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Does anyone here play Orbiter 2010 to practice for KSP?

The Russian 1021

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links or it didn't happen!

I agree there are some nice looking mods... but only 1 or 2 I would say are up to the standards of 2014.

Also, a hint for the forums... don't go around telling people they don't know what they are talking about, its just rude. Lets all play nice kids, you don't have to get prickly because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you about a computer game.

EDIT - and orbiter 2010 definitely did not look good in 2010... have you not seen other computer games? It looked like flightsim 98. I admire the man for making his own game, but it really shows its home made and I can't see any reason to pretend otherwise.

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I don't play Orbiter, but I checked its addons a bit and this is looking quite good, graphics-wise... :)

That's a re-texture of one of the stock craft, the Delta Glider very nice! This person needs to make some more craft or re-texture some of the other mods.

Edited by Mulbin
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The best Soyuz mod for Orbiter would be the R7 Early missions mod.

A while ago i was hooked about the AMSO and the NASSP mod these where Apollo/SaturnV mods with own speciality: AMSO was the graphics and NASSP would be the realism.

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The best Soyuz mod for Orbiter would be the R7 Early missions mod.

A while ago i was hooked about the AMSO and the NASSP mod these where Apollo/SaturnV mods with own speciality: AMSO was the graphics and NASSP would be the realism.

Yeah Amso is great, I learned more about Apollo in a week of AMSO than in a month of reading :) Then I installed nassp and things got more advanced! I'll check out the R7 early mission if I can find it amongst all the filler...

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That's a re-texture of one of the stock craft, the Delta Glider very nice! This person needs to make some more craft or re-texture some of the other mods.

That is not a stock craft, it is the XR2 Ravenstar... But it is a re-texture.

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I think I found the R-7 early missions, going to have a look out of interest for the missions as they look really interesting... but graphics? Seriously bad... its not even textured. This is just block colour applied to the objects. flightsim 98 syndrome again :D


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You want to see what orbiter is capable of: http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=20&page=399

There are some really good screenshots there. The texture are the responsability of the add-on, and not orbiter itself. If the add-on is well-made, orbiter will look nice, if not, then... The big problem in orbiter's graphics is the planets, but the scale is so big that it is hard to get something good. But there are some skins like the L11 Earth and those kind of add-on.

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I don't play Orbiter, but I checked its addons a bit and this is looking quite good, graphics-wise... :)

Yeah, i've been following it for a while, they also said that there might be a pc version later on.

And that you can build your own vehicles (this was on the website before they edited it out).

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Like diomedea, I'm a long-time Orbiteer (2003). Getting into KSP was easy thanks to my many hours spent in Orbiter. But I have to say I'm enjoying myself in KSP much more.

Yeah, I've got many years of Orbiter behind me, too. I played it because it was all there was. Once I heard of KSP, I kicked Orbiter to the curb.

I doubt I will ever play Orbiter again. Not that it's a bad game; it's actually quite excellent at what it does. But I found it extremely disillusioning. The harsh realities of space travel it portrays pretty much doom us to being stuck on this rock, at least until we either reverse-engineer a UFO or become the Borg (my money's on the latter happening in the near future). KSP, OTOH, is just about fun. And I hope it remains so, without trying to incorporate all the realism that sucks the fun out of Orbiter. IMHO.

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Yeah, played tons of Orbiter and enjoyed it a lot. I thought it did a good job portraying the complexities of spaceflight. In the real world there are no manuver nodes. After getting docking down in Orbiter docking in KSP is a cakewalk.

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I don't play Orbiter, but I checked its addons a bit and this is looking quite good, graphics-wise... :)

That image seems to be post-processed.

Here are the actual graphics, with a high-resolution Earth texture pack (yes, I made this Hatsune Miku XR2 skin):


For now, the default Orbiter has zero terrain. But the sole developer of the program (Martin Schweiger) plans to add terrain. It isn't procedurally generated, however, so the data (heightmap and textures) will probably be many gigabytes in size.

There is in fact a procedural terrain generator add-on (Orulex), but it isn't always accurate.

Since I had experience in Orbiter, I didn't need to learn how to get into orbit, rendezvous, and dock in KSP.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been thinking about installing Orbiter just to see what life is like on the other side. No need for tutorials, I'm curious to see how I would fare if I suddenly found myself at the helm of a real spaceship with only my Kerbal skills to guide me. :P

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I've been playing around with Orbiter off and on since 2006 or so. Strangely enough, the most fun I've had with it hasn't been going to other planets so much as flying the XR-2 Ravenstar on the speed run from Kennedy Space Center to Wideawake International on Ascension Island (roughly 8000 km). My personal best time so far is 20min 35 sec from wheels up to wheel stop.

Edit: if a ship like the XR-2 could ever be built in KSP I'd love to try a similar flight from KSC to the "2nd KSC"

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I played Orbiter since it was first offered. I also did a lot of scifi add-ons for it but stopped because of the hassle. Some of the ships I created took 100s of hours and the stress of having to "out do" my last creation was just too much. Then I discovered KSP at version .17 and I've never gone back to Orbiter.

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  • 1 year later...

After getting the hang of KSP, I gave Orbiter a try and holy moly it was awesome. Possibly the hardest thing I managed to do was successfully dock a Soyuz to the ISS using this addon.

Like, it was probably a couple times more difficult than flying to a base on the Moon. On my first try, I ran out of fuel ~5km from the ISS. It took probably 6 before I got to the point where I could reliably dock. After a (quite) few more, and I could get there with ~65% fuel remaining.

The point? Doing things like this in Orbiter completely changed the way I played KSP. Basically, everything was more precise. I realized that you don't need 2G's of acceleration to land on the Mun, or that an OMS only needs a TWR of ~0.2. Lots of little things like that wiggled their way into KSP.

Is this Necroposting? Or does that only apply to thread bumps?

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On 3/3/2014, 6:43:50, Mulbin said:

I just checked in with Pioneer last week (first time since before I bought KSP) and the first thing I did was play around to see if I could orbit :) Never realised it had such realistic physics. I wonder if you could orbit in the original Frontier Elite 2...

Man, that's been a while. I think you could orbit. Although there wasn't much to show you whether you would IIRC.

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On 3/3/2014, 9:10:10, adinfinitum said:

I played Orbiter before I'd heard of KSP, and I'd have to say that, for me, it helped a lot as far as getting into orbit, rendezvous, and docking are concerned. Once I found out about KSP it was a pretty easy transition from one game to the other. You're definitely not the only one who learned to dock from Orbiter, once docking ports were released in KSP I never had any trouble docking two ships together.

Ditto. Been an Orbinaut for longer than KSP has been out, and found that the hardest part about the transitionfrom Orbiter 2010 to KSP 0.13 was actually getting the rocket to stick together!

I will forever be an adherent to the principle of "if it blows up, moar struts, else MOAR BOOSTERS." :D

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