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I am in an escape trajectory out of KSP...

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I've been there before, that moment where you're wearing down on KSP and things are getting boring. I've solved it a few times now.

The first time, I was getting tired of my rockets always exploding, then SQUAD released the spaceplane update and I started back up with renewed amounts of fun (an update helps).

Later on, I was starting to burn out, roughly 0.20. I found the Spaceport and installed B9 Aerospace and Firespitter. Suddenly I had new parts and more fun.

I'm starting to burn out a little, but I've shoved it off for now by setting a challenge for myself: Build a vehicle to make it around Kerbin... Without leaving the atmosphere... Or refueling.

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I'm in the same situation. I have 9 ships about to enter Jool SOI, but I haven't started KSP for about 3 weeks.

I want to set up the station they are for around Pol, but it seems like work...

So, I've been monitoring the forums, while playing other games.

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When I get bored I start dreaming big. Kerbal UHC, space stations, Duna Bases, etc. There are many challenges to be done. Only Squad can answer that age old question "I've landed, now what?" It won't begin to be answered anytime soon, so you will have to take on other challenges until they deem it necessary to work on it.

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I am in the same boat. I am hanging for the update to come out. Seeing the KSO shuttle got me back into the game for a few weeks, but now i am stagnant. I have recently been building stations, docking the KSO and the dragon capsule, stuffing around with them. Then i de-orbit the station with the DR mod and watch everything slowly blow up and be destroyed.

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I've just come back from a break from KSP, and what brought me back was looking at the maths behind it. At first I was just idly working out how far you would fall in 10 seconds in 1/s/s gravity, and then I worked out an equation to do it for me. Before I knew it I had made a program to calculate the delta V of a rocket, that used my own rocket equation (the other one made no sense to me), and a plan on how to colonise the entire solar system. I decided I really needed to play some KSP.

Yeah, so for me just totally nerding out about space works a treat.

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
Lately, I haven't been playing KSP. I don't know if it's the lack of motivation due to the fact that there's nothing to do out there, or if I'm intimidated by the complexity of how some missions can be, but I can't seem to be in the mood to play KSP.

I fear I am losing my addiction, but I don't want to. What can I do to reattach myself to KSP?

No need to be afraid?

I find myself coming back over and over again. I do not play it all the time since my interests change sporadically and often. Sometimes I am all into medieval stuff, so I don't care about space stuff, sometimes the opposite, sometimes I just want to play SimCity... (yeah, sue me, idc! ^^)

Meaning: You WILL come back anyways. So do what you wanna do and look forward to the new surprises you will get when you return after 1-2 months. KSP can make amazing progess in short periods of time...

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I'm kinda starting to slip into that phase. i have before. i had lots of mods (12ish) and i made it 2/3 to 3/4 through to tech tree and kinda just stopped. removed all mods. which kinda ruined my career in the sense that all my launch vehicles used KW. after about a month i reinstalled KW and added FAR and docking alignment only and got back into it. till now. i have like 4 nodes left in the tree and idk what to do to get them. but i'm guess .24 will rebound me right back. i wouldn't worry if i was you. when somthing is this good, you'll always come back for more eventually.

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Well, after a few moments of thinking(and looking at your replies), I began to think that it isn't the intimidation of content that makes me not want to play KSP, but it's rather the fact that my computer lags when playing KSP(A large ship takes ~25 minutes just to get in Kerbin orbit in my computer. I don't want to do an Eve mission anymore).

And I doubt I'll be getting a new computer anytime soon.

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You might expect me to try an advocate a certain way, but I'm going to be realistic here. Simply put, burnouts happen. There are many wonderful suggestions in this thread, but sometimes, even taking up challenges, experimenting with different mods or anything else may not work. It doesn't mean anything bad. I'd get burnt out on having the same dinner every night, listening to the same songs all the time, etc. It may just be too much of a good thing and that's ok. Whatever you enjoy in life should not feel like it's tough to get through.

If you're really in an escape trajectory, go and play other games. Read some books or watch some shows you've been meaning to get to. Go for a run, hang out around town. Do whatever you need to do clear your mind and enjoy yourself. Soon enough, you may find the your aerospace juices flowing again. Don't worry, we'll be here to welcome you back with open arms if/when that happens :)

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I suggest you to make a new career mode with deadly reentry and FAR installed.

