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How much do YOU rely on MechJeb?

The Flitter

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  Moon Goddess said:
I rely on it as much as I want to :)

To me I love the designing ships, I love the logistics of did I bring enough fuel, did I bring enough life support, what do I need to pack to set up a duna base.

The actual piloting skills? that part of the game does not interest me at all. Let mechJeb handle that part of the game and I'll have fun. So most of the time I have it launch, rendevouz, docking, land, transfer, etc. I just don't want to do them, they aren't fun for me.

same here - there are better and more complete software to train orbital flight (Orbiter ;)) which also are closer to reality than KSP. In fact, without MJ I probably wouldn't be that hooked to KSP as I am because other than the physics it has not much to do with how real space flight is done. In Orbiter you can do the whole Apollo 11 mission with a xerox copy of the original flight check list - try to do this in KSP ;)

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I've never used MechJeb at all. When I began playing the impression that I got was that it was pretty much just an autopilot, which didn't interest me. By the time I found out that it had all those other features, I had already found and started using VOID and/or KER for my extended data readouts so I never had the urge to try it out.

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I used it extensively at the start, after the "ha! It blew up" stage had gone from fun to frustraing, and it taught me how to ascend correctly, how to Hohmann transfer, how to dock, etc. just watching it go, and doing small corrections.

I weaned myself off it, started doing ascents, descents, transfers, etc, eventually uninstalling it entirely, in favour of KER. I have most things down now, even taking off with a spaceplane - still can't land one though, at least not with FAR.

Now I must admit I am tempted to install it again. Is it fun or challenging to manual set up another maneuver node to go from LKO to Mun? Could I be spending those 30-45 seconds doing something more fun? Would having landing predictions make it more fun to build a base than landing bits and 'space hopping' them towards where they should be? I'm not sure. I'll continue un-autoed for the moment.

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I use MechJeb for data. Delta-V, orbital parameters, all of those. The only reason that I use MechJeb instead of KER, is because MechJeb has cool see-through independently movable info windows.

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  wasmic said:
I use MechJeb for data. Delta-V, orbital parameters, all of those. The only reason that I use MechJeb instead of KER, is because MechJeb has cool see-through independently movable info windows.

That's why I use VOID :) I use KER for building and VOID while flying. Now if only I could make my own custom window with just the information I wanted displayed it would be perfect for me.

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  Talisar said:
I've never used MechJeb at all. When I began playing the impression that I got was that it was pretty much just an autopilot

Contrary to what it's detractor's seem to think, even an autopilot requires skill, planning, and thinking to use well. MJ is anything but a big red "Easy Button".

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I'm in much the same as Talisar, only I've been using KER exclusively for both building and in-flight data. (In part because it does let me customize what is displayed, T)

I tend to use a combination of Maneuver Nodes, the RemoteTech Flight Computer, and Kerbal Alarm Clock to take care of my "auto-pilot" needs.

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I only use MJ functions once I proved that I could potentially do things myself. I have no issue using autopilot in general, it's not as if rockets in real life are controlled by real people nowadays. Sometimes I have more fun doing it myself, sometimes I'll let MJ handle things.

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  DerekL1963 said:
Contrary to what it's detractor's seem to think, even an autopilot requires skill, planning, and thinking to use well. MJ is anything but a big red "Easy Button".

Oh, after learning more about it I agree with you completely. I have nothing philosophically against MJ or the use of an autopilot, it's just not for me. I enjoy the challenge of handling the little details myself is all.

  Amaroq said:
I'm in much the same as Talisar, only I've been using KER exclusively for both building and in-flight data. (In part because it does let me customize what is displayed, T)

I tend to use a combination of Maneuver Nodes, the RemoteTech Flight Computer, and Kerbal Alarm Clock to take care of my "auto-pilot" needs.

I originally used KER exclusively, then for a while there was a bug with it that caused my game to freeze up every time 2 craft with chips on them docked while the vessel info box was open. I started using VOID for in-flight stuff then, and just got used to it. I was planning on going back to KER alone once 1.0 is released, but I may have to take a closer look at the in-flight options again now.

