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I'm sorry, I... I just don't like ARM... :(


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I seriously do not get this complaint that "you can lift heavy payloads too easy." Why don't you... I don't know... build BIGGER payloads?!?

200 ton to orbit too easy now? Well make a 300 ton thing then! The 2.5m parts made it easier to lift the kinds of things people built before they were introduced, so people learned to build bigger things. And they'll do that again now.

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Well if MechJeb worked in 23.5 we would. :) (Not really, mechjeb is cool)

I never use the autopilot on it. I just don't care for the stock instruments and prefer the way MechJeb displays it.

200 ton to orbit too easy now? Well make a 300 ton thing then! The 2.5m parts made it easier to lift the kinds of things people built before they were introduced, so people learned to build bigger things. And they'll do that again now.

I can't even imagine what 300 ton payload I would send up. Unless I tried to launch a whole space station all at once, just for the ridiculousness of the idea (and then watch it fall apart in the first 10 seconds).

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I never use the autopilot on it. I just don't care for the stock instruments and prefer the way MechJeb displays it.

I can't even imagine what 300 ton payload I would send up. Unless I tried to launch a whole space station all at once, just for the ridiculousness of the idea (and then watch it fall apart in the first 10 seconds).

Launch a cage with a single-stage lander and transfer bus to land an E-Class on Tylo.

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I use MechJeb to automate the boring parts I have already mastered.

I don't need to babysit every launch. I can launch a rocket into orbit, I don't want to do it manually 1000 times.

I also may use it to get to Jool on occasion. :)

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I think a great deal of this will become clear when money comes into it. Sure, in sandbox you can launch 600 ton monstrosity, but can you afford to do that? I tend to spend most of my time really refining the efficiency of launchers--reusable staging, maximum payload for minimum fuel. Honestly I scarcely use the big engines except for quick and dirty test rigs for Eve landers.

The other part of it is getting mentally prepared for proper aerodynamics and fairings. I mean, lets be honest, those silly orange asparagus bundles are actually a symptom of something going wrong, not not something right.

I don't think anyone yet has started to explore how awesome the new Ion buff is. This is seriously my favorite part of the update.

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agree the ion engines are too OP.

2kN thrust is just a way too much.

I love this- the community goes ERMAGAD TOO SLOW IONS! And so Devs buff them up, while reducing ISP- essentially making them the same, just faster. Then they go Too much! Then its rebaleced to 1kn. Then...

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I think a great deal of this will become clear when money comes into it. Sure, in sandbox you can launch 600 ton monstrosity, but can you afford to do that? I tend to spend most of my time really refining the efficiency of launchers--reusable staging, maximum payload for minimum fuel. Honestly I scarcely use the big engines except for quick and dirty test rigs for Eve landers.

The other part of it is getting mentally prepared for proper aerodynamics and fairings. I mean, lets be honest, those silly orange asparagus bundles are actually a symptom of something going wrong, not not something right.

I don't think anyone yet has started to explore how awesome the new Ion buff is. This is seriously my favorite part of the update.

These kinds of posts make me think I have an alternate personality that is posting on these boards without my knowledge.

Which is a complicated way to say that I agree completely.

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I agree with OP man. Might hang on to the 3.75m fuel tanks, the SRB, and definitely the claw, but I strongly dislike all the new rocket motors/LES and the way they've implemented the SLS into the game in general. As you suggested, it's far too easy. Lifting heavy payloads should be a major engineering challenge, and not be something accessible to everyone just starting. It almost feels like some kind of casual tablet standalone spinoff meant to serve as an introduction more than an update to the core game.

Still love the game, but similarly to you, I'll probably wait until a future update and balance pass to start a new career.

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The only part that I feel is a little out of place is the combined fuel and engine part, however I can see why they did it that way, because of the SLS model they were basing it off, with the white and black design at the bottom of the boosters, and orange tanks on top. They couldn't really have a reskinned orange tank as well as having the orange tank of the same size.

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I've gotta be honest, I LOVE this update. I did an Eve return mission in late March with .23 parts (no ARM), and the lifter for my 10,800 delta-v Eve return lander + transfer stage took me 4 hours to get right because it was a 420t payload with a self imposed no-command-chair policy. Thrust plates and billions of struts, then doing launch, after launch, after launch, watching while 1 part decides to break 2 minutes into the flight and screws up the whole rocket -- because wobbly physics, that's why!

