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[WIP] Reorganized Tech Tree Alpha 0.2.0 Added NFT and MFT


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hello may i ask if you have the time to look at this list of mods i have installed and see what is supported and what not?


04/21/2014 06:23 PM <DIR> 000_Toolbar

04/21/2014 06:13 PM <DIR> ActiveTextureManagement

04/10/2014 07:50 AM <DIR> AdaptiveDockingNode

04/21/2014 06:13 PM <DIR> AIES_Aerospace

05/02/2014 02:26 AM <DIR> ASET

01/09/2014 06:08 AM 3,523 B9CtrlSurfaceFix.cfg

04/03/2014 05:55 AM 115 B9LandingGearFix.cfg

04/03/2014 06:35 AM 497 B9LandingLegsFix.cfg

04/21/2014 06:16 PM <DIR> B9_Aerospace

04/21/2014 06:17 PM <DIR> Bill-Jeb 9000

04/21/2014 06:13 PM <DIR> BoulderCo

04/21/2014 06:17 PM <DIR> Chatterer

04/25/2014 03:57 AM <DIR> CrossFeedEnabler

04/21/2014 06:22 PM <DIR> DailyFrankPeter

04/21/2014 09:41 PM <DIR> DMTanks

04/21/2014 06:17 PM <DIR> EditorExtensions

04/21/2014 06:17 PM <DIR> EnhancedNavBall

04/21/2014 06:16 PM <DIR> ExsurgentEngineering

05/05/2014 11:18 PM <DIR> FASA

04/21/2014 06:16 PM <DIR> Firespitter

04/30/2014 01:03 AM <DIR> FuelPanel

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> Goodspeed

04/25/2014 03:57 AM <DIR> HGROPM

03/31/2014 10:30 PM <DIR> JARFR_CRSS

03/31/2014 10:30 PM <DIR> JARFR_HOSS

03/31/2014 10:30 PM <DIR> JARFR_THSS

04/21/2014 06:18 PM <DIR> JSI

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> KAS

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> KerbalJointReinforcement

04/21/2014 06:29 PM <DIR> Kethane

04/21/2014 06:16 PM <DIR> KineTechAnimation

04/10/2014 07:50 AM <DIR> KipEng

04/21/2014 06:23 PM <DIR> Klockheed_Martian

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> kommit_nucleonics

04/21/2014 06:20 PM <DIR> KSPX

05/02/2014 07:24 PM <DIR> KWRocketry

05/06/2014 07:35 PM <DIR> LifeSupport

05/02/2014 09:29 PM <DIR> Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc

04/21/2014 06:21 PM <DIR> LTech

04/21/2014 06:21 PM <DIR> MagicSmokeIndustries

04/21/2014 06:21 PM <DIR> MechJeb2

04/21/2014 06:18 PM <DIR> MechJeb2RPM

12/22/2013 11:29 PM 5,632 Modulefixer.dll

05/04/2014 01:35 PM 25,600 ModuleManager.2.1.0.dll

04/08/2014 01:04 AM <DIR> NASAmission

04/30/2014 08:51 PM <DIR> NMB

04/21/2014 07:32 PM <DIR> NovaPunch2

04/25/2014 03:57 AM <DIR> OpenMod

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> OpenResourceSystem

04/21/2014 06:22 PM <DIR> RcsSounds

02/19/2014 09:53 PM 944 readme.txt

04/21/2014 06:16 PM <DIR> ResGen

05/05/2014 05:03 PM <DIR> RLA_Stockalike

04/21/2014 06:18 PM <DIR> SCANsatRPM

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> SDHI

04/08/2014 01:04 AM <DIR> Squad

04/24/2014 12:27 AM <DIR> THSS_Tweaks

04/21/2014 06:23 PM <DIR> ThunderAerospace

05/06/2014 08:39 PM 1,586 toolbar-settings.dat

04/21/2014 06:19 PM <DIR> TreeLoader

04/21/2014 06:24 PM <DIR> TurboNisu

05/06/2014 08:40 PM <DIR> UniversalStorage

01/09/2014 06:08 AM 839 update-aero-parts.rb

04/22/2014 02:45 AM <DIR> WarpPlugin

05/06/2014 09:35 PM 0 windowsfolderlist.txt

02/17/2014 05:21 PM <DIR> _Tweaks

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No, is SCANsat still being developed? I was debating about trying it out myself, but I was unsure as to its stability in 0.23.5. It shouldn't be too hard to add.

