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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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While the food, oxygen, and water are a nice addition to those using TAC-LS, the one thing that's missing is a "supplies" container. In TAC's default containers, there's one category that contains all 3 life support items in a single container. Would be nice to have the same in universal storage. In the mean time, I cloned the Food wedge and changed it to have the same amount of supplies as a small hexcan. Works nicely!

Might add a smaller early-game part now that you mention that. I've felt the same, and filling a quadcore to have a few hundred days of resources for a couple of weeks in orbit is overkill. I could branch into 0.625 parts just for that little combined life support module, and somehow make a setup similar to the Mercury\Gemini craft.


Feature creep for the win \o/

Edited by Daishi
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I simply copied the Food wedge cfg file, edited the name to "supplies", gave it the same amount of food/water/O2 as the stock TAC-LS size small hex can, and added it to the tech tree. Much more convenient for Mun/Minmus trips. Leaves enough room for Goo, Science Jr, and cargo wedges. Which remonds me, I'm constantly having trouble getting small items like the 2Hot thermometer to stick to the inside of the "science bay" wedge. Parts will stick to the surface of the rear of this compartment without a problem, but trying to place anything on the 45 degree sides inside this leads to clipping right through the wall of the container most of the time.

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Try turning off the angle snap function. You should immediately notice that they sit flat on the sides :) If that doesn't work - I believe holding alt is the ticket?

I think ALT is to force node attachment, not surface attachment. But yep, turning off angle snap works a treat for that :)

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Hello, Paul.

Why are you - and pretty much only you - use Hydrogen and not the usual LlqH2 resource found in MKS?

IIRC, it's gaseous hydrogen, not liquid. So it's the same substance, but it's not your favourite fuel.

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IIRC, it's gaseous hydrogen, not liquid. So it's the same substance, but it's not your favourite fuel.

Yep, it's Hydrogen gas, because that's what the fuel cell runs on. You can change it to liquid hydrogen, but then the fuel cell uses so little per second that rounding errors become a serious problem. By using a gas we get more accurate usage rates for the fuel cell.

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I seem to have some trouble with the Electron and the Water Purifier: they both don't seem to work? Any ideas on what went wrong?

http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html may prove interesting reading. In the mean time, does right-clicking on them show anything? They will throttle at 95% capacity for output oxygen and water, respectively.

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Hello, I have a small request. I have some crafts that were built before with US before v1.1.0.1 changes where made I wanted to remove those parts to reuse the crafts. It so happens that I had a brain fart and have deleted all my old mods so I no longer can find an older version of the US mod online. Everywhere I look its gone or been updated. Can someone help me out here either by directing me to prior mod versions or be kind enough to send my the zip so I can modify my old crafts?


Update...wow...I literally found a older version of US right after I posted this! =S

Edited by CarnageINC
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Hello, I have a small request. I have some crafts that were built before with US before v1.1.0.1 changes where made I wanted to remove those parts to reuse the crafts. It so happens that I had a brain fart and have deleted all my old mods so I no longer can find an older version of the US mod online. Everywhere I look its gone or been updated. Can someone help me out here either by directing me to prior mod versions or be kind enough to send my the zip so I can modify my old crafts?


Update...wow...I literally found a older version of US right after I posted this! =S

Glad you've found it. For anyone else, Kerbal Stuff allows you to download older versions. If you need a version older than has been hosted on there let me know and I'll put it somewhere you can get to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My ships are blowing up with the Elektron and Water Purifier running (TAC LS). I've attached a bunch of radiators and a heat sink from Nertea's heat management mod to try to help but they continue to blow up, especially if I time warp. Any ideas as to why they put out so much heat that doesn't get radiated?

In addition, they don't seem to actually be doing anything. I right click on the WP and it says "7.60% load" but when I look at the tanks the waste H2O never goes down and the H2O never goes up. In addition, the Elektron doesn't seem to want to electrolyze water. O2 remains the same.

And as I speed up time... the ship suddenly starts heating up and then blows up.

One thing - I think the overheating problem is a stock bug. But why are none of my converters running?

Edited by westamastaflash
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The overheating is a stock bug unfortunately. Some mods make it worse (FAR) and some mods like Universal Storage seems to be affected more by the results. That I've noticed anyway.

Its much better since the recent update, but still occurs a bit. Have you got the latest version of US?

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I don't know if this is a problem with Universal Storage, or a problem with KIS, so I'll put it on both and hope someone figures it out...

I'm swapping out science instrument wedges on a space station, and I go to shuffle a module from one slot to another, because it's staying for the time being. Problem is, it won't snap into the new slot as the standard "Mount" option. There's a green node ball inside, though. Any ideas as to what's going on?

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I have a suggestion: could you please put the Structural Universal-Storage parts into the "Structural" category? The Misc-Category is so overful already, and I think the Quad/Hexa/Octocores qualify pretty well as structural parts.

While we're at it, for some reason your "Manufacturer" does not come up in the Manufacturers page of the parts listing.

I am asking this, because when you have quite a few mods installed, the part listing becomes really confusing.

