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[1.0.5] Kip Engineering: All Docking Ports updated for 1.0.5! (11th Nov 2015)


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  KerBlam said:
Do these ports suffer from the elusive 'can't undock' bug? I'd love to not have to freak out every time before attempting to undock..

'omg is it going to jam???'

Pretty sure that is a stock bug with docking action in general. In my experience, the way to fix it is switch active crafts, then quicksave/quickload.

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  RainDreamer said:
Pretty sure that is a stock bug with docking action in general. In my experience, the way to fix it is switch active crafts, then quicksave/quickload.

Cheers for the tip... it's about my most hated thing reg: KSP... The only way I've found of getting past it is by switching to the space centre and back, and only if I have thrusters on, facing away from the dock, otherwise they re-jam, and the next time I undock they explode!

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I have a problem with both sides of the male/female having all their stats brought to -1 (range, force, etc)... I'm not sure what the problem is because none of my other docking ports do this. Might have something to do with Tweakable everything mod which allows me to change those stats.

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  cat-the-cat said:
I have a problem with both sides of the male/female having all their stats brought to -1 (range, force, etc)... I'm not sure what the problem is because none of my other docking ports do this. Might have something to do with Tweakable everything mod which allows me to change those stats.

If that's the case then you're in luck because toadicus developed both of those plugins. Ask him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your docking parts are great, but I do have one complaint. They always stick out very far (read: VERY far) from the node they're attached to!

I think two more variations of both the universal and androgynous ports would be enough to satisfy me: Slimline, which would be a slimmed down variation sitting closer to the surface of their attachment point. And Streamline, the same thickness but without the bulged sides so they're just as thick but don't look oversized for the node they're placed on.

This evening I'm going to try matching your non-androgynous ports with the Bobcat Soyuz docking probe. I really like the model and texture for it, but no one remembered to make the female counterpart!! I've been trying to figure out something else to use, and this might be it.

Edited by Nerezza
un-neutering docking ports
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Show me some pictures. The docking ports don't stick out. The nodes are right on the flat part. The problem is likely other parts. I would complain about those first, because it really shouldn't be up to me to anticipate dumb part design on the part of other modders and Squad themselves.

I don't know what you mean by "both the universal and androgynous".

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First off, I keep typing androgynous instead of non-androgynous

Secondly, I had a REALLY detailed review of what I meant, until I tried to backspace delete a word, which instead sent me back a page and lost me everything I had written up.

Basically, the bases of your docking ports stick out twice as far as the others in those pictures (the ATV craft in the first picture has a slight recess for the docking port) and the bulged sides never seem to fit my crafts. I was saying it'd be nice to have slightly altered mesh variants to make them slimmer top-to-bottom (slimline ports?) or not as round on the sides (maybe a taper? streamline ports?) as right now, the ports kind of stick out like a (very pretty!) sore thumb.

The docking port on the Soyuz TMA is somewhat like what I think would be a good variation. Of course, it should be obvious from my pictures Bobcat has ports like that but someone forgot to make a drogue counterpart for those!

As for your drogue, it's good in my opinion. There's really not much room to invert a docking port's mesh on just about any surface.

Oh and, the medium universal port hovers above a few attachment points. I don't have a picture available with a good example, but a little structure underneath it like the one on your new non-androgynous ports would take care of those pesky gaps!

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I'll probably get around to remodelling the universal ports, because I don't like them myself. The curves are a bit ugly to me too. The texture needs some work as well.

I checked the stack nodes on all of them and I don't see any hovering. If you see gaps between the ports and other parts then you need to go complain to the modder who made those, or post a suggestion to Squad. My parts are not the problem.

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Has anyone started having the textures for the Docking Ports not load? The parts load, but come out pure white. I have no clue what it could be. I've removed mods I thought I loaded that caused it to no avail. I've also reinstalled the ports. Sometimes the textures load and sometimes they don't. Really weird. I know I removed ATM, could that have something to do with it? I reinstalled the ports after ATM removal, still no luck.

