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Majorjim's "Dragon" Rovers- 1,2,3 seater versions.

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Hi all,

Today I am releasing a three rover set. These three rovers are the result of a lot of testing on tiny rovers.

They have been given the designations: KR-1, KR-2, KR-3. The test drivers simply call them the "Dragons" Most likely due to their lizard head appearance

and the solar panel 'tail'.

I have tested all three versions of the rover on Kerbin the Mun and Duna.

The single seater is best suited to Kerbin driving although with care it can easily handle the above two bodies.

The Two and three seater versions are best suited to the Mun and Duna. They are limited on Kerbin by the inherent weaknesses of the small rover wheels.

Although they will handle Kerbin driving with ease.

Here we can see the first ever delivery of the KR-2. Done in style by my secret drop-ship.


The rovers can operate in fully autonomous mode.




Whilst Jeb is risking life and limb for fun it seems like a good opportunity to show the junior docking port on the underside of the rovers.


On the Mun.


On Duna.


Here you can see the "Dragon tail" solar array.


All three versions lined up together.



If you like them and decide to give them a go, you will discover this in the VAB:



This will allow you to easily test the rovers and also as they are not the primary part you can easily make sub-assemblies of them.

The antenna are ACTION GROUP 1

The solar panels are ACTION GROUP 2

There we have it. Thanks for looking.


DL LINK: http://www./download/4614x57n8l29crh/_Dragon_+Rover+set.craft

*EDIT* I also included a bonus, my super small rover SKR-1.

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  • 1 year later...
Can you use a dropbox or google drive link pls, medifire isnt working

Second necro in two days, Jazz! Try looking at the thread date in the OP before resurrecting ships that just won't work in the new versions. If you are interested in any ship for historical reasons, you might try contacting the creator by PM, they might still have the file kicking around somewhere.

Rune. I didn't remember these!

Edited by Rune
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Hi Jazz,

These should still work I think. But yes, a true blast from the past! These will be buried in my original save.. God only knows how many craft are in there but it's in the hundreds. I kinds dread trying to load it.. Oh I can just look through the source files. I will see if I can find and resurrect these.


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