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Why is the Kerbodyne Adapter chipped and scratched?


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I like clean looking craft, and the texture for the Kerbodyne ADPT-2-3 shows that its scuffed,chipped, and scratched.

If this is how NASA makes their parts IRL then it explains and makes light of certain space disasters.

The small rotating version you see when you mouse over the item in VAB does not have that texture, it is clean and undamaged.

The texture for the Kerbodyne ADPT-2-3 should be fixed.



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i get that it fits in the game, but these are the "NASA Parts" and people actually have died from faulty o-rings and chipped ceramic tiles. so you would think NASA would have their parts be prestine.

and yes, i understand Kerbodyne isnt NASA.

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i get that it fits in the game, but these are the "NASA Parts" and people actually have died from faulty o-rings and chipped ceramic tiles. so you would think NASA would have their parts be prestine.

and yes, i understand Kerbodyne isnt NASA.

I think we're getting a little too touchy here. None of these parts exist in real life, nor were they involved in the Challenger or Columbia disasters, nor can these parts fail in the same manner.

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i get that it fits in the game, but these are the "NASA Parts" and people actually have died from faulty o-rings and chipped ceramic tiles. so you would think NASA would have their parts be prestine.

and yes, i understand Kerbodyne isnt NASA.

A structural piece that would primarily be used and staged in launch is nothing like an o-ring or a ceramic tile. Besides, Kerbodyne wouldn't want you to use their competitors parts with success anyways.

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I think the damage to this part is a bit overdone too. None of the other parts look like this, and since they are higher on tech tree, one would think that the improvements in Kerbal technology would have a corresponding improvement in standards of care.

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I think the damage to this part is a bit overdone too. None of the other parts look like this, and since they are higher on tech tree, one would think that the improvements in Kerbal technology would have a corresponding improvement in standards of care.

+1. I think you should be able to improve reliability rates for parts as you go up the tech tree.

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I think the damage to this part is a bit overdone too. None of the other parts look like this, and since they are higher on tech tree, one would think that the improvements in Kerbal technology would have a corresponding improvement in standards of care.

The tech tree just enhances their ability to find stuff lying on the road for rocket parts :P

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It's just a texture thing, it's supposed to look made by kerbals.

Only because it has NASA-inspired parts doesn't mean it is human space program.

People are complaining "omg soo unrealistic some scratches and paint displacing omg!!!!! what about the ppl that died in rocket!!!!" while we have broken aerodynamics, wobbly monstrosities full of struts, asparagus staging and more.

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People are complaining "omg soo unrealistic some scratches and paint displacing omg!!!!! what about the ppl that died in rocket!!!!" while we have broken aerodynamics, wobbly monstrosities full of struts, asparagus staging and more.

That's a good argument for fixing the aerodynamics, not breaking everything else.

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It's just like everything else in KSP, junk that gets you to space

Except Kerbodyne's other "products" clearly aren't junk, like their engines, which are far more advanced technology than a structural part. It doesn't make sense within the game universe. Some of the fuel tanks are also too scratched looking.

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Except Kerbodyne's other "products" clearly aren't junk, like their engines, which are far more advanced technology than a structural part. It doesn't make sense within the game universe. Some of the fuel tanks are also too scratched looking.

That's true. They should stick to one theme: large companies like Rockomax and Kerbodyne should have high quality, unscratched products, "found by the side of the road", maybe not so.

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