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[1.12.5] KerbTrack v1.6 Head tracking using your webcam, TrackIR, opentrack, joystick (2024-07-08)


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I found some free time to work on this again. A new release is now available for KSP 1.2.2.  There is some cleanup for the GUI and extra TrackIR error handling. The external camera view tracking isn't yet working due to some changes in the flight camera, but I hope to get that fixed in a future release.

Downloads: CurseForgeGitHub

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this working.  I'm running KSP 1.2.2, which supposedly supports TrackIR built in, but it doesn't anymore because apparently it's broken in x64 or something.  I'm running OpenTrack, which emulates both Freetrack and TrackIR, or one or the other, and it works in every other TrackIR-supported game.  Your instructions keep referring to "the KerbTrack settings window on the pause menu" but I can't see any such KerbTrack settings when I pause KSP.

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On 1/4/2017 at 2:30 AM, moeburn said:

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this working.  I'm running KSP 1.2.2, which supposedly supports TrackIR built in, but it doesn't anymore because apparently it's broken in x64 or something.  I'm running OpenTrack, which emulates both Freetrack and TrackIR, or one or the other, and it works in every other TrackIR-supported game.  Your instructions keep referring to "the KerbTrack settings window on the pause menu" but I can't see any such KerbTrack settings when I pause KSP.

The pause menu not being displayed means that KerbTrack is either not installed so that KerbTrack.dll is in (KSP)/GameData/KerbTrack/Plugins/, or that the mod is encountering errors while running. Assuming the latter, if you can upload your output_log.txt from (KSP)\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt to a site like pastebin and link it here, I'll be able to look and see what errors it might be throwing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also having the same problem on x64 as the above guy with trackIR, and there's no output txt  file in that folder sadly..

Here's my symptoms though, it overwrites/deletes the tracker line in the txt file when i run it, even if i set it to TrackIR.
Also, the debug console is filled with:

"Exception: DllNotFoundException: FreeTrackClient"


I'm still following the readme btw.. By that i mean, i'm installing your version, then taking the TrackIRUnity.dll from Medsouz's version.


Not sure if relevant but,  the games native trackIR support doesn't actually work for me using the 64-bit version anyway.. I removed the mod to test and whilst the 32bit version works 64 does not? Not sure how much of a difference that really makes to your stuff.

Also, since i didn't restate this - thanks, and i really appreciate you taking the time to do this sort of thing because this is still a better implementation than the native trackIR support.. It's easily worth it for the little pause-menu-GUI alone with all the tweakable settings mid-flight.

I did take a look at the code myself but sadly it's way beyond my ability to even read

Edited by Stilton
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2017-4-1 at 2:30 AM, moeburn said:

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this working.  I'm running KSP 1.2.2, which supposedly supports TrackIR built in, but it doesn't anymore because apparently it's broken in x64 or something.  I'm running OpenTrack, which emulates both Freetrack and TrackIR, or one or the other, and it works in every other TrackIR-supported game.  Your instructions keep referring to "the KerbTrack settings window on the pause menu" but I can't see any such KerbTrack settings when I pause KSP.

QFT, though I'm slightly different 'cos I use TrackIR's own software. Even so, I experience all the other issues as described in the quote.

output_log.txt:-     https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5chvqo7Rfl7U3BBUGlRaW5Qc28



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On 10/05/2017 at 1:54 PM, MisfitMarius said:

QFT, though I'm slightly different 'cos I use TrackIR's own software.


After posting i realised a lot of the problem was that native trackIR support is broken in the latest 64-bit version..

To start, you have to replace the TrackIRUnity.dll  file in the:  


folder.  I used the one from medsouz's archive and then native 64 bit support is working ingame again..


And then the previous version of kerbtrack works again, with no issue, for me anyway..

