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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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Let it be written that Alacrity Fitzhugh did with want and malice...

Use hyperedit to replace Space stations with high part counts (Struts, rcs ports, redundant or misplaced sepratrons, misplaced lighting units, etc) with stripped down versions that looked and worked the same but would never survive launch

Installed mechjeb on every ship, then manually launched anyway.

Sends missions to the Mun souly for the purpose of dropping replacement rovers six at a time, to replace the ones he keeps crashing.

Left Jeb on Pol in version .23 when he installed .24 and never went back to save him.

Shamelessly designs all long flight interplanetary ships as space stations so he has refueling bases around almost every planet.

Misses Kurt's Kerbal YouTubes

Has watched every Scott Manley video at least three times.

Has designed and built and tested the Duna Direct mission in 5 version of KSP... has not actually run the mission once


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Although I don't have problems getting close to (rendezvous?), and docking, I installed NavBall Docking Alignment Indicator, and I use the MJ "Closest Distance to Target" indicator, just to get the most efficient way when docking.

As noticed above, I am not 100% sure of the word "rendezvous" meaning, and am too lazy to look for it. Always say to myself: "I'll do it someday."

I use a quicksave slot named "Launch" before every launch, in case I need to revert, but I pressed "space center" or F5-F9 somewhere during the flight.

I liked my own screenshot on Steam once, because I thought it deserved to get on the week's most popular SS at the KSP community.

Sometimes I procrastinate when about to launch KSP, because I am affraid to run out of things to do and grow bored of the game.

(Had to write a huge KSP to-do list in order to prevent that fear from showing up again.)

I used Infinite EVA Fuel once during my .24 career in order to get Bill back to the ship, at Minmus, because I underestimated the value needed to explore the lander surroundings.

I am AFK for one month (travelling to another city) and haven't yet downloaded KSP here where I am at right now.

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I try to build space stashouns, but only send up one part and then get board.

I use way to many mods

I have never SUCCESSFULLY flown an ssto.

I once put together 80 Kerbals in hitchhiker pods and used that for target practice. they all died.

I sometimes use whack-a-kerbal instead of decouplers. sometimes I hit the pod.

I always have either WAY to much fuel, or I run out of fuel quickly.


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All three of my starting Kerbals (Bill, Bob, and Jeb) are currently stuck in various places (orbit around Kerbin, surface of Mun, and surface of Minimus) because I was too lazy to check and see if the pilot slot of my spacecrafts had been filled by a a different kerbal. It's been three game years since their missions... I think they've ran out of snacks...

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Ive never been able to succesfully land on Moho despite 5 or more attempts... I hate that tiny body :huh:

I tried to assemble a big spaceship at Minmus orbit, then there i realized the different vessels didnt have the same docking ports!

Edited by juvilado
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All three of my starting Kerbals (Bill, Bob, and Jeb) are currently stuck in various places (orbit around Kerbin, surface of Mun, and surface of Minimus) because I was too lazy to check and see if the pilot slot of my spacecrafts had been filled by a a different kerbal. It's been three game years since their missions... I think they've ran out of snacks...

I could rescue one of them lost longtime ago orbiting kerbol far from anywhere. No scientific reward, just for Kerbality (=humanity?)

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i've used mechJeb and HyperEdit to "launch" the final part of my ISS replica- i was getting tired from docking it manually because of the slowing down.

99% of my ships are missing on something importent- like solar panels/RCS/Parachutes/landing legs/docking ports ect.

I never finished a career save. NEVER.

Beauty is more important then functionality in my planes.

I always build things in stock that are found in mods like cargo bays.

I never landed on any body outside of kerbin outside of duna ike laythe and i think that's it...

i always try doing big things and quit in the idea stage- because "i know i can do it and i dont want to burn my self out"I always overkill with my designs-i never ended a mission stuck without fuel

there are not saves from early versions at my PC.

I create a different save for each new project i start usually with the name "default"

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I once got Jebediah stranded on Eve, and instead of rescuing him I renamed another kerbal to Jebediah and pretended nothing happened.

You evil, evil, being. (I actually laughed a bit at this though. Mutually evil?)

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Sometimes I put living kerbals in my commercial jet replicas for crash tests, to see how many would survive. With my A340-600 replica that means ~45 Kerbals (however they never include Bill, Bob or Jeb).

Edited by jmiki8
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I built a big Mothership to fly to Duna. A week before my Launchwindow came up I realized I put the TAC LS waste containers instead of the life support ones... I launched the vessel again (this time in correct way ) and changed it . I know have a huge ship full of fuel and no plan what to do with it

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Yesterday I killed Jebediah and Hudfrid Kerman.

