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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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15 hours ago, fast_de_la_speed said:

It's a post process mod, makes your KSP look nice.

Original Thread

MEGA link


Thanks. Will try this out.


On 21/10/2016 at 0:48 PM, V8jester said:

I do. Now this will look like the wrong link. But GEMFX is not exclusively built for KSP. It is a shader overlay for games. If.... When you run into issues with setup. Shoot me a PM and I'll try and help get you up and running.


Thanks. Sent you a PM.

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Just tried this out. It's beautiful. But brutal on the framerate. I get 8-10FPS at times just when launching a command pod and Flea booster. Oddly, pressing M to view all of Kerbin in its glory, I get 60FPS. Not sure if I'll be able to use this mod as bigger rocket launches would be unplayable.

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For some reason when I go to the moon (I havent tried other bodies yet) my fps drops from stable 60+ to 25 (I use GTX 1070) also I use the latest kopermicus and the clouds are from SVE

EDIT: before 1.2 I had gtx 750TI and the ground textures worked great:(

Edited by NeoFatalis
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I cant get KSPRC to work - I download the file and extract them all to GameData but no changes are visible in game.  What am I doing wrong!?  Its like nothing is installed at all, not even the included Scatterer or EVE etc.

Edited by funkcanna
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13 minutes ago, funkcanna said:

I cant get KSPRC to work - I download the file and extract them all to GameData but no changes are visible in game.  What am I doing wrong!?  Its like nothing is installed at all, not even the included Scatterer or EVE etc.

You need to delete Kopernicus,texture replacer,eve,scatterer,planetshine and distant object enhancer that bundeld with KSPRC and download their standalone versions (that work with 1.2) and then the clouds and the textures should work

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25 minutes ago, NeoFatalis said:

You need to delete Kopernicus,texture replacer,eve,scatterer,planetshine and distant object enhancer that bundeld with KSPRC and download their standalone versions (that work with 1.2) and then the clouds and the textures should work

Awesome thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded the mod, and while everything looks stunning, even without GemFX, I get very low FPS while launching even something like the Kerbal X, with a low of 14 fps (although that was in clouds). Is this normal? I found it quite surprising, considering I'm using a GTX 970 and an i7-4790K @ 4.00 GHz. My worry is that the game will become unplayable during larger launches, especially with GemFX (assuming that affects framerates).

Also, does this work with Revamped Stock Kerbol System?

Thanks for help

Edited by tomgle
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yes, clouds will drop frame rate regardless of what system you're on, I've got a R9 390 and an FX-4350 and it dips down to around 19-22 frames when looking at clouds. Larger launches don't seem to impact the framerate for me, and GemFX mostly leaves a very very tiny footprint (save for some post processing effects, I do know some are labelled as resource intensive)

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On 14.11.2016 at 10:36 PM, tomgle said:

I downloaded the mod, and while everything looks stunning, even without GemFX, I get very low FPS while launching even something like the Kerbal X, with a low of 14 fps (although that was in clouds). Is this normal? I found it quite surprising, considering I'm using a GTX 970 and an i7-4790K @ 4.00 GHz. My worry is that the game will become unplayable during larger launches, especially with GemFX (assuming that affects framerates).

Also, does this work with Revamped Stock Kerbol System?

Thanks for help

i think that the way proot has set up his mod makes it very hard to be handled for "mid-class" vga adapters.

I have a 970 as well, and its not much different here. so i think from this point on its not longer the physic-calculation slowing u down, but really the amount of eyecandy he has packed in here.

My 970 is at 100% load all the time playing - so u might consider a little upgrade?

Edited by Speadge
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2 minutes ago, Speadge said:

i think that the way proot has set up his mod makes it very hard to be handled for "mid-class" vga adapters.

I have a 970 as well, and its not much different here. so i think from this point on its not longer the physic-calculation slowing u down, but really the amount of eyecandy he has packed in here.

My 970 is at 100% load all the time playing - so u might consider a little upgrade?

I'm on a 1070 and ksprc slows me down lol so it would need to be a pretty big upgrade lol.  I think KSP 1.2 and EVE don't play as nice anymore causing more  fps loss than in past versions. That's why I had to get rid of so many layers SVE and condense others into 1 texture. I lost about 15fps from 1.1.3 to 1. 2 without making any changes 

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On 30/08/2016 at 10:43 PM, sDaZe said:

Hopefully proot comes back soon :(  






On 20/10/2016 at 5:12 PM, Speadge said:



Can someone tell me precisely what combination of mods are being used for the above screenshots and point me towards instructions to install them. Ive sort of managed to get SVE atmospheres working with KSPRC, but it seems a bit jenky.


**EDIT** The KSPRC textures do not work, gah, cant figure out what i am doing wrong.

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13 hours ago, Nozyspy said:


Can someone tell me precisely what combination of mods are being used for the above screenshots and point me towards instructions to install them. Ive sort of managed to get SVE atmospheres working with KSPRC, but it seems a bit jenky.


**EDIT** The KSPRC textures do not work, gah, cant figure out what i am doing wrong.

KSPRC textures need Kopernicus AddOn and the KSPRC Config-File and the subfolders it is referring to


I made an How-To back then for KSPRC + SVE.
Might be a little outdated but it should work for the basics.


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On 27/11/2016 at 1:42 PM, Speadge said:

KSPRC textures need Kopernicus AddOn and the KSPRC Config-File and the subfolders it is referring to



I decided to abandon SVE for the moment to see if i can get KSPRC working first. I used the KSPRC folder only, then added the updated versions of all the other mods via CKAN. Though i have also downloaded most of the .zips too in case that didnt work (though Texture Replacer only seems to come for 1.1 in the downloadable .zip but 1.2 via CKAN).

