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Give me your favorite KSP ship names you've come up with?

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My naming scheme is usually rather unimaginative and boring (insect names for probes etc.), but I grew fond of Pelican resupply crafts, Aquila tugs and an Eeloo lander named Ice grouse :rolleyes:

Also, the naming scheme for a type of heavy interplanetary transfer stage (so far, IPV Tereshkova, U-01 Leonov, U-07 Savitskaya and U-03 Polyakov).

Edit: IPV stands for InterPlanetary Vessel because it carried a manned payload.

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I always liked using mythological names, IE my ye olde space craft, the Pheonix 3, which was my most efficient sub-orbital space craft, or the Juno MPCV, which was my first crewed orbital craft after the .16 update.

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Optimism 1-5, Hopeful 1-4 were my first major ships. Then I went with naming after Greek gods. Hephaestus, Hercules, Aeres, Aether, Selene.. the names were related to what their mission was (Hephaestus was an EPL base, Aether was my Kerbin station, Selene was my Minmus one etc).. Now, I'm in a punny mood - Dresden, Heeloo, Lindsey Mohan, The Dunat (pronounced like doughnut), Jool Never Get There etc etc..

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So far 2 came to mind:

The KSA A.R.S.E. (Asteroid, Research, Science, Explorer).

The KSA D.E.R.P. (Deep, Exploration, Return, Pod)

And maybe in the not to distant future, late sometime AD, I will make the Satellite of Love (points if you get it :D )

Great, now I'm going to spend the next hour coming up with acronyms.

Edit: Demonstrative Extraatmospheric Apparatus To Heavily Test Reentry And Parachutes

Yeah I seen one someone else, though I forgot the acronym now, and suddenly found I was doing myself. I have a few others I am working on, though some of the letters are hard to come up with.

Look at mission reports by Geschosskopf for the greatest collection of these I've ever seen.

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MINAS started out as "Minmus INterplanetary Assembly Station." Then I decided to build a prototype in LKO before I ship one out to Minmus, so it's "Modular INterplanetary Assembly Station."

The kerbals haven't spotted the Lord of the Rings reference yet.

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- Altitude Adjuster

- Irregular Apocalypse

- Contents May Differ

- Not wanted on voyage

Crewed vessels:

- Pride comes before reentry

- Fate amenable to change

- Ethics gradient

- Falls outside the normal moral constraints

- Ultimate ship the second


- A series of unlikely explanations

- Charitable view

- What are the civilian applications?


- Perfidy

- Rapid Random Response Unit

- Advanced case of chronic patheticism

- Sacrificial victim

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I see what you did there. :D

I like your others, but I love this one. Well played.

Also, another reference to the Culture series, I'm going to have to read these sooner rather than later.

Thanks. I was proud of that one.

And I highly recommend Iain Banks. Start anywhere. The Culture series is not a linear series. Pick any one.

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Itineris, Procul, and Sola Nave are my favorite ship names. All of them are are Latin meaning "travels", "far away" and "lonely ship" Respectively. I docked the three together and renamed it briefly "Itineris Sola Procul Nave" meaning " Traveling far away lonely ship". I renamed the probe I left "Sola Procul Nave" or "Far away lonely ship" Pretty cool I think.

Anyways those are the ships in this movie I made:

Here's a link to the second part:


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I named many science vessels "The mcfly" 1 through whatever.

Number 11 got deleated by accident for some reason many times.

My neighbor names his the *** *** cruiser 1 2 3 whatever.

Or the "will not make it to space".

He also just mashes all the keys to name somthing.

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I tend to base my ship names on myth and legend and try to make them at least a little appropriate. The ones that immediately come to mind are:

Sentinel: Mün station

Argo: A colony ship that will be able to transport between 12 and 20 kerbals on long-range trips (jool and such) to relieve the kerbals in planetside settlements. Still in design stage (patch 0.23.5 threw a bit of a spanner in the works with the new parts: they're great but I need to redesign a large part of the ship around them).

Orhpeus: Eve lander and ascent vehicle capable of getting a single kerbal into orbit from Eve sea level.

If I'm building a more improvised "design-on-the-spot" ship, then they usually get names like "To the Mün!", "Going REALLY far (and hopefully coming back)" or the "Impervious (hopefully)".

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My first rocket in KSP, ever, was called "Badly Disguised Deathtrap". It promptly killed its pilot, teaching me the valuable lesson that I should not have parachutes and engines in the same stage.

I don't have that many regular names, usually I stick on whatever I think of at the time, and use a lot of "Test" and "Alpha, Beta, Gamma" until I finalize a design that works as I want it to.

However, for Mun and Minmus exploration missions, I traditionally use the Munraker series in every save I start. Variant number XI from my most recent 0.23 save carried three separate return capable landers at once, in less than 10 tons of payload. Who knows how it will look like in future iterations...

Also, when I am playing with the SCANsat mod, I take a page out of NASA's book and call the mapping satellites <target> Reconnaissance Orbiter.

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I've mostly got names that describe what the ship does:

Kerbin MapSat Alpha

Munar ComSat Beta

Munar Explorer I

I just started a new career, and am currently doing a series of missions with the "Kerbin Science Explorer of Science II" - Now comes with batteries!

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