Any thoughts?


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  • 1 month later...

As promised: I Added Support for Kip Engineering Non-Androgynous Docking Port Set to KSP Interstellar Extendedd: Thermal Nozzle/Turbojet can now be connect loss-less through a Non-Androgynous. I also intend to do the same for all reactors. Now there is a another good reason to use them, they allow better thermal transportation!

The only problem remaining is that we need larger versions, could 2.5m version also made to work?

Edited by FreeThinker
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I want to create some 2.5m variants, which would fit better with my 2.5m engines but I'm having trouble creating an upscaled part

@name = kipactiveport250
@scale = 2
@rescaleFactor = 2
@title = Non-androgynous docking port 2.5m - Active
@mass = 0.46

@nodeType = nasize250

@ValidSizes = nasize1, nasize250

@name = kippassiveport250
@scale = 2
@rescaleFactor = 2
@title = Non-androgynous docking port 2.5m - Passive
@mass = 0.6

@nodeType = nasize250

@ValidSizes = nasize1,nasize250

Could anyone help me?

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  FreeThinker said:
I want to create some 2.5m variants, which would fit better with my 2.5m engines but I'm having trouble creating an upscaled part

- snip -

Could anyone help me?

Leave the scale = 1 and just change the rescale = 2

EDIT- Really you can take the whole scale = line out of your cfg you just need the rescale = *** and if you need to fine tune it you can go rescale = 2.1 or 2.* what ever.

EDIT- Scrap that, I see your problem.

EDIT- Try something like



@name = kipactiveport250



@model = KipEng/parts/NADockPorts/kipactiveport

%scale = 1.75, 1.75, 1.75


@rescaleFactor = 1

@scale = 1.75

@title = Non-androgynous docking port 2.5m - Active

@mass = 0.46




@name = kippassiveport250



@model = KipEng/parts/NADockPorts/kippassiveport

%scale = 1.75, 1.75, 1.75


@rescaleFactor = 1

@scale = 1.75

@title = Non-androgynous docking port 2.5m - Passive

@mass = 0.6




@name = kipactiveport252



@model = KipEng/parts/NADockPorts/kipactiveport

%scale = 2.25, 2.25, 2.25


@rescaleFactor = 1

@scale = 2.25

@title = Non-androgynous docking port 5m - Active

@mass = 0.46




@name = kippassiveport252



@model = KipEng/parts/NADockPorts/kippassiveport

%scale = 2.25, 2.25, 2.25


@rescaleFactor = 1

@scale = 2.25

@title = Non-androgynous docking port 3m - Passive

@mass = 0.6


Edited by Mecripp2
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Thank you that seems to work!

KSPI Extended Version 0.8.2 for Kerbal Space Program 0.90 can now be downloaded at KerbalStuff

Released on 2015-03-28

  • Electric Generator can now connect through a Non-androgynous docking port
  • Added additional Non-androgynous sizes (1.875m, 2.5m, 3.75m)


Edited by FreeThinker
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thanks for you hard work! This is one of my favorite mods, that design is so clean and they seem to work better than most other docking ports! seriously awesome stuff :)

one question, how did you get the lights implemented into them? I have been trying to add lighting/glow to something and have not really found much in the way of help towards achieving it.

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  FreeThinker said:
here seems to a major problem with the non Non-androgynous docking port. whenever more than 2 part are connect, and the 3th item is heavy, it cannot undock

That sounds like a stock bug. Can you show the craft and where the problem occurs?

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
That sounds like a stock bug. Can you show the craft and where the problem occurs?

The problem seem to be caused by [0.90] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.1.2 3/26/15 when I uninstall it, the problem disappears

Edit: the problem, is very easy to repoduce. Simply put any heavy items (like tanks) underneath it and try to release, joint reinforcement seem to stick them together with invisible struts

Edit: I found one possible solution, I downloaded this version, and the problem seem to be solved. Not sure what side effects it has

Edited by FreeThinker
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