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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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You know, I remember the day I saw the preview video, my jaw hit the floor... I didn't think that you could do that again, but then I saw these two screenshots....

shut up and take my money! here here here In all seriousness, make sure your donate button is up-to-date for when you release this. ;)

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Proot: This is amazing.

I know you're working on this release as and when you can / feel like it, so no major rush. I was wondering if you could share what sort of percentage complete you feel you are?

I feel like my life will better when this update is released.

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Proot: This is amazing.

I know you're working on this release as and when you can / feel like it, so no major rush. I was wondering if you could share what sort of percentage complete you feel you are?

I feel like my life will better when this update is released.

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Joe, many thanks for your offerings, but I already have clouds and parts basically done.

Let's see a pic of Kerbin's moons, Mun and Minmus. Comparation:



Glad you like it. Eve will look similar to this in the next version:


And as extra, a new pic of the new planets remake. This time, Tylo:


Thanks for replying with pics.

Lovely work.

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The main work is done. I just need to retouch a few parts, add some things to the Kopernicus configs and split some textures to improve the memory usage (I want to keep the memory usage around 1,7 - 2GB, to have room to use more mods). So probably it's like 85-90% finished. However Scatterer and EVE's Overhaul are still in progress and, while development progresses, some new features appear and some old (but good) ideas become possible.

Anyways it's hard to pin down. The mod's frameworks (the base plugins) are not dependant on me. Rbray89 is doing his magic again with EVE-overhaul, but Scatterer is in stand-by (Blackrack seems pretty busy IRL).

So, from my point of view, if you like KSPRC, if you want KSPRC, the best thing you all can do right now about this, is to give your best support and your donations to the creators of the base plugins: Shaw (for "Texture Replacer"), Rbray89 (for "E.V.E."), Valerian (for "PlanetShine"), Thomas P. and Co. (for "Kopernicus"), MOARdV (which maintains Rubber Ducky's "Distant Object Enhancement"). The next version will include, at least, Blackrack's "Scatterer" and "Engine Lighting" by tajampi, so you should be giving your best feedback to them too.

Believe me people: they are the real heroes. I'm just an artist who dream about space since I was a kid... and who enjoys this like if still were a boy. :)

PD: uff... more than 2 lines of my english... usually turns quickly into a Tarzan's speech. As always, excuse my crappy english. I promise to try to be more succinct(?).

Edited by Proot
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Hey Proot I read that post completely fine from start to finish

I have no idea how you read that and came to this conclusion

What was the conclusion that he supposedly came to? I can't make it out.

Anyway, Proot, they make the mods, and you make them beautiful. Not to discredit the mod authors, but you play no small part in making all those mods come together in a way that never fails to amaze me.

Your English is a lot better than you'll give yourself credit for, too.

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What was the conclusion that he supposedly came to? I can't make it out.

Anyway, Proot, they make the mods, and you make them beautiful. Not to discredit the mod authors, but you play no small part in making all those mods come together in a way that never fails to amaze me.

Your English is a lot better than you'll give yourself credit for, too.

+1. Proot, you really should give yourself a bit more credit.

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I have no idea how you read that and came to this conclusion

"The main work is done." -Proot

We've been waiting for months, a couple more weeks is nothing to compare to. He just assumed.

I wish it was for release, its driving me nuts not being able to install all that awesomeness

You can install all the add-ons for yourself if you want to. Personally I'm waiting for Proot work to mod it myself to my personal taste and use.

Thanks for all your work Proot, and thank you to all the community who helps make this game worth what it is.

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Hey Proot, quick question. On the upcoming version, considering you're using Scatterer as apart of your pack how are you getting around the one body limit it has? Or am I mistaken in thinking that Blackrack hadn't gotten to that issue yet of only having one planet using it?

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Hey Proot, quick question. On the upcoming version, considering you're using Scatterer as apart of your pack how are you getting around the one body limit it has? Or am I mistaken in thinking that Blackrack hadn't gotten to that issue yet of only having one planet using it?

Blackrack is dealing now with the full Scatterer-EVE compatibility. After this (acording to his own plans) the multi-planet support should be the next feature to include.

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Hey proot, I think I remember a while back you said you were doing a new skybox (but I can't find the post). If you are doing a new one, any chance of a peek? I loved your original one, and the pack in general :)

Thanks for all your work!

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Blackrack is dealing now with the full Scatterer-EVE compatibility. After this (acording to his own plans) the multi-planet support should be the next feature to include.
Ahhh ok gotcha.

This is correct, I now have Scatterer-EVE compatibility fully worked out, I'm going to do some tweaks for orbital view, add a few parameters to control the different settings at different altitudes and do a release. After that I'll be working on multiple planets.

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For those of you who need more pictures, he's posted some on the WIP-EVE thread.



Tornadoes on Eve. He says in another post that they will be "geysers, snow, and atmo particles" too.

All this tornadoes and stuff are viewable here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100857-WIP-EVE-(Environmental-Visual-Enhancements)-Overhaul/page12?p=1648983


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For those of you who need more pictures, he's posted some on the WIP-EVE thread.



Tornadoes on Eve. He says in another post that they will be "geysers, snow, and atmo particles" too.

All this tornadoes and stuff are viewable here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100857-WIP-EVE-(Environmental-Visual-Enhancements)-Overhaul/page12?p=1648983


Sweet, but question is, do they have an effect over gameplay? (probably they dont have but,thats ok)

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