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[Showcase] Showoff Your Rep-Worthy Crafts

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​I do really like these two.





Thunder Storm ASATO


Description: Thunder

Thunder is a heavy lifter capable of lifting craft up to 90 tons into LKO, It burns fuel evenly across the board, it is extremely stable in atmospheric flight and the design is made to work like clock work with its baby, Storm.

Description: Storm

Storm is an Interplanetary space plane with VTOL capabilities which has a choice of 3 propellants once in space, LFO for fast burns, spare LF for nuclear burning and Xenon gas for emergency situations (when you run out of the good juice basically), Boasting over 10,000m/s of delta V to play around with once in orbit what more could you ask for?

Action groups:


1: Toggle Nuke

2: Toggle aero spikes

3: Toggle Dawn electric engines

4: Toggle VTOL engines

5: Toggle solar arrays


6: Toggle turbo jets

7: Toggle rapiers

8: Toggle rapier engine mode

9: Toggle aero spikes

10 : Toggle landing engines

Flight instructions:

First things first, Never use time warp under thrust and never put the brakes on while on the runway under thrust.

On launch pitch up to +40 degree and climb until 10km, at 10km bring the pitch down to +10 degree and gain speed until 1000m/s, at 1000m/s bring the pitch up to +25 degree and continue until at 20km.

At 20km hit action group 9 to toggle aero spikes, at 22km hit action group 8 to toggle rapier engine mode and at 26km hit action group 6 to turn off turbo jets, from here continue to orbit and adjust pitch as needed. Good luck and have fun.

Orbital flight instructions:

Once in orbit you will need to take control of Storm, decouple it and activate fuel flow on all the tanks (including wings) and make sure to look inside the craft so you can activate the 6 internal fuel tanks. Sorry but for some reason you can not disable fuel flow between Thunder and storm so it was the only option.

Download links: Part count 502 (Both craft together, 160 parts in Storm.)



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I submit to you the Kaddy Shuttle. 3 stages, 4 kerbal capacity (with options for ship customization), takes a shuttle with 2.9k dV to ~80km orbit.

There were a few challenges to building this ship, but the biggest in my opinion is balancing the weight with some clever fuel flow as the craft uses it up. I have it rigged so the bottom orange tank drains first, then to top. This keeps the weight in the front of the ship the entire flight and helps counteract the offset thrust from the skipper.

Full throttle off the pad. Launch is the new standard, turn a few degrees right of the pad and it almost flies itself to space. Usually just minimal input is needed to keep it on course. The SRBs stage ~8km. From there its a gentle turn and climb to space.

It gets a little unstable as the last of the fuel drains out of the orange tank and it isn't heavy enough to help keep the nose down. The last ~500 units of fuel in the orange tank the ship wants to pitch up. I put a vernor to help out that last bit, but its the only time you need it (along with some light throttling).

2.9k dV is enough to get to minmus, mun, or anywhere else in Kerbin's SOI and return. I've rescued multiple kerbals in one go with this ship.

Re-entry is super easy. This thing has so much surface area you can come in a little 'belly up' and it slows down quickly. She glides to a gentle touchdown every time. I'm rather proud of her balance.


The shuttle was built in the SPH then imported to VAB.

To get the thrust right, the Skipper has been rotated 1 Shift-click notch on the rotation gizmo.

To get the fuel flow right, it has a fuel line from the top tank to the shuttle, and from the bottom of the shuttle directly to the Skipper.

You can even replace a Mk2 fuel tank with a Mk2 cargo bay and it can carry a small payload to space. I've found I can play around with the number of cockpits and cargo bays with some decent variation of ships and equally similar/easy launches.

I even have a mini shuttle version using FL-T800 tanks with a Swivel as the core stage.

I hope this inspires you! Its super rewarding to build a shuttle-like craft. Enjoy!

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