It started by a redesign of my Mun lander, in order to reduce weight and increase reusability. While the total price didn't change much compared to the previous design (which is known to be working, btw.), instead of just landing the crew pod, this one would have brought back the whole lander, giving a refund of about 1/4 of the total mission costs. Hudfrid was the poor soul piloting that ship. The first thing that went wrong was that I overheated the Mainsail of the lifter, yet the remaining dV seemed to be enough for a successful landing and return. Well, the landing was successful, and the launch back to an orbit around the Mun worked as well, yet the remaining dV was just about 150 m/s (missing about 100 m/s, what probably would have been available if I hadn't overheated the Mainsail)...

So, I quickly built a rescue ship, piloted by Jebediah, that got to the Mun easily, before Hudfrids life support would have run out. He changed ship on EVA, and Hudfrid and Jeb got their ship on a return trajectory for Kerbin, with aerobraking in Kerbins upper atmosphere.

So far, so good, but this was now the point where I messed things up. The tank and engine were blocking the heat shield, so I dropped both. Along went the life support, and, of course, the aerobraking did not slow down the ship enough to pull the apoapsis within the atmosphere... This means, while Hudfrid and Jeb nearly got home, they left again for an 8 hours round trip around Kerbin, with supplies for just about 2 hours...

The worst thing is, that they could have easily made it, if I either wouldn't have dropped the supplies, or would have burned up the remaining fuel before dropping tank and engine...

At least they had time to fire the parachute, so when the capsule finally landed, it came down intact, and brought along precious science data...

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I have installed 2 mods.

I tried the b9 aerospace pack back in .21 but never used it again, and never used any other mods until now. I now have Chatterer for more ambient noises, and some other mod for visuals that only adds clouds, because clouds are pretty.

Jeb forgive me.

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I have installed 2 mods.

I see you updated your title to reflect your sinning. :D Give it a few weeks and you'll be a modaholic like (most of) the rest of us.

Late edit to add a confession: I've started messing around with spaceplanes a bit and have broken my own rule about no parts-adding mods by installing Spaceplane Plus. Considering also breaking my no-physics-altering mods rule by installing FAR.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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I've launched a perfect mission to Mun.

Perfect landing.

And realized my thermometer has perfectly welded the hatch shut, so I has to return without seeing the surface or planting my flag.

So, I redesigned my ship, and flew another perfect mission to Mun, to do it right this time.




The hatch was obstructed by the gravioli sensor........

I deleted the whole game folder!

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I add so many mods i end up breaking the game. when i test what mod did it I get frustrated and delete everything.

I have only gotten to eve twice. Once because of a pilot "error" (i forgot about gravity) and ended up stuck. in the middle of the ocean. i mean DIRECT center.

i never quicksave. nor do i load autosaves.

I feel remorse for killing kerbals. Then i proceed to make them "bungie jump"

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I confess that on some rare occasions I have save-scummed a bad landing.

I've used revert with the rationalization that "it was just testing."

I've edited the persistent file to resurrect kerbals who were killed by the Kraken, and recently a power outage during play which borked the Minmus base.

I've ripped off companies by sending them the same 0 value science from the Mun, Minmus, Duna, and Ike repeatedly, and planted flags on the Mun for roots, but immediately took them back down.

It was my stupidity which killed Seefrod Kerman on Minmus, but I testified to the investigative committee that it was his fault.

I've looked at the VOID readout of what biome I was over without having mapped the body.

I once actually did put landing legs on upside down, despite thinking many times before doing that, that whoever did that was a noob.

edit: During my recent Duna mission, and having realized that it was really just the same as one I did in .23.5, I wished in my heart that the lander would fail to make orbit and I would have to employ the contingency plan, and mount an epic rescue mission.

Edited by NoPanShabuShabu
Added a sin
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I never play the career mode and think it's extremely boring

It's just so dull and grindy. The science is all the same and this also goes for the contracts.

I let MJ execute my standard maneuver nodes

circularize orbits, inclination changes.

After doing those things so many times, I think it's ok to let MJ do it.

Everything else it's all me.

I never build spaceplane or anything with wings

I know a lot of people love this about KSP, I just don't care about it that much.

I edit parts from mods, just to get them more to my likings

For example, adding a bit of range on antennas for remotetech, but not that much that the small omni directionals reach up to Eeloo.

Adding a 1000km to a 5000km range antenna.

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