station in LKO and a Mun Base in the long run.

C) I'll be sending a probe to Eeloo in 8 days.

D) I've designed a few Minmus Landing vessels that will mark a spot for a mining base.

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Finally going interplanetary after two years of playing KSP! :D I have a probe going to Jool, another preparing for Duna, and setting up the RemoteTech network to communicate with them and future probes alike. I am also planning Apollo style missions to Mun and Minmus and a station program not unlike Salyut. In all my save is getting very busy, which is not very typical for me.

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/28/2015 at 10:38 AM, Sophistry said:

My project is trying to trim down my mods so I can get the freaking game to even start x_x

Lol, I had to do that a while ago. My game kept crashing and eventually I got frustrated and deleted all of my mods then decided to play completely stock, except for some specific exceptions such as HyperEdit

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Too may things at the same time as usual.

  • Having a Kerbin circumnavigation.
  • Designing SSTOs for establishing an EPL base on Laythe.
  • Trying to get my first STS to orbit.
  • Towing a class D towards home while trying to figure out what to do with it.
  • Having fun with GAP contracts.


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On ‎16‎/‎01‎/‎2016 at 6:33 AM, Clockwork13 said:

Lol, I had to do that a while ago. My game kept crashing and eventually I got frustrated and deleted all of my mods then decided to play completely stock, except for some specific exceptions such as HyperEdit

I can't bring myself to do that sadly >:

Unless an update has a really big new feature I want to toy with, in which case I do go back to stock... Then I start thinking "Oh, let's add that..." and after a couple of weeks I'm back to square one. It does mean I get Kerbal detoxed in time for a fresh binge!

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I've designed/worked/working on stuff planned to be used in KSP 1.1
 - A good interplanetary ship (I have 2 models, one stock, the other not so much but with half parts count if not less... 1.1 will make the choice for me)
 - Scott's Feather: a quad-electric rotors atmospheric lander/biome hopper.  Originally made for Tekto but with better (more powerfull) electric rotors it should work for any atmospheric bodies.
 - A nuclear Reactor...  It still needs balancing in regards to Uranium weight and amount to be available in the reactor (with it's current efficiency I can reduce the amount by 1000), and I might get the interstellar reactor model for looks instead.
 - A low-tech Rover for low-G worlds (low-G as in Gilly/Minmus and the likes) working with RCS jets only.  Good for completing the tech tree.
 - A mid-high tech Rover for any type of airless worlds.  Not 100% satisfied with the design but close enough given that stuff might change in KSP 1.1.

I have a few paper models of the type of stations I'd like to build, and I still have to build an amphibious rover and a worthy sea plane... Making something good enough and to my taste is quite challenging.

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