I made that a few days ago and I'm achieve to get out of that escape trajectory I were too.

PS: if you try FAR, I suggest you to watch this video by scott manley: he explain some (very) interesting thing to know about FAR!

link: http://youtu.be/fNSXAHLX0Uk?t=9m22s

PS2: A very cool thing with FAR is lifting bodies: it's quite useful with deadly reentry because, if you know what you are doing(it's very simple, don't worry) you can produce lift without wings(like, with only a capsule).

It's perfect when you went in a shallow trajectory to reduce the gee load and prevent the heat shield from being depleted!

EDIT: Most of my reentry don't need the use of a lifting body but I use them anyway because:

1) I don't want to discover that I should have used a lifting body

2) Lifting bodies are cool: the apollo spacecrafts used them during reentry!

Note: the test weight mod(quite old) on spaceport will help you a lot in making lifting body: it can be quite hard to turn the capsule during reentry(it's easier to shift the center of mass with the weights: the capsule will naturally turn by itself(but you should still be able to turn a little more, if you want more lift).

Edited by goldenpeach
corrected a type-o and added some details
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  Specialist290 said:
I've been where you're standing right now before -- multiple times, in fact, with KSP as well as with other games I enjoy. It might not be what you want to hear, but the sad truth is, our interests wax and wane in intensity like with anything else.

One thing that's helped me in the past: Instead of trying to fight it, acknowledge that you're starting to "burn out" on the game and spend some time taking a break from it. Play some of your other games, go out and see movies, use the time to catch up on some other hobby you've been meaning to catch up on, etc. If you truly still enjoy KSP, you'll most certainly come back to it again, and with a renewed sense of vigor and purpose. If you have to force yourself to continue, you're not really having fun, after all.

+1 to this. Well said, Specialist.

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hey guys I was bummed out from ksp about 3 months ago but the game just doesn't give me the awesome feeling of accomplishment even after taking a break im hoping .24 will fix that but its like be addicted to a drug the more and more you take it the less it feels good anyone got any suggestions to hold me out till .24 in the near future?

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  95tiger59 said:
hey guys I was bummed out from ksp about 3 months ago but the game just doesn't give me the awesome feeling of accomplishment even after taking a break im hoping .24 will fix that but its like be addicted to a drug the more and more you take it the less it feels good anyone got any suggestions to hold me out till .24 in the near future?

I've taken the liberty of merging your post into a similar thread that's been discussing the same topic recently, partly to keep the forum tidy and partly because you might take comfort in the fact that you're not alone :)

I've elaborated on the point a bit in an earlier post, but the short version is that sometimes it's better in the long run to acknowledge that you're burning out on the game and take a short break to focus on other things you enjoy. If you truly enjoy the game, you'll certainly come back to it, and we'll still be here to welcome you back.

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Start up an AAR in the Fan Works Forum.

Worked for me, at least. I'm now completely replaying the ill-fated SEI Program.

I recommend the following mods (Need not install all of them)

- Helldivers Orbiter Mod

- Fustek Mod

- Bobcat American Pack

- Interstellar Mod

Or, if you are the multitasking type and feel like the game is getting repetitive....

- Mechjeb

Edited by NASAFanboy
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Most of what I'd say has already made an appearance in this thread, but:

1. I'm just back after almost a year away, and the game is seriously as entertaining as it was the first time. Don't be afraid to "let go" and "come back".

2. Sandbox is all about self-direction, so pick a challenge orthogonal to anything you've already done, and go that direction. (Spaceplane? Kethane mining? Manned Jool-and-return? Eve or Laythe aerodynamic plane?)

3. Performance can be solved, I'm on a pathetic machine as well but my launch-to-orbits are about 7-10m. Suggestions include: lowering graphics performance, exploring your machine's hardware settings, texture compression mods, that welding mod, uninstalling your least favorite mods, reducing partcount.

4. Launch a couple dozen missions at once. That turns the game on its head, putting you in a "react" position as things arrive at their destinations at different times, with different emergencies and needs.

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