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The Grand 0.23.5 Discussion Thread


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Is the game changed enough to mess up my mods? I use a few parts mods(kw, aies) and a lot of gameplay mods(FAR, deadlyreentry, remotetech...)

It is very likely that some mods are broken. I suggest starting with a clean install of 0.23.5 and then adding back the mods one by one to see if there are any issues. Personally I've not had trouble with part mods, by which I mean mods without any dll whatsoever.

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The best (and quickest) way to get the update is by using the patcher that comes with the game (patcher.exe in your KSP install directory) - Steam users can disregard this, as Steam will update the game for them :)

My install of KSP doesn't have a patcher, is there a download for it somewhere? I checked the wiki and they have a link but I'm not sure if it's up to date. :)

I've always just downloaded the new version completely but for future reference this will be useful.

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My install of KSP doesn't have a patcher, is there a download for it somewhere? I checked the wiki and they have a link but I'm not sure if it's up to date. :)

I've always just downloaded the new version completely but for future reference this will be useful.

Run the launcher and it will install the patcher :)

Also this is no joke, Ive got it installed and playing right now :D :D :D

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Many thanks to Squad for this! I see many fun hours ahead! :)

However, there are a few quirks. I *really* hope they are addressed in 0.24, at least for fixing the engine cluster. The tank size isn't as a big of a deal. :)

* I wish the tanks were either 4.2 meters or 4.125 meters. 4.125 would be more logical as it "fits in" more with the other sizes, as it's a multiple of 1/8. The reason being for that is a S-IVB stage is 4.125 meters proportional to the Mk1-2 pod; 4.2 is proportional to the SLS core stage (and STS external tank). But since they're so close, it would make sense to use the 4.125.

I know all the part mods use 3.75 m (KW Rocketry, NovaPunch, Lack SXT), but it really doesn't make much sense other than being in line with the 1.25 m increment used for the other parts.

How the KS-25 cluster currently looks:



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Save was definitely in Career mode previously.

Best advice I can give you is to create a new career mode save file and check the differences between yours and it. (savefiles are called persistent.sfs and can be opened with notepad)

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Large parts also have a new system that allows them to attach much more rigidly to other parts, eliminating many cases where spamming struts was required.

Increased PhysX's global max angular velocity settings to improve joint stability.

Does that mean that mod parts will still wobble and need to be redone?

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Best advice I can give you is to create a new career mode save file and check the differences between yours and it. (savefiles are called persistent.sfs and can be opened with notepad)

Thanks. My name is showing (CAREER) after the title and Mode = 1, which are the same as the new test Career I started. So not sure what is going on.

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