Which KSPRC config file are you referring to? The Textures.cfg is empty, though i assume you mean the KSPRC.cfg file?


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Ok, this is getting deeply infuriating now, ive been at this for hours and still cant get the textures to work. Installed all the latest versions of all the mods via .zip, put the KSPRC folder in there, also put any textures and such into the texture replacer folder (which i hadn't done before) and managed to get the zoomed out planet textures working (i.e the ones you see in the tracking station) but the 'on the ground textures' do not work at all, and neither do the clouds which just appear as large white blocks.


Can someone please tell me exactly what they did to get this working on 1.2? Please? :'(




Finally got it to work (mostly). Installed All the latest versions of all the mods via CKAN, then copied the whole contents of the KSPRC .zip over, merging any folders that needed merging but NOT 'mobing and replacing' any files that were already from the new versions. In other words just adding any KSPRC files that werent already there. However the clouds still do not work, they just display as big white squares and blobs, so i just used the clouds from SVE, and they seem to work fine.

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13 hours ago, Nozyspy said:

Ok, this is getting deeply infuriating now, ive been at this for hours and still cant get the textures to work. Installed all the latest versions of all the mods via .zip, put the KSPRC folder in there, also put any textures and such into the texture replacer folder (which i hadn't done before) and managed to get the zoomed out planet textures working (i.e the ones you see in the tracking station) but the 'on the ground textures' do not work at all, and neither do the clouds which just appear as large white blocks.


Can someone please tell me exactly what they did to get this working on 1.2? Please? :'(




Finally got it to work (mostly). Installed All the latest versions of all the mods via CKAN, then copied the whole contents of the KSPRC .zip over, merging any folders that needed merging but NOT 'mobing and replacing' any files that were already from the new versions. In other words just adding any KSPRC files that werent already there. However the clouds still do not work, they just display as big white squares and blobs, so i just used the clouds from SVE, and they seem to work fine.

sounds for me like a mess u have in ur /gamedata folder.

do the following:

- download the ksprc zipped file
- delete all folders in your gamedata that are also in the KSPRC zip
- copy ONLY the KSPRC folder from the zipped file over to your gamedata (no other add-ons)
- download all the other mods from that folders u didnt just copy (scatterer, eve, kopernicus) and place them in your gamedata

That should work.


Did this a dozen times - if its not working, u missed something :D

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Hi guys! 

I would like to better understand the way EVE works relatively to the .cfg settings files  --> https://github.com/Felbourn/MKS/tree/master/GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds

They should be from astronomer visual pack.

In the past I remember I was editing them to change transparency or color of the atmosphere, the height of the clouds etc.

Now, I'm getting a pretty nice effect following  your comments here (thanks) but  in the past I got better visual... so my question are:

How the game reads these files?

Are those visual pack (astronomer etc) still valid?

If I just copy, or recreate these files will it work? Or do they refer to other mods that I need to have?

Thanks in advance! 


Edited by bepsy3d
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2 minutes ago, bepsy3d said:

Hi guys! 

I would like to better understand the way EVE works relatively to the .cfg settings files  --> https://github.com/Felbourn/MKS/tree/master/GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds

They should be from astronomer visual pack.

In the past I remember I was editing them to change transparency or color of the atmosphere, the height of the clouds etc.

Now, I'm getting a pretty nice effect following  your comments here (thanks) but  in the past I got better visual... so my question are:

How the game reads this file?

Are those visual pack (astronomer etc) still valid?

If I just copy, or recreate this files will it work? Or do they refer to other mods that I need to have?

Thanks in advance! 


No Astronomer's cfgs are old and not valid any longer.  EVE has changed A LOT and cannot read those anymore

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1 minute ago, Galileo said:

No Astronomer's cfgs are old and not valid any longer.  EVE has changed A LOT and cannot read those anymore

Wow thanks for the super quick reply! 

Other questions :-)

Is it there any similar settings with the new EVE?  Or a guide somewhere on how to edit and tweak the MOD effects?

Thanks again!

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Just now, bepsy3d said:

Wow thanks for the super quick reply! 

Other questions :-)

Is it there any similar settings with the new EVE?  Or a guide somewhere on how to edit and tweak the MOD effects?

Thanks again!

You will basically have to rewrite the configs.  I would suggest downloading another visual mod and using it as a template.  Also,  Astronomer's textures don't do well with the new particle system in EVE and it won't look right.  So really,  I would suggest just using a different visual pack entirely.  Try SVE or Para Sci visual enhancements. 

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6 minutes ago, Galileo said:

You will basically have to rewrite the configs.  I would suggest downloading another visual mod and using it as a template.  Also,  Astronomer's textures don't do well with the new particle system in EVE and it won't look right.  So really,  I would suggest just using a different visual pack entirely.  Try SVE or Para Sci visual enhancements. 

Yes, I'm actually using SVE ... and I'm getting pretty nice effects. but still I'm missing something.... 

I'll try to play with the configs and see if I can get any results. 


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5 minutes ago, SmashBrown said:

Anyone else had trouble getting the skybox from this to work? Anyone know which one it is he uses and how to enable it myself? I have tried dropping the envmap into tr and no luck I am still getting stock skybox.

you should also drop the skybox textures into the "default" folder

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On 10/30/2016 at 6:25 AM, NeoFatalis said:

You need to delete Kopernicus,texture replacer,eve,scatterer,planetshine and distant object enhancer that bundeld with KSPRC and download their standalone versions (that work with 1.2) and then the clouds and the textures should work

I have attempted to do exactly what NeoFatalis suggests to have KSPRC run on KSP v1.2.2 but I get no clouds and city lights for some reason or the other.  Any assistance with this issue is much appreciated as always.




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