I have never had issues with it and I've used it for months. The original dev is MIA so several others are working on it.

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GNUv3 (Basically you can use this and edit it to your heart's content as long as you give me credit)

The part in parentheses does not at all represent a user's obligations under GPL3. Creative Commons Attribution works the way you describe.

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@CobaltWolf I'll work on adding SCANsat then.

@dtoxic At a glance I know Mechjeb isn't supported yet and neither is AIES Aerospace. I can add support for these and will soon. To know if your mods are supported you just need to find out which of your mods add parts. If a mod does add parts and it isn't on my list in the OP then it's not supported. Most mods that simply add functionality or graphics like FAR or Better atmosphere don't need to be on the list because they don't add parts.

@rhoark I changed it. Thanks for pointing that out.

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SCANsat works great for me.

Some of SCANsats functions will work right now if you have the DMagic Orbital Science mod, but it has just the biome scanner and anomaly detector compatible parts in that mod.

I have been trying to added SCANsat to the tech tree without luck though.

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SCANsat works great for me.

Some of SCANsats functions will work right now if you have the DMagic Orbital Science mod, but it has just the biome scanner and anomaly detector compatible parts in that mod.

I have been trying to added SCANsat to the tech tree without luck though.

How do the tree files work, exactly? I opened it but I had trouble understanding how it injected the tree.

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I loaded the tree with no other mods (well other than treeloader of course) and it loads just fine. I found several empty nodes, though.

Any chance you could list (by name, which should help curtail any spoilers) which nodes have parts that are ONLY from mods, and possibly which mods those nodes are in? Because one workaround that would allow me to use this tree (which I really like other than the extra required mods, and I see the science required more as a challenge than an issue) would be to write a ModMan config that set the required science for empty nodes to 0.

Or I may just suck it up and consider researching 0-part nodes as "exploratory research." Though I don't know how much total science is available, I think the current tree takes about 10k, so this is 13 times the science needed. Maybe if I... tripled? the total science gain of each experiment that would mean I "only" need 4 times the experiments to unlock the whole tree, than you need in stock. That seems pretty doable and a fun challenge.

Just beating a dead horse throwing ideas on the wall and seeing if they stick.

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I am going to add support for SCANsat this next update as well as Mechjeb. It'll be out soon.

There will be quite a few empty nodes especially if you don't have any mods, but only required mods should be the hitch for the rest of the tree. I think that I'll try to also move more of the stock science back farther in the tree so that it'll be easier without the mods. It should reduce empty science nodes which are the core of the tree. At the very least I can attempt to spread the stock science out so that you also get something without the extra experiments.

The only other place that would have empty nodes besides the obvious ones (supported mods such as TAC life support and kethane) are some of the rocket engines which is why KW is under required. I haven't figured out what to do with this yet because I like how KW rounds out a lot of the engine choices. I'm hoping AIES Aerospace does something similar. One option I thought of was that I could make those choices only need one parent, but I don't know how well that would work.

Edited by Jonnothin
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How do the tree files work, exactly? I opened it but I had trouble understanding how it injected the tree.

name = newnode_4143
techID = interstellarmining2
pos = -1072.5,785.3334,-25
cost = 4000
title = Interstellar Mining 2
description =
anyParent = False
hideIfEmpty = False
parents = node7_advScienceTech,newnode_1929
[COLOR="#FF0000"]name = FNInlineRefinery
name = FNRefinery[/COLOR]

When you open the tech tree, you will see "NODE" sections with things like:

name = FNInlineRefinery

name = FNRefinery

Those "name =" are where you put the part file name of a part (inside the cfg part file).

