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[1.2.1] Taurus HCV - 3.75 m CSM System [v1.5.3 - July 1, 2014]


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3 hours ago, frencrs said:

Love this mod. Is there any word on the window lighting? It was mentioned in the change log a long time ago, but I'm guessing it might be a pain to put in without redoing the models.

when/where? version? details please.

EDIT: I have his back catalogue, and I did find a window emissive file and (apparently) HD textures, but both were removed from later versions. Doesn't say why.



-Laid foundation for light-up windows (coming soon)


Edited by Deimos Rast
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any ideas on why i cant see the command pod. everything else seems to work fine. all i see is the umbilical connector in the part view and the big and lil nodes everything else is invisible. Ive had this working fine before. 

everything works fine when this is the only mod but when i add it in to my other instance with everthing else its like the textures arent rendering for the command pod.


i found it

aerojetkerbodyne is trying to add a part to the hcv but is instead overwriting it. 


//Referrence to SDHI config

           model = R&SCapsuledyne/Parts/TaurusHCV/model
           scale = 1, 1, 1
           model = AerojetKerbodyne/Parts/ESA/UmbilicalPort
           scale = 1, 1, 1
        name = FSanimateGeneric
        animationName = ToggleUmbilical
        startEventGUIName = Install Umbilical Port
        endEventGUIName = Remove Umbilical Port
        toggleActionName = Toggle Umbilical Port
       customAnimationSpeed = 10
        moduleID = 0
        availableInEVA = false
        availableInVessel = false
        startDeployed = false
       playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = false

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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3 hours ago, slyfoxninja said:

How to install the fix? The read me file doesn't tell me anything.

sorry, I really need to fix the folder structure. :blush:

It should all be in a folder "Taurus_Continued" in your GameData directory. You need the original mod in addition to the patches.

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Hi. Just downloaded this mod and the two other patch files (Taurus_HCV_3.75m_Command_Pod_and_Service_Parts_1.5.3 & BDanim_v0.6.4.3 + Module Manager), but somehow I don't get access to all parts. I do have the pod, the reactions wheels, small fuel tank, heat shield, etc. But I don't see any service parts (except for the Ore Tank). Do anyone have a solution to this? What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

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32 minutes ago, COL.R.Neville said:

if you are on a career remember that you have to have researched and purchased the tech. if its in sandbox you should be able to see all of the parts. 

But I don't in Sandbox.. may it be because I downloaded any file wrong? I just unzipped the files and put them into KSP's GameData folder.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great mod, I like the design of the capsule and the quadruple engine. 

But it's almost impossible to board the Taurus capsule, even with easy board installed. My Kerbal is in front on the door, nothing happen. On standard capsules, it boards correctly. 

I have KSP 1.2.2 and only have installed the standard mod, should I install the fixes ?

I even tried with the capsule straight on the floor, nothing else. No boarding. Even with a ladder...

Thanks :)

Edited by juluss
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On 07/01/2017 at 1:01 PM, Tyko said:

Hi, I'm really interested in this mod. The models look awesome, but the download link is only the compatibility portion. There are no models. are you aware of that?

This post (located just a few posts above your own) has the missing links:

On 18/11/2016 at 1:34 AM, COL.R.Neville said:


Edited by JAFO
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  • 2 months later...

i've noticed a bug with the ladders on the csm and the lab (haven't tested the storage container yet.) kerbals will move down wards whenever they are n the ladder, and they can't move over from other ladders

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On 3/28/2017 at 7:10 PM, Plecy75 said:

i've noticed a bug with the ladders on the csm and the lab (haven't tested the storage container yet.) kerbals will move down wards whenever they are n the ladder, and they can't move over from other ladders

I'm experiencing this too! I thought this was just me, I was trying to properly position the ladders for ages, but they kept falling as soon as they exited. Did you manage to solve it in the meantime? 

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On 4/3/2017 at 6:29 AM, user8248932 said:

I'm experiencing this too! I thought this was just me, I was trying to properly position the ladders for ages, but they kept falling as soon as they exited. Did you manage to solve it in the meantime? 

unfortunately no, I am still having issues. It has made my reusable Duna lander almost completely unusable at this point, just because i have to use jetpacks to get into a space barely bigger than a kerbal

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13 minutes ago, Plecy75 said:

unfortunately no, I am still having issues. It has made my reusable Duna lander almost completely unusable at this point, just because i have to use jetpacks to get into a space barely bigger than a kerbal

I noticed. I think the same issue was added on Github too. I tried out the advice on using EasyBoard mod on the last page, but it doesn't really work that well unfortunately. I might play around with it some more soon, perhaps it's a problem on my end.


Finally, some real feedback! :D

  • FuelTank: yeah, I originally set it to 1.125, but for some reason second guessed myself this morning and didn't include that change.
  • The HCV engines were never throttle-able, but I can do a MonoProp patch + a throttlable patch (for super modularity). Funny that you're using an LES for orbital maneuvers.
  • It's probably best the HCV's stay as LES, considering in my tests they did rather poorly as descent engines. That said, Landertrons are just too cool not to have a patch.
  • Quadroodle: Technically 4 poodles, so you'd think it might have the same ISP (at least that makes sense to me). I left it alone because, honestly, I don't fully understand such mechanics, and despite all the evidence to the contrary, I try not to change things just for the sake of changing things.:wink: But if you can come up with reasonable numbers, I'm game.
  • Science lab: I'll make those changes. Why x2.5, if I may ask? I don't really have an opinion on labs, as I have very limited experience with them.
  • Battery: done.

Regarding the issues, I'll confess I didn't read the thread first.

  • Your animation issue: Do you get the option to toggle the animation in the VAB? How are you firing them - Staging or hotkey? Try both (hotkey seems to work better). The Landertron patch disables staging, so that might be it. Otherwise, you could download the mod DebugStuff to check if you have "ModuleDeployableEngines" on the HCV at all. I currently have BahaAnimation, DeployableEngines, and Landertron installed, with no issue, but I'll admit I didn't test other combinations.
  • Added cargobay fix patch
  • Not sure what I can do about the hatches (as I can't do 3D modeling). I'll see if it's still an issue, and add it to the issue tracker (when I figure out how to set it up).
    • EDIT: Well I was able to EVA and board both the Science Lab and the Omnibus, but they are both glitchy. The Science Lab I got back in by sheer luck, and I would honestly declare the hatch none usable. I will add "noAutoEVAMulti" to keep people from unintentionally EVAing from the Lab unless they click the hatch and EVA that way. Omnibus is quasi-usable still, just hard to hold on to the ladder. The EasyBoard mod helps a lot. The secret seems to be to point the lab downward, so the hatch is in front of you - or rotate your kerbal so you're in a similar orientation, then it seems to work fine.

Thanks again for the feedback! Even if it's something small (like typos or wording) or just shaving down decimals (like the battery SAS mass), it's nice to know someone else is actually looking at what you did.

I'll be rolling out a second update in a bit with your suggestions in a few.

To clarify, I'm not pressuring anyone here into fixing something, I am just looking for a fix. It's a great mod!


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  • 1 month later...

I'm having low delta-v issues with the Tiny.

My craft currently consists of a Taurus pod with a tweakscaled stock size 2 ASAS (haven't unlocked the Taurus size 3 one yet), the taurus lab module, taurus short fuel tank (switched to LH2), a couple of solar arrays and mono tanks, a few RCS quads and the Tiny.  With the main engine on, MJ says it has just shy of 300 m/s, with just the aux engines on it reads as zero.

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