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Community interest in Gas planet 2

How interested are you in seeing GP2 added to stock KSP  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. How interested are you in seeing GP2 added to stock KSP

    • I am very interested in the addition of GP2 (or another gas giant) to the stock game
    • I am somewhat interested in the addition of GP2 (or another gas giant) to the stock game
    • I don't have strong feelings about adding GP2 to the stock game
    • I'm not interested in seeing GP2 in stock, but I want to see other planets added (share below)
    • I don't think any other planets should be added to stock KSP

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My mod, Planet Factory Revived, adds 2 new gas planets to the Kerbol system along with 2 new stars that have gas planets as well, with a total of 8 new gas planets.

Here's my GP2: Sentar!


[Well, this is an old pic, but I don't have any of my own]

Also, one of the extrasolar gas planets has 2 moons.

One of those moons has an atmosphere.

That same moon will have KerbalKonstructs easter eggs very soon.

I present.. Verviedi! Moon of Verion, which is a planet of Stella, orbiting in the habitable zone.


Oh, here's Verion, and a close-up of Verviedi:


Beautiful, aren't they?

Edited by _Augustus_
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Oh my gosh, I just NEED more celestial bodies. I like the binary star system idea. No need for FTL, and still accessible, and fills some of the players "another star system" thing, and maybe a space telescope or ground based observeratory would be needed to track the planets. Oh, and memory problem? Remove dres. I hate that space potato.

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My mod, Planet Factory Revived, adds 2 new gas planets to the Kerbol system along with 2 new stars that have gas planets as well, with a total of 8 new gas planets.

One of the extrasolar gas planets has 2 moons.

One of those moons has an atmosphere.

That same moon will KerbalKonstructs easter eggs very soon.

I present.. Verviedi! Moon of Verion, which is a planet of Stella.


Oh, here's Verion, and a close-up of Verviedi:


Beautiful, aren't they?

is there a way to limit the amount of planets in your mod? I want your mod, but it is too memory intensive, with the large amount of celestial bodies. And I don't like kaiser.

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is there a way to limit the amount of planets in your mod? I want your mod, but it is too memory intensive, with the large amount of celestial bodies. And I don't like kaiser.

Delete Kaiser.cfg to delete Kaiser.

And right now I am running just fine with full-res textures, a few small part packs, AND visual enhancements. The mod is not very memory-intensive for the amount of planets it adds, PFCE could crash you with just 3 planet packs, my mod adds nearly 30 new celestial bodies.

If you have a few mods, just turn your graphics to half-res.

If you have tons, install ATM.

Edited by _Augustus_
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I am interested in there being a new gas planet and/or other planets being added to the game only after some of the other features of the game are fixed. I don't mean everything has to be perfect but there are some things that need to be addressed by SQUAD. Some things can be done pretty easily and adding another planet would just be a distraction to these fixes. However once those are done I would love a new planetary sub-system to explore.

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The problem is that the longer they wait the harder it'll be. Like now. In 0.90 all bodies have biomes. So that means that GP2's moons need that now. It just gets harder the longer you wait.

GP2 would add a lot to the game. New places for Scott, Kurt, and all those you tubers. Plus others get to explore places.

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The problem is that the longer they wait the harder it'll be. Like now. In 0.90 all bodies have biomes. So that means that GP2's moons need that now. It just gets harder the longer you wait.

I don't think it quite works like that. It might be easier in the short term, but all these features still need to be added at some point. If, say, GP2 was added before biomes, then that doesn't actually remove the need to add biomes - Squad would still have had to do it when biomes were added to all planets anyway. Whether that's better or not is debatable, but personally, I'd much rather Squad made the current planets more interesting (like the Mun!) rather than just adding more for the sake of it.

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I'd really like to see GP2...not as another Jupiter or Saturn analogue, but as a Uranus or Neptune analogue. Instead of another gas giant it'd be nice to have an ice giant. Smaller and much more distant. With a few really cool moons. I'd really like to see a Titan analogue in the game, oceans, atmosphere...but not oxygenated.

Also, this may be nitpicky but I can't stand the stock colors for Jool...I like the gold, red, and browns of Jupiter. I'd like something a little more reflective of the elements contained in the atmosphere.

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I would most definitely like a GP2, preferably a GP3 as well. However, the dev's should probably make the current planets more interesting. We need mountains, dry lakes, crevasses, etc. Geology! Then for additions, a Saturn analogue, Uranus/Neptune analogue, something small and far-out, perhaps a Haumea analogue? The Saturn analogue would have moons like Titan, Enceladus, and Iapetus. The Uranus/Neptune analogue could have a retrograde moon, as well as some other ones inspired by the moons of Uranus/Neptune. The Haumea analogue would be an elipsoid, with a tiny moon.

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But if all the asteroids use the same texture, and current system (stored as single part vessels) surely it would allow large quantities of asteroids to be simulated without being loaded (I.e 2.5km range)?

Unfortunately not.

KSP already starts to run slower and slower the more active vessels you have. (Flags, debris and such)

I would most definitely like a GP2, preferably a GP3 as well. However, the dev's should probably make the current planets more interesting. We need mountains, dry lakes, crevasses, etc. Geology! Then for additions, a Saturn analogue, Uranus/Neptune analogue, something small and far-out, perhaps a Haumea analogue? The Saturn analogue would have moons like Titan, Enceladus, and Iapetus. The Uranus/Neptune analogue could have a retrograde moon, as well as some other ones inspired by the moons of Uranus/Neptune. The Haumea analogue would be an elipsoid, with a tiny moon.

I strongly support this idea :)

Edited by MalfunctionM1Ke
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I'd really like to see a dynamically interesting ice planet/moon. Perhaps this is a bit bold of an idea: but with layers. Cracks in the surface that lead into ocean caverns. Ice would be a cool surface to land on- in fact it would be nice if your wheels/lander legs in general reacted differently to surfaces. Going a step further, it would be nice to get some particle effects from landings and such too- like kicked up dust from the Mun or scorch marks from landers on rock.

UNRELATED: Why does the ocean cover all of Kerbin? Ever notice when the camera slips below the surface you can see the ocean below? I realize this is done to create a 'universal' water level across the planet. But it seems like a very large waste of memory usage having to render the water level below the ground level. It's basically like having 2 planet models for one planet overlapping.

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I would most definitely like a GP2, preferably a GP3 as well. However, the dev's should probably make the current planets more interesting. We need mountains, dry lakes, crevasses, etc. Geology! Then for additions, a Saturn analogue, Uranus/Neptune analogue, something small and far-out, perhaps a Haumea analogue? The Saturn analogue would have moons like Titan, Enceladus, and Iapetus. The Uranus/Neptune analogue could have a retrograde moon, as well as some other ones inspired by the moons of Uranus/Neptune. The Haumea analogue would be an elipsoid, with a tiny moon.

Kerbol Expanded adds a retrograde moon to a Neptune-like gas planet orbiting Kerbol's orange dwarf companion, Stella. The moon is a lot like Triton.

You got me thinking, I'm gonna add a Pluto/Eris/Haumea/Makemake/Quaoar analog to Stella right now, and give it a tiny moon.

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I'd very much love to see another gas planet - flushed out with monoliths and more than anything, a VOLCANIC MOON (Meaning it would be volcanic red in color and the "water" would be lava textured) - like "Mustafar" from Star Wars except called like "Mustafus" or something.

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