But SCANsat is set up a little differently and it's not working for me or I'm overlooking a typo somewhere.

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...I haven't figured out what to do with this yet because I like how KW rounds out a lot of the engine choices. I'm hoping AIES Aerospace does something similar. One option I thought of was that I could make those choices only need one parent, but I don't know how well that would work.

Are you planning on making more than one rocketry mod required?

I only use KW and it's more than enough variety, except I sometimes need procedural fairings when I can't make payloads fit.

Also I'm curious why KW is required in the first place.

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Yes I registered with the forums just to ask this :P

Would it be possible to convince you to add these two mod's parts to the tree?

Near Future Propulsion

Spherical and Toroidal Tank Pack

I play with alot of the mods you have listed and have been constantly looking for an expanded tree that works well with them all. Was hoping you could include these two in your considerations since I found tree modification work to be a pain in the butt, even with the nice tool for it.

Near Future often gets overlooked by tree projects but has alot of additional ion/electric engine options. I find it useful for interplanetary engines before you start unlocking the high powered KSPI stuff. The tank pack is just a fun one because alot of the "Procedural" mods that have been created to reduce part count for the memory limit don't do Toroidals yet, and its already configured to play nice with a few other mods alot of people use (Real/Modular Fuels & Extraplanetary Launchpads)

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I've been using TreeEdit to make the tech tree. I know that there is a manual way to do it, but it would take longer.

I am not planning on requiring AIES Aerospace, but I might make it so that it requires either KW or AIES Aerospace since they seem to have some of the same ideas (new engines and fairings). Ideally, I want to make it so that KW and AIES isn't required.

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@ExavierMacbeth lol you posted while I was posting... Anyway, I'll take a look at them. It probably won't happen until the update after this one, but I don't think I'll have a problem with it.

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I've been using TreeEdit to make the tech tree. I know that there is a manual way to do it, but it would take longer.

I am not planning on requiring AIES Aerospace, but I might make it so that it requires either KW or AIES Aerospace since they seem to have some of the same ideas (new engines and fairings). Ideally, I want to make it so that KW and AIES isn't required.

How are you planning on adding support for various mods? Ideally, would people just be able to post the lines of code to add their favorite mods that you can just fold into the official tree release?

I'm curious because one of the nice things about this tree is that it supports heavily modded installs so well (sorry to the people in this thread that don't care for that stuff :) ) and I'd love to have it be as full as possible.

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Alpha 0.1.0 update

Support for SCANsat and MechJeb added. Partial support for AIES Aerospace added. When I was adding the parts for AIES Aerospace I noticed that some of the parts were missing so I need to go through and add back in the original tech IDs.

I add support with TreeEdit by taking the current version of my tree and adding in the new mod's parts. I have just figured out that if I use the default tech IDs I can have all the parts pop up in the tree instantly and then all I have to do is rearrange the parts. It'll take me a bit to add those back in, but then my job will be easier.

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With the default pack of Custom Biomes I think there is around 300k science available (not counting the infinite, but impractical asteroid science). So 130k should be fine given all of the extra science that come with the other mods.

I'm not actually sure how much mine adds, I should probably figure that out sometime.

A lot. :P I rocketed through KSPI's tech tree with about a handful of Mun and Minmus return missions (about...7-8 or so) using your stuff. 'Tis why I'm so glad this tech tree is a thing. I like your science experiments and want to keep them.

This certainly has a loooooooooooot of nodes though. O.O

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Do you want a tree with the nodes that could be empty highlighted or do you want something that shows how the tree is divided up? Both could be useful I suppose. I'll probably take a screenshot and highlight the different areas with photoshop. Keep in mind that the tree may still change some, especially around the aerodynamic parts area.

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