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Smaller center of mass marker

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Currently, the marker for the center of mass is quite huge(just compare with the center of thrust or the center of lift).

While it isn't an disadvantage on large rockets, it become extremely annoying when you deal with small rocket or when you want(or have) to precisely set the center of mass of your craft.

Making it smaller(or even better: allowing the user to change its size) would be very helpful for those who want a precisely set center of mass(or who want to make a lifting body with their capsule by changing its center of mass(like me: I use FAR and deadly reentry).

What do you think about that?

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What if the CoM marker scaled with the mass of the entire craft? Like, more mass = bigger marker? The same could possibly be done with Lift, and maybe even with thrust.

This would require a roof and floor for the size though. I can kind of see Whackjob accidentally hitting the CoM marker and not noticing it, because IT'S BIGGER THAN KERBIN.

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Why not have the indicators always take up a certain angular size (pixel width) on the screen at all times, with the option to make them bigger.

This, with an adjustable size setting. If you had it scale with craft size you'd run into the same issues you do now eventually.

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