Also, if you haven't yet, you should check out the new part functionality that regex added to the PreciseNode mod. He added a part that will save maneuver nodes when you switch away and back to your craft, similar to the way Kerbal Alarm Clock does, but not dependent on the times. It would go well with your trip planning combination of mods :)

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MechJeb = Gene Kranz

I use it to the extent that it suits my wants, needs and desires. It's optional, and effective at what it is supposed to do. I've done most everything without it and patted myself on the back for doing so, and then moved on to letting MechJeb do it for me. Lets face it, NASA probably has dozens upon dozens of people triple cross checking a simple pitch change maneuver. I'm not going to feel bad about having MechJeb do it for me.

MechJeb is simply mission control.

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MechJeb is a flight assistance computer. Not a magic brain, not a Chuck Yeager in a box. Sure, I could do all the number crunching and button pushing myself. But then KSP becomes an unpaid job rather than an enjoyable game.

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I use it a lot, after all NASA does in fact have a mechjeb of their own and its not like aircraft don't have an autopilot. I could do everything manually if I wanted to, and when I want to I do, it just gets tedious after a while and mechjeb is far more precise. The exception being automatic docking though, seems to use a lot more RCS fuel than needed so I just get it right about in postion then turn on force roll on both craft for the last 10m or so. I used to put comm antennas in an exact position on both and illuminate them enough where I could line them up enough to eyeball them but its difficult to get it right.

-Precise SSTO pitch control and aircraft autopilot of sorts

-Precise docking with force roll.

-Some nice advanced controls for landing on other bodys like the SURFACE_VELOCITY option

-All kinds of information and customizable windows so I don't have to keep flipping into orbital view

-and of course Automatic ascent

With smart parts you can even launch multistage rockets into a perfect orbit by only pressing the spacebar. No shame in using mechjeb, but I have more fun building than actually flying anyways.

Edited by RSF77
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i use it all the time because i play on my sofa with just the wireless mouse only, it have additional programmable buttons and that's enough for me to play without a keyboard. I only reach for my keyboard when doing kerbal EVA once in a while or typing a new spaceship save filename.

i will be spending less time with KSP without MJ

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I mostly use orbital, vessel and surface information also manuver planner is a must have. I often use mech jeb's auto node execution to perform burns and corrections. I don't use autolanding and auto liftoff as well as autodocking simply because MJ is not doing this things good enought for me. Also after a while you will notie that mech jeb have a lot limitations when you don't have circular orbit. Still MJ is a must have mod doing everything manually just tedious and kill the fun in long run.

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Every now and again, I like to fly my own rockets (more often than not, I have to do spaceplanes pretty much exclusively by hand. MJ kinda sucks there), but if I've got a 1000 part slideshow, forget about it. I'm just going to set it and forget it with MJ and do something else in the hour it takes my poor computer to sort out how that monster made it into orbit.

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I mostly use it for readouts, such as the landing prediction (both for, well, landing and aerobraking. Also, I use it a lot for executing maneuvers I made. Only rarely do I use the actual maneuver planner and only for super easy stuff such as circularizing.

To those who use the autopilots on a regular basis, I find the game's tedium part of its charm, but I accept that you don't. But my opinion is still that you should give it a shot. Make a supership and send it to Jool with no MechJeb at all. Or make a tiny ion-propelled probe that you send to Gilly without MechJeb! The possibilities are endless! ENDLESS I TELL YOU!

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See, that's why I like the way MechJeb is integrated into career mode. It gives you everything, but not all at once, you have to work all the way to the end of the tree to unlock all of its little modules. Heck, I didn't even get the ascent and landing modules unlocked until after I'd made two interplanetary flybys, and I still don't have the rendezvous module unlocked. So about half of those ribbons were earned with craft that, yes, had MechJeb, but the most benefit they got out of it was dV stats and surface info.

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