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Good Music to KSP Too?


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Actually, now I think of it (having just rewatched it for Yuri's Night) -- the film First Orbit:

It's footage taken from the ISS over the exact route Yuri Gagarin took -- the exact terrain he would have seen -- and it is backed by the original mission audio, and by a haunting, original musical score.

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This is what I play on my background. Fits space exploration just amazingly well. Also keeps my stream viewers happy.


That's a great collection. Thanks for the link.

Oh man, I listen to a variety of stuff, but it mostly depends on what I'm doing. During reentry or aerobraking, particularly with an untested design, I find
from the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack is often quite fitting. Chris Hadfield's rendition of
is nice for time warp, docking, and other space station operations. For launches I use
by Muse most, thanks to
video, but for tests and crazier designs I tend to go with
, because... Reasons.

Unless I want something specific though, I usually just have

list on shuffle.

I'm listening to your list as we speak. Top stuff.

The filk music album To Touch The Stars:


Especially Hope Eyrie and Fire in the Sky. I have a mind to make a Hope Eyrie music video using KSP.

This looks interesting. Did you mean to say 'filk'? And do you mean what I think you mean?

Jerry Goldsmith.

Alien, Explorers, and a whole slew of Star Trek films.


John Williams's score for Space Camp is nice too.

If you want something a bit more creepy and ambient, John Serrie has a lot of good music for that. He sometimes uses actual space noise for samples too.


Space Camp - by all that's Kerbal it's a long time since I saw that. I wonder if I can track it down to show to my kids.

Oh and also, if I'm launching unfathomable behemoths then Ride of the Valkyries may occasionally find it's way into a playlist

Yes. Or 'O Fortuna' from the Carmina Burana :)

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Hello there!

I've only played the KSP demo so far but I had a lot of fun with it.

By the way, the song 10540 on the album http://ton.nomo.cc/album/imbrium is a reference to the 10540m that the Lunokhod 1 moon rover travelled across Mare Imbrium.

I was very happy when I learned that he's not alone up there anymore, now that Yutu and Chang'e are with him.

Oh, and I released a new album a few weeks ago: http://ton.nomo.cc/album/subrea I hope you enjoy my music :)

Cheers, nomoton

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After seeing last week in the previous (and now merged) thread, some mention of the Spacemind compilations on Youtube (ambient/trance/electronic/techno), I bought a bunch of albums through iTunes that had the tracks I liked best. Then, after listening to the albums, I've plucked out a bunch of my favorite tracks, shown below. I have to say, I'm really starting to dig Astropilot and some of the others there.

Playlist of favorites (random order):


Edited by NecroBones
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Listen to music ... ha! sometimes I wash the dishes or do laundry, it is just one of those kind of games.

Shoot it up on the big screen and watch your Kerbals orbit. Serve dinner with music of your choice.

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Listen to music ... ha! sometimes I wash the dishes or do laundry, it is just one of those kind of games.

One day during a planetary transfer i was thirsty but i my bottle of water was empty, so i took it to the kitchen to refill and when i was back to my desk i was just in time to stop my engines from burning. I felt like "Woah its really funny how i could go for water during an entire maneuver!" :D

BTW Im almost all the time listening to Mega Man X 1-6 Special Album or Metal Slug OST's

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Oh yeah, all the time. Though, comparable to Zaryulenko's story, I once had an ion-powered interplanetary mission take so long for a transfer burn that I just went to bed and left MechJeb's maneuver planner on in case I overslept. 9 hours of continuous running to intercept Eve... .

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Absolutely! Unless I'm recording it on video, no music during that time :(

Space Disco, Space Rock, New Wave, 70's prog, video game OST's...

All sorts of space/sci-fi themed music... xD

... or Metal Slug OST's

Oh YES!!! including THAT! }:^] Metal Slug has such brilliant music xD

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Oh YES!!! including THAT! }:^] Metal Slug has such brilliant music xD

I must say that from Metal Slug my favorite album is by far The Metal Slug 6 OST and my favorite Soundtrack is "Aim High Chase Fast" (AKA Mission 4 Plane/Mars People's Leader part or AKABM (BM = By Me) THE HELL! Cause i always suck at the start of that mission :()

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Hi everyone I just wanted to share some songs that I thought really helped get the creative juices going, and here they are.

1. Wake up - Arcade Fire

2. Stay Alaive - Jose Gonzalez

3. Dirty Paws - Of Monsters and Men

4. Particles of the Universe(Heartbeats) - Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin

5. End of the world - Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin

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