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The Armageddon Thread


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I haven't seen Gravity, but I doubt it has any chance of stealing the crown from Armageddon. That said, I personally like Armageddon a lot more than it's contemporary Deep Impact. Armageddon doesn't pretend to be realistic, Deep Impact does, and fails. Of course this is where Gravity has issues too.

wat... :huh:

Currently, I've only found Class C and A 'roids. :(

Timewarp and you'll see every kind spawning.

And don't say 'roids, that's means something else. :D

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I remember the devs a while ago talking about some kind of reputation system for your space program. If that ever gets implemented then diverting should give you rep, and allowing a large asteroid to hit a populated area for example could cost you rep.

Should come as a mission then, random disasters that can be averted by "not looking" (untracking the impacter) wouldnt make sense.

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I wonder what the devs were thinking to handle the Asteroid dimensions like Bra-Cup-Sizes...

Not that I dont like it. ;)

Asteroids are classified by their orbit and composition, the latter actually using letters, but not A, B, C ...

I could not find a source for standardized classification by size though.

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I know landing an asteroid on Kerbin doesn't do much, but has anyone tried landing one on Jool yet? I'm curious to see how the game handles this one and see whether it draws the kracken in or not.

Once you skip under Jools "Surface - 0m", the Kraken is never far away.

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Kerbal space program: Play it once and Hollywood physics aren't fun anymore.

Very true

Should come as a mission then, random disasters that can be averted by "not looking" (untracking the impacter) wouldnt make sense.

I guess so. I imagine that if that ever materialises, they would have to rework the asteroid sizes maybe and the probabilities of imacts.

Now let's talk more about bras so that we can alienate what few female gamers this community has.

Sexism is fun isn't it?

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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Gravity is much better than Armageddon. Armageddon was officially the WORST space movie, ever.

I even made a thread on imdb where I named all 54 flaws.

Seriously. Usually I can turn my brain off (mostly) and just enjoy the movie for what it is. But Armageddon? I came out of that one ranting about a couple of dozen problems with it. I just couldn't get past it.

The one thing I liked in that movie was the line about the spacecraft being built by the lowest bidder. What could possibly go wrong? Heh. :)

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Yes, but seeing that the asteroids are seemingly indestructable ...

Are they actually indescructible? I saw them "sink" when impacting water in preview videos. Are they destroyed if they hit terrain too hard?

I suppose what I'm trying to say is, can I destroy an asteroid by ramming it?

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