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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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I've gone live with the website changes, hopefully you'll find things better laid out and easier to read.

You can also find a new feature, download links for previous versions. These are the last, stable versions of each major release, although only the latest release is supported.

I've also put up the change log for 0.9 to give you an idea of what is coming, although it's subject to change before release!

find it all at ksp.kingtiger.co.uk


Tweakscale is behaving itself so I've added that to the next release. It's a line in US_Core.cfg so it applies to all US parts and is easy to modify.

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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Hi guys, just an update.

You've probably noticed dev has slowed down a little in the last month, money is getting pretty tight and i've had to undercut myself on quotes and work longer hours just to secure enough to get by on. Leaves me with less time for US, and less motivation to churn out parts when I do have the time because i'm so drained :|

Because christmas is coming up (alarmingly quickly) and the local mall has just started advertising for temp workers, i've decided to bite the bullet and get a shelf stacking job in the meantime. Its reliable work and I can cover expenses working a half-week, leaving me more time for 3D stuff and my career.

Hopefully you'll see a faster pace of dev from me in the near future :)

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I believe you're correct about using the 25% config, but the choice of converter scripts is a user choice. US comes packaged with a resource converter that was designed to do some special things that weren't possible previously with TACLS. Since the most recent update, TACLS has improved its native converter and even includes live resource calculations while the ship is "on rails" (time acceleration).

At least that's how I remember it, but I haven't poked my Kerbal install for a few weeks. There should be a file in the US TAC Pack archive that describes in detail all of these things.

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The US_TAC (25% resources) file will reduce the capacity of all Universal Storage parts to 25% of stock, which balances them with TAC resource consumption rates.

Use TAC Converters will change the Universal Storage parts to use the TAC converters at the same rates. This means Universal Storage converters will work on rails, but it seems to not work so well at high time compression.

Human consumption rates will change TAC to use resources at roughly 4 times the rate of stock TAC.

So for a stock TAC experience, you don't need to install any of these, but I recommend installing the 25% resources file and the TAC Converter. Instructions for both are included in the TAC pack.

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Do you take suggestions? How about radially attachable small core, working as radial decoupler (with support/truss instead of one of the side nodes)? Kinda like this:


only as a single part?

I have played around with a radial core but couldn't really make it work in a nice way.

We do have more radial tanks coming out soon, which should fill this need.

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Hey guys, do you plan to restore the Decoupler functionality anytime soon? The decoupler looks great and I'd love to use it, but for now it's just cosmetic.

We plan to replace the decoupler with a new model which will decouple. The problem is the top and bottom nodes are too close together which makes attaching to the right one very hard. This screws up Mechjeb / Engineer calculations.

If you go into the part.cfg file you can reactivate the decouple, just remove the // comments in the code at the place shown. It's all well annotated so should be easy to find.

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We plan to replace the decoupler with a new model which will decouple.

Could you please leave it be and add new part instead of replacing it? Yes, current model isn't suitable as decoupler, but if you put both nodes to the same offset it may still work as a nice delimiter. It looks nice and hides edges perfectly.

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In 8.4 alkaline/elektron ballance is broken - it possible to get a lot of free energy, using those pars.

I think alkaline rates for water, oxygen and hydrogen should be multiple x10.

Now alkaline works ~8 hours, but elektron can fill alkaline's tanks only for ~67 minutes

It alkaline will work ~47 minutes on integrated resources - it will enougth for most cases. In other cases it possible to add more hydrogen&oxygen tanks.

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That sounds like a nice idea actually. The nodes are rather close, but with the top solid it would make a really nice looking endcap for a wedge stack. I've been using the Rockomax Adapter 02 parts for that and these could look a lot nicer. Would fit in with the wedges/core, and generally look pretty spiffy.

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In 8.4 alkaline/elektron ballance is broken - it possible to get a lot of free energy, using those pars.

I think alkaline rates for water, oxygen and hydrogen should be multiple x10.

Now alkaline works ~8 hours, but elektron can fill alkaline's tanks only for ~67 minutes

It alkaline will work ~47 minutes on integrated resources - it will enougth for most cases. In other cases it possible to add more hydrogen&oxygen tanks.

Great spot, thanks.

I've recomputed everything last night and used a different method to balance the chemical reactions, then modify the rate to match the real world items (using Apollo for the fuel cell).

The result is much better balance, the Elektron is now 39% efficient compared to the fuel cell (comparing the amount of water consumed / produces vs. the power consumed / produced). So is isn't worth while running an Elektron without a solar array or nuclear reactor.

I've also added in an extra step to throttle the universal storage parts, allowing a percentage of the real thing. This allows for the KSP parts being smaller than the real thing.

The new figures are avalablein my Resources Research spreadsheet in my Public OneDrive folder (link in sig). Will implement in 0.9.

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Version 0.9 released!

This release reintroduces the ECLSS pack thanks to Shasol's hard work rebooting Asmi's excellent mod.

We've also released a Snacks pack to work with Snacks! a simple life support mod.

We've also rebalanced the processors (Fuel Cell, Elektron, Sabatier and Water Purifier), some of these were way out of balance against each other and their real life counterparts. Should be much better now.

The biggest change is a move to a single folder structure. All the pack now appear in a single UniversalStorage folder in GameData. This means Part catalog will work automatically if installed. We've also changed the part folder names so everything appears in a more logical order in the parts list.

If you're upgrading from an earlier version ensure you delete all the US_ folders from game data.

Also these changes will effect anyone who uses Dmagic orbital science. Make sure you have the latest version of that mod installed!

download from ksp.kingtiger.co.uk

0.9.0 – 7th October 2014

Tested on: KSP 0.25, 24.2

Should work on: KSP 0.23.5

  • New website structure
  • ECLSS pack re-release (Updated version)
  • Snacks! pack released
  • Added tweakscale module to all parts
  • Completely recalculated resource processors (Fuel cell, Sabatier, Elektron and Water Reclamation Unit). All are now much closer to real world systems.
  • Added alternative Converter file for Sabatier which produces LqdMethane.
  • Resource processors now use USI_Toolkit (packaged with Core pack). Processors now work on rails!
  • Updated folder structure to single folder
  • Updated part folder names to modify part order to:
  • Cores (small to large)
  • Adapters (small to large)
  • Processor wedges (alphabetical)
  • Resource wedges (alphabetical)
  • Resource Radial (alphabetical)
  • Updates to license:
  • Models and Textures: All rights reserved
    .cfg files: CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Packaged plug-ins are covered by their own licenses
  • Cleaned up Part.Cfg files adding more annotations (more still to do!)

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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Is your great mod already 0.25 compatible? :)

Sure is. None of the changes looked likely to affect our parts, so all I had to do was load everything in game and make sure it all worked.

You're good to go.

I've actually been sitting on 0.9 for over a week, waiting for 0.25 to come out, so all the testing was already done.

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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