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Give me your favorite KSP ship names you've come up with?

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So far 2 came to mind:

The KSA A.R.S.E. (Asteroid, Research, Science, Explorer).

The KSA D.E.R.P. (Deep, Exploration, Return, Pod)

And maybe in the not to distant future, late sometime AD, I will make the Satellite of Love (points if you get it :D )

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The KSA A.R.S.E. (Asteroid, Research, Science, Explorer).

The KSA D.E.R.P. (Deep, Exploration, Return, Pod)

Great, now I'm going to spend the next hour coming up with acronyms.

Edit: Demonstrative Extraatmospheric Apparatus To Heavily Test Reentry And Parachutes

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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Great, now I'm going to spend the next hour coming up with acronyms.

Edit: Demonstrative Extraatmospheric Apparatus To Heavily Test Reentry And Parachutes

Yeah I seen one someone else, though I forgot the acronym now, and suddenly found I was doing myself. I have a few others I am working on, though some of the letters are hard to come up with.

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My two probe carrier ships (I'd send 12 probes to Minmus, 15 to the Mun, then land and recover science and samples from them) were named Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, respectively.

I also had two big refueling tankers, Big Mama and Big Papa. Each carried two drones with KAS gear (winches and boxes of components) plus spare fuel and even command chairs so that if I crashed a manned lander they could deliver repair components, fuel and use a winch to help right a tipped ship. Worse case they could transport stranded Kerbals out.

One set was named Moose and Squirrel, the other was Batman and Robin.

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KSS Phoenix - my interplanetary tug and asteroid catcher (currently it's KSS Phoenix II - first Phoenix was retired)

And my rocket series:

Horizon - light launchers family

Sentinel - medium launchers family

Vanguard - heavy launchers family

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My first heavy onion lifter I called the "Goliath", good for 100 tons to orbit, including a bunch of empty jumbos. Then I converted it to an asparagus launcher, with some extra tankage on some of the spears it was good for 200 tons to orbit (with a partially fueled core stage) and was called the "Goliagus"

My first run through career mode, as I unlocked more parts, I just ran through the phonetic alphabet: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc

Now I'm starting a hardcore save (FAR, DRE, TAC, permadeath). I should go acronymical. Or maybe apocalyptic would be more appropriate

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My first rockets were aptly named Certaindeath-1, Certaindeath-2, etc. because I had no idea what I was doing.

I also made a series of tiny ships and called them Cutie. I did a larger version and called it Megacutie.

I did my first Mun flyby with Mungrazer, and my first landing with Munkisser.

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Only "funny" name I did was probably the Brown Smear series of ships in my .23 career.

In .23.5 I've been naming designs after historical figures. Examples include the Macbeth asteroid tug (rather tempting fate there, and indeed the second mission to use the design is a fiasco so far), the Smith el-cheapo probe (named after economist Adam Smith), the Occam simple heavy lifter (yet to have any close shaves with the design thankfully), and the Nobel asteroid blower-upper.

Now I'm trying out some modular ships, which I'm hoping will give me more flexibility and let me keep some handy in-orbit assets, but is leading to less snappy names like the Alhazen-Hilton-Lucas-Brunel. (Respectively a science returning command section, habitat module for a space station, ion drive module, and medium lifter.)

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I either just make up ridiculous names, or make them reminiscent of Iain Bank's Culture series ship names.

Bob's Fuel Depot (not the best name, but it had a long and glorious run)

Pearl of Heaven, Explosive Class (lived up to it's name)

LCU Fullness of Time

LSV Getting Warmer (you can guess where this one went)

LCU Frozen Entree (unplanned moho return vehicle with a Kerbal strapped in an exterior command seat. very sad year in KSP history)

O. Cautionary Tale

O. Unintended Consequences

Quarrelsome III

Zod needed a refuel before leaving Kerbin, so I sent up Fuel Before Zod.

Dammit, Jeb (He pulled off some amazing stunts, but had to be rescued a few times.)

Double Dammit, Jeb

A pair of mini-rovers: Tiny Dancer and Tony Danza

Let's see, acronymonious ships:

Dres Remote Equatorial Survey

Eve Verticality Examiner

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the Occam simple heavy lifter (yet to have any close shaves with the design thankfully)

I see what you did there. :D

Zod needed a refuel before leaving Kerbin, so I sent up Fuel Before Zod.

I like your others, but I love this one. Well played.

Also, another reference to the Culture series, I'm going to have to read these sooner rather than later.

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Kronos - Because it's freaking huge. It's a heavy lifter that was designed to lift a payload of god knows what weight, but the payload was 12 metres length by 12 metres width with no empty space to fill those enormous proportions and a crew of 10. The smallest size part is the same as the largest, 3.75 metres.

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I don't name the ships, I number them. The missions get names.

Like a Broadsword KMS-13356 would be a ship going to Duna with a manned science mission and 13356 total Dv, while an Orinoco KPL-S 17569 would be a probe lander with science modules sent to eve with 17569 Dv.

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I built a service module named "Adam", and a lander named "Steve". "Adam" and "Steve" met in orbit and went together to Eve. Only Adam returned to Kerbin, so it was Steve and Eve, not Adam and Eve.

In career mode, I used to do small trips with one Kerbal to the Mün I called "Münhop", multiple Kerbals would be a "Münbus"- mission, and rovers were "Münvan"-missions.

Other than that, I tend to take real space mission's names and make them Ksp-relevant, e.g. "Dunkohod" or the "Xenon Impulse".

Edited by Mike the Mechanic
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I built a service module named "Adam", and a lander named "Steve". "Adam" and "Steve" met in orbit and went together to Eve. Only Adam returned to Kerbin, so it was Steve and Eve, not Adam and Eve.

In career mode, I used to do small trips with one Kerbal to the Mün I called "Münhop", multiple Kerbals would be a "Münbus"- mission, and rovers were "Münvan"-missions.

Other than that, I tend to take real space mission's names and make them Ksp-relevant, e.g. "Dunkohod" or the "Xenon Impulse".

It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!!

I should make a ship that acronyms (verb) into COLBERT, like how NASA did that with one of their treadmills. Anybody want to help me?

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Athena, the interplanetary science flagship I yet have to build.

Olympus, the asteroid I put into LKO and that will be the core of the Olympus space station.

ARGUS, the Astronomical Remote Geographical Unattended Scanning system, which is what I call my mapping satellites.

Adephagia (1, 2...), my Minmus crafts. (It was quite hard to find a fitting god for Minmus.)

Selene (1, 2...), my Mün rockets.

Aphrodite (1, 2...), my Eve ships.

I think you can see that I like Greek mythology.

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