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KSP: Free to Play


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MEME THEME SALE, EXTRA EXTRA, real deal 1 : Yo dawg I heard you liked to pay money...

So we've made it so you have to PAY MONEY TO PAY MONEY.

*pay an extra $5 to not pay infinite money due to paradox

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we are sorry, but due to the lack of profits erm.... engine limitations, we will no longer support mods, the next update will be forced and required and has the terrific, I mean sad consequence of no more user modability, all mods, being useless will be removed from any and every domain...

But don't worry, we will have new dlc that will more then make up for the loss, only $999.99.

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You've come within loading distance of an asteroid! If you choose to continue to rendezvous, it will use up one (1) of your [five (5)] remaining asteroid rendezvous tokens! You can either continue or purchase more ARTs ($10.00 for 5 tokens).

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Furthermore, in terms of user response, if the additional related content we are providing continually to users online is deemed uninteresting from the start, there will be no ongoing business to pursue.

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KSP requires an Origin account to play even though it's single player, because...uh...processing is done in the cloud. The Origin servers totally won't crash whenever a new version is released, forcing you to wait days for the traffic to die down. We'll never shut down the servers that allow you to play the game you paid for, just because we aren't selling any new copies. Never.

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We may want to stop, Squad may develop ideas! XD

I trust the developers enough to not worry. :P

Game cash can now be purchased at the exchange rate of $10 = 1000 Kerbal Cash!

Career mode parts must be purchased for science and then developed using your "Patents" currency (hard to get in-game but available for $1.50 apiece!)

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