Edited by Stilton
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  • 1 month later...

sigh....done everything as described and still no kerbtrack settings anywhere to be found in 1.2.2......

kerbtrack.dll is in the correct place....facetracknoir works perfectly in other games.....

i really dont know what to do?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anybody know where I can download version 1.7 of facetrackNoIR?  I can only find v2.00 available for purchase & download.

If KerbTrack can use facetrackNoIR v2.00, how should I go about installing it?  There are no freetrack client dlls in the facetrackNoIR folder as far as I can tell.

Thank you!

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  • 3 months later...

I was delighted to find that KSP's TrackIR function is actually working again in 1.3.1, but then I was saddened to find this wonderful mod appears to no longer work. KerbTrack's implementation of headtracking was always so much better than KSP's default. What would it take to get this mod working again?

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  • 4 months later...

KerbTrack Version 1.5 is now available. It adds support for using opentrack via the TrackIR setting. Opentrack supports quite a few input methods, check it out:


As well as this, I've updated the joystick input method to support position as well as rotation. If you have a tracker that you can't set up otherwise, try getting it to output as a joystick and setting KerbTrack to trigger from that.

As I don't own much of the hardware that would be needed to test the trackers, I'm relying on your feedback to fix anything that's broken. Please let me know how things work out for you, good or bad.

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36 minutes ago, pizzaoverhead said:

KerbTrack Version 1.5 is now available. It adds support for using opentrack via the TrackIR setting. Opentrack supports quite a few input methods, check it out:


As well as this, I've updated the joystick input method to support position as well as rotation. If you have a tracker that you can't set up otherwise, try getting it to output as a joystick and setting KerbTrack to trigger from that.

As I don't own much of the hardware that would be needed to test the trackers, I'm relying on your feedback to fix anything that's broken. Please let me know how things work out for you, good or bad.

Would it be too much to compile a 1.3.1 version? I run many mods, and not all are 1.4 compatible yet(or may not ever be).

Edited by Guest
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3 minutes ago, dundun92 said:

Would it be too much to compile a 1.3.1 version? I run many mods, and not all are 1.4 compatible yet(or may not ever be).

It doesn't touch anything that Squad have edited lately, so this release should work with older versions of KSP, maybe even from before KSP 1.2. Try it out and see how it goes :)

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On 3/14/2018 at 6:12 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

It doesn't touch anything that Squad have edited lately, so this release should work with older versions of KSP, maybe even from before KSP 1.2. Try it out and see how it goes :)

Yay! It worked in 1.3.1! Thanks! I used the Aruco paper marker, though I intend to make a proper IR LED setup. 

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On 20/03/2018 at 4:47 PM, dundun92 said:

Yay! It worked in 1.3.1! Thanks! I used the Aruco paper marker, though I intend to make a proper IR LED setup. 

Glad to hear it! I wasn't able to get the Aruco tracker work accurately myself. How big did you print the marker?

On 20/03/2018 at 4:53 PM, Stone Blue said:

@pizzaoverhead Was this mod pulled from SpaceDock?

Nope, I just forgot to hit publish. Thanks for the heads up!

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8 hours ago, pizzaoverhead said:

Glad to hear it! I wasn't able to get the Aruco tracker work accurately myself. How big did you print the marker?

Nope, I just forgot to hit publish. Thanks for the heads up!

I printed it to the borders of letter paper. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/25/2018 at 3:53 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

Glad to hear it! I wasn't able to get the Aruco tracker work accurately myself. How big did you print the marker?

Nope, I just forgot to hit publish. Thanks for the heads up!

i see that the .version says it's good for all of 1.4, can you tell Spacedock that, and update the OP?  Spacedock is merely clicking a button telling it to update the mod

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  • 10 months later...
On 5/24/2021 at 3:08 AM, Errol said:

Just want to report that this appears to still work as-is with trackIR in ksp 1.11.2

TrackIR works just fine in KSP without this mod. Though I had to manually edit settings.cfg to get rid of these pesky 90 degree limitations.

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  • 1 month later...

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