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I don't know if this is a problem with Universal Storage, or a problem with KIS, so I'll put it on both and hope someone figures it out...

I'm swapping out science instrument wedges on a space station, and I go to shuffle a module from one slot to another, because it's staying for the time being. Problem is, it won't snap into the new slot as the standard "Mount" option. There's a green node ball inside, though. Any ideas as to what's going on?

Hmm. There's a list inside each cores config file, that tells KIS what wedges are allowed to attach to each node in-game (I think it was the only way to get around attaching parts without KIS tools). Your lists might be excluding the Dmagic wedges, and preventing their re-attachment.

Open a core .cfg with notepad, and find the section that has modules like this...

name = ModuleKISPartMount
sndStorePath = KIS/Sounds/containerMount
allowRelease = true
attachNode = backleft
allowedPartName= US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay
allowedPartName= US_1P110_Wedge_Fuelcell
allowedPartName= US_1P120_Wedge_Elektron
allowedPartName= US_1P130_Wedge_Sabatier
allowedPartName= US_1P140_Wedge_WRS
allowedPartName= US_1R110_Wedge_KISContainer
allowedPartName= US_1R210_Wedge_Liquidfuel
allowedPartName= US_1R220_Wedge_Monoprop
allowedPartName= US_1R310_Wedge_CarbonDioxide
allowedPartName= US_1R320_Wedge_Food
allowedPartName= US_1R330_Wedge_Hydrogen
allowedPartName= US_1R340_Wedge_Oxygen
allowedPartName= US_1R350_Wedge_Waste
allowedPartName= US_1R360_Wedge_Water
allowedPartName= US_1R370_Wedge_WasteWater
[B]allowedPartName= dmUSAsert
allowedPartName= dmUSGoo
allowedPartName= dmUSMat
allowedPartName= dmUSGoreSat
allowedPartName= dmUSImagingPlatform
allowedPartName= USRPWS
allowedPartName= dmUSMagBoom
allowedPartName= dmUSScope
allowedPartName= dmUSSoilMoisture
allowedPartName= dmUSSolarParticles
allowedPartName= dmUSPresTemp
allowedPartName= dmUSAccGrav
allowedPartName= dmUSAtmosSense[/B]

If you're missing the dmUS listings (in bold), we've found the problem and all you need to do is re-download and update US (or just the quad, hex and octocore .cfg files). If not, something's amiss.


I have a suggestion: could you please put the Structural Universal-Storage parts into the "Structural" category? The Misc-Category is so overful already, and I think the Quad/Hexa/Octocores qualify pretty well as structural parts.

While we're at it, for some reason your "Manufacturer" does not come up in the Manufacturers page of the parts listing.

I am asking this, because when you have quite a few mods installed, the part listing becomes really confusing.

Agree, we'll definitely be sorting out the parts into better categories for US2, but i'm not sure how much Paul can do now with a patch. Don't want to break save games. Not sure about the Manufacturer thing though.

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Hmm. There's a list inside each cores config file, that tells KIS what wedges are allowed to attach to each node in-game (I think it was the only way to get around attaching parts without KIS tools). Your lists might be excluding the Dmagic wedges, and preventing their re-attachment.

If you're missing the dmUS listings (in bold), we've found the problem and all you need to do is re-download and update US (or just the quad, hex and octocore .cfg files). If not, something's amiss.

Then something is definitely amiss, because I encountered the same issue with the US monoprop tank wedges, too.

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I have a suggestion: could you please put the Structural Universal-Storage parts into the "Structural" category? The Misc-Category is so overful already, and I think the Quad/Hexa/Octocores qualify pretty well as structural parts.

While we're at it, for some reason your "Manufacturer" does not come up in the Manufacturers page of the parts listing.

I am asking this, because when you have quite a few mods installed, the part listing becomes really confusing.

I can have a look at this and see if it will break anything.

Squad really missed an opportunity to make the category system very user friendly, as it is it's picky and surprise, there's no documentation.

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Literally only just found this mod and it looks absolutely amazing. Stunning even... and I can't wait to try it out.

I do have one question tho and sorry if it's a stupid one. :) The principle "seems" to be like the stock service bays, which my newbness haven't had the best luck with in regards to the physics engine :D ... So are these more newbie friendly in that area?

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Stock service bays have a bunch of bugs and unintended effects that you won't find here. The Science bay doesn't shield it's contents from aero effects, unless you use FAR in which case it does. Oh and don't be scared of FAR, the post 1.0 version is really easy to use, no special UIs are required.

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Stock service bays have a bunch of bugs and unintended effects that you won't find here. The Science bay doesn't shield it's contents from aero effects, unless you use FAR in which case it does. Oh and don't be scared of FAR, the post 1.0 version is really easy to use, no special UIs are required.

Thanks for the quick reply. :)

I'll give both a try. :)

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Stock service bays have a bunch of bugs and unintended effects that you won't find here. The Science bay doesn't shield it's contents from aero effects, unless you use FAR in which case it does. Oh and don't be scared of FAR, the post 1.0 version is really easy to use, no special UIs are required.

Are they really that bad? Bit worrying, especially with what I'm planning with the next version :\

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