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[WIP] CrossOver Packs (Release 0.2) - B9 all the things!


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... and then be left with a game they can neither update or fix if they do something wrong with another mod that breaks it. Unless they re-install this, obviously, but I don't think many people will want to.

I will. It only requires 5 mouse clicks.

Keep the mbm size to the minimum so that it wont need too much memory even if it loads? XD

I'm not sure you understand what I'm talking about. I'm saying that I don't want Squad textures to be loaded. Making Squad textures smaller would still require you to overwrite those files. So I'm arguing for a set of texture files made by you and PolecatEZ that instead of being optional would simply overwrite Squad textures.

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I will. It only requires 5 mouse clicks.

I'm not sure you understand what I'm talking about. I'm saying that I don't want Squad textures to be loaded. Making Squad textures smaller would still require you to overwrite those files. So I'm arguing for a set of texture files made by you and PolecatEZ that instead of being optional would simply overwrite Squad textures.

That would require two seperate downloads, as I'm quite sure that a lot of people (me included) would like to still have the Squad-style stuff as an option. It would require them to make one of the texture sets overwrite the stock textures, while the other textures would be switched in with FS Texture Switcher. It would require a lot of set up and could also be a little messy on the dev-end, but it is definitely possible.

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That would require two seperate downloads

Nope. As long as they recreate the correct directory structure, you could have players either:

a) copy the files and folders into the Squad folder, overwriting existing textures


B) copy the files and folders into a new folder inside Gamedata + copy the module manager config with the texture switcher etc.

Very simple. They have to write the config anyway; it makes no difference from a development standpoint.

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I think we're just going to work on a texture switching mod that keeps the stock textures. There's a separate mod in the works somewhere on this page that prevents textures from loading if you want that also.

I'll get back to doing the few remaining Squad textures on the list, I got distracted doing the general B9 catalog cleanup. Here's what I've got so far:

For B9:

- Wings are about 1/3 thickness now, and look awesome. Thickness is exactly on par with stock wings. The HW21 wing was left as-is though.

- All duplicate models have been killed for Mk1, Mk2, HL, S2, and S2 Wide bodies. You just have one of each in the catalog now. Most of them can be texture-switched. All support the fuels mod so you can put whatever you want in them or nothing at all.

- 2 or 3 useless items have been killed, Mk4 adapter, the cargo bay without the doors, etc.

- Some resizes may be included (MK1 fuel block scaled up to 2.5m version, for example), also Mk1 to Mk2 adapter short version.

- All fixes from the B9 fixes thread have been compiled in their own .cfg, I take no credit for the contents: Sabre engine fixes, Landing Gear fixes, Landing feet fixes, Winglet/Control Surface fixes, and science fixes. You can eliminate both "extra" plugins...Firespitter is all you need.

- Removing dupes cut down catalog count by about 40 items or so. Was pushing for 60 but some things were also added.

For Firespitter:

- Oblong series has been B9'd. Some parts killed and then re-supported with texture switch/flex fuels.

- Bomber parts have been B9'd.

- Wings and control surfaces have a B9 first pass (some are quite crude).

- Most FS Propellers and Rotors have a first pass.

- Floaties have a first pass.

- Extra parts added for SSTO versions of Oblong Cockpit, Huey, and Bomber Cockpit. These are separate entries in the catalog for those that like the older versions without the torque, monopropellant, SAS, etc.

For Squad:

- Main 4 wings and some winglets have been B9'd.

- LV45, LV30, and Nuke have B9 style textures added.

- Mk1 and Mk2 barrel cockpit B9 textures...may do a B9 mashup instead, as the retextures are just ugly for my taste.


- Full FS texture switch support needs added for most items. Its tedious. Really.

- Squad engine quad/bi/tri adapters need B9 textures.

- Finish FS wings and props, fuel variations for a lot of parts.

- Fuel support for KSPI added.

- What the hell do I do with those Sabre pre-coolers?

- Integration with Blackheart's KW textures...he just needs to label them so I know what they belong to and zip them up, I can do the rest.


- Mk3 stuff

- Apache stuff

All I can say is "coming soon". After I got the B9 stuff .cfg modded (see list above), I had to take a break to actually play...its like a whole new game now. Not fair, I know, I'll stop being selfish and get back to work.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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Right now all the textures are labeled properly in a single folder so FSTextureSwitcher can pick them out. To do what you ask, I would need to basically re-create the Squad file tree and re-label everything back to model000 or 001, then I would need to not just change filenames, but entire folders when I do the writing for the master MM config file. Then I would need to create and entirely new MM config file so you can just switch between the KW and B9 textures. To me this looks like about 2-3 hours extra work to get everything written up and tested. It would be easier just to let the guy making the "no load textures" mod to kill the squad textures, then the original would default it to the first FS texture in the queue (in theory).

If you want to do this yourself after we release this, I'd be happy to host it in the same package. Another recommendation if you really don't want to waste *too many* resources on the Squad textures is to use the Active texture reduction mod to chop Squad textures to 1/4 or 1/8 of their original size so the load for them would be trivial.

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If you want to do this yourself after we release this, I'd be happy to host it in the same package. Another recommendation if you really don't want to waste *too many* resources on the Squad textures is to use the Active texture reduction mod to chop Squad textures to 1/4 or 1/8 of their original size so the load for them would be trivial.

I already do, but it's not as trivial when you're running lots of mods. Will you at least make the textures mbm so I don't have to convert everything myself? If the plugin idea doesn't pan out I won't mind rearranging things.

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Nope, for my own stuff I'd like to get rid of them entirely, which in FSTextureSwitcher is the same thing...I'd need to set a bump map secondary switch to null. If you want to send me the bumps for anything you make, I'll try to make it work.

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FSTextureSwitcher allows you to also pick a custom bumpmap (normal) file to go with your new texture file when you switch them out.

I prefer to do things with NO bumps at all for B9 style, so I will need to define a blank (1 pixel) map to go along with my own textures. From what I understand, you have custom bump maps to go along with your KW textures. We can have those switch out with the main texture if its set up right.

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Some parts that were consolidated were made flexible by ModularFuels. Fuels for KSPI and Kethane were also made available to these parts through ModularFuels (if you have those packs installed). *Most* parts should work just fine without it, as I later added switching to some things that I didn't originally plan on.

As for preview pics, they work just fine for me. I'm not sure how to correct it. If anyone else can second this then I'll try to find an alternative.

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This next one went faster than I thought, just a few niggling details and minor parts to work now.



I'll probably do a combat re-skin for the FS Fighter parts also (cockpit, wings, nose, intake), since I'm ahead of schedule.

Oh, and transporting an entire armor platoon has never been easier. Flies like a dream. She carries two ICBM's in those side tubes and 4 armored vehicles in the centerline HL FatBoy bays. Clears an entire square km and then lets the tanks go mop up. Now if it only had VTOL ability...


Edited by PolecatEZ
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Actually it will cut it by 3/4. Its 65 for me without, and 19 with aggressive on. I'll do some optimizations on my next pass also. If I kill all the B9 orphans also, that's probably another 30 or so at least.

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Never knew this existed. Awesome work!


The nosecone will just need to be a resize from the tail piece. I've gone back to 0.21 version and I still can't find it. Curious why Snoj cut out such a basic (and necessary) part though.

Cause I'm lazy :)

I'll have to get back to work

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