I wonder, for those of you who dislike the new parts because it makes the game too easy for you, how many of you have done a manned Eve return mission, or a Jool 5 challenge? In other words, I'm suggesting that if the game is too easy now, could you look for bigger challenges. If you have done a manned Eve return, now try a 3-kerbal return mission without command seats.

IMO, I'd rather have strong boosters that don't snap in half, that lend themselves to building realistic, non-asparagus, tall Saturn-V looking rockets. The old style 8-way symmetry, pancake, asparagus way of doing things was a bit too cheesy for me.

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As said above, i think much of this will be cleared up once money comes in.

The new parts are indeed, i believe, realistic. However, Kerbin itself is not. You can almost make a return trip to Duna orbit with the delta-V it takes to get into a simple Low Earth Orbit IRL. If you put the real life rockets into KSP working as well as they work in real life, you can get anywhere without much trouble at all.

I love this- the community goes ERMAGAD TOO SLOW IONS! And so Devs buff them up, while reducing ISP- essentially making them the same, just faster. Then they go Too much! Then its rebaleced to 1kn. Then...

This is so true :P.

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I don't get why people complain about the LES. Sure, you can cobble together your own from structural parts and seperatons, but it's still one of the most requested parts in the suggestion section.

I agree that it needs an integrated decoupler though.

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I don't get why people complain at all. The Ion engine is a result of it being nearly useless before the ARM Patch (except for satellites).

The SLS parts... Well, just dont use them? For me, it's nice that I can finally construct something as powerfull as I would normally construct, but only using 2 parts (tank and engine cluster), instead of 20-30 (tank(s), homemade engine cluster, struts etc etc).

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Gotta say I kind of feel the same as the OP. I'm not really interested in more large parts, I rarely even use the mainsail. I find myself strangely meh about the idea of grappling asteroids, so it's not really been an interesting update for me.

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I'm pretty certain we should also be getting some kind of bonus points for ground tricks, at least when then tied into air combos...


Ultimately, I want to lip-trick onto an asteroid, pull a pose like the above, release, then pull off a few more tricks on the way down, all in one combo, but I suspect I'll need more practice.

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I love the new update. I'm very surprised people don't like it or even hate it. I've been wanting a heavier rocket than the Mainsail for ages. I don't have time for 200 iterations before I get something into orbit, like a decent station. You don't have to use the new parts if you don't want to (Squad please don't nerf them, I need them). I love everything about this patch. Just ignore the asteroids, they will go away. None of them are 'dinosaur' killers. IF you don't track them, they go away... I like that feature. Again, I took astronomy in college, and I'm an amateur astronomer, yes, these size asteroids are as common as the game is showing them. The one that went over Russia last year was probably an E. These aren't that large. E type events are fairly common, one every four or five years. And don't worry about were kerbals all dying. I watched a C collide into Kermin while I was busy with another asteroid, kinda a cool. But nothing happened. I'm sorry if someone else has pointed these things out but I'm not reading 10 pages of "This update has ruined KSP for me". I love the update, I was getting frustrated in launching large things into space, I like the asteroids as something else to do. Again I'm surprised people hate the update. I guess there's no pleasing some people.. I hope this update raises awareness that we really need an early warning system for asteroids, even type Es slip past now. A truly large asteroid, a kilometer or so in diameter can do some serious damage. But not these itty bitty pebbles... The OP is wrong he doesn't have to save Kerbin from the E asteroids, if you don't like them don't track them. They do nothing when they hit, (even real ones that size in real life) and I love the new parts. Thanks NASA and Squad. And I haven't even tried the new ion engine yet, the thing was pointless before. Now I can make big rockets that look like rockets and not have 35 mainsails clustered around, strutted so much it looks so silly my niece laughed at them. I really REALLY don't understand what the problem is...

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Just in case this hasn't been said yet:

To everyone who's worried about the liquid fuel booster combo, think about how often you don't put a powerful engine underneath a medium height tank.

I would like a single version of the engine though, if for no other reason than to have a wider choice of power, although even that isn't all that important for engines that will mostly be used for first or second stages.

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I like the new "Op" engines, I wouldn't like them to be nerfed. I never liked making big asparagus designs with bilions of struts just to move my space station parts into orbit - it was fun but just for the short time for me. Thats why I was using mods like KW or NovaPunch - but now I dont have to and I`m very happy about it. :)

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