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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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@nikdog: To be honest it's not completely clear that it needs the HTTP port, people fill in things pretty quickly ;)

@Alshain: Definitely come visit on IRC some time - I'd like to solve these problems, some people get hit with it more than others.

@tjm2000: That usually means it's not installed in the correct folder. 0.1.5 will warn you if it's not installed in the right place. I got you on IRC though - If you want to run DMPServer, you'll need to get mono-complete installed :)

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@liquidis54: Check DMPModControl.txt on the server, or you can get the client to build one specifically for your install in GameData by going to the client, options -> Generate DMPModControl.txt

@Alshain: I run wireless too, and my internet connection is also wireless. After 10 seconds of no messages, DMP thinks it has dropped out. There's a heartbeat every 5 seconds to keep that from happening ;)

It's a tradeoff between "I've been playing for ages but I haven't sent anything to the server so it didn't get saved", or "I get disconnected too often". A 10 second timeout might just be a tiny bit aggressive :-/

Edited by godarklight
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Hmm, it seems that the server link on the OP links to a site which is currently down. I've been searching for active mirrors, but I'm not having much luck. Does anyone know of anyplace I could get the server executable?

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2 words. Holy crap: https://www.noip.com/blog/2014/06/30/ips-formal-statement-microsoft-takedown/

Everyone - I'm going to switch over to my other domain now, godarklight.info.tm

I'll update the links everywhere ;)

EDIT: Links updated - If you use DMPUpdater you will need to redownload it

Build server

Server list



No-ip is getting control of their domains back, but I've already switched over and will be staying with godarklight.info.tm


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Having some real issues with getting modcontrol text filled out right so that it allows the use of mods. I did have the client generate a list but didnt help at all, Im a little computer stupid so im sure that this is my own fault in some way. im assuming that I need to add each dll into the require files section but Im unsure that if I need to start the file path from the c: drive or simply assume it will look at the games data.

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@riles: When you hit options -> Generate DMPModControl.txt, you need to copy it from your client folder where KSP.exe is to the server folder.

Paths are relative from GameData folder.

Alternatively you could just completely turn off modcontrol in DMPServerSettings.txt, but only do that on a private server :)

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Thank you for the reply! I am running a Private small server (4 people) and we have an agreed-ed mod/parts list that we want to use and I think I have figured it out and I am in the process of copying and pasting each part to the Modcontrol parts list.

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Sorry for my noob question but I want to understand. If I have a little VPS with a hosting, how can I active a public server to play KSP? The VPS is not my machine or into my lan, is on a hosting like Aruba or GoDaddy.

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Alright, I know a few months back there was a way to change the starting science points for new players...but for the life of me I can't remember how or find it in the files or forums. Can anyone help me out? Is it still possible?

Edit: Or was this something I needed to do on individual player files?

Edit: Disregard, I kind of figured it out. I just copied my player file with modified contents into the initial folder after I figured out what that folder was for. :) Seems to work properly.

Edited by Vladthemad
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You can already have shared kethane maps, kinda. Connect with kethane to a server, and then copy your kethane data into the "Scenarios/Initial" folder. The seed and locations will be the same, but the actual amount of kethane will be local to the player.

So uh....where exactly do I find this file so we can share the locations? Do I need to actually scan first, for it to be generated? It's probalby better that the amounts be local to the player...will keep us from poaching eachother's resources...but make it more likely that we will be working in the same areas and help us to work together. :)

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@Preliator: DMPServer only uses a tiny amount of CPU and RAM - but it does require a fair bit of bandwidth as it's a message relay. You can add your server to the public server list (down the bottom) if you want to make it a public server.

If it's linux, just install your distros 'mono' package (mono-complete on debian), and run DMPServer.exe with it ;)

@Vladthemad: You only have to copy the kethane file to your initials folder after it is generated - The seed is put in that file the first time it saves, and that's all thats needed to keep the deposits in the same location. The scan data will be different though, I'll see if I can get shared scenario data for 0.1.5.

@Alshain: I'll use the toolbar reflector thing so DMP doesn't have a hard dependancy on it, but will do :). Also, I'll definitely make DMP remember the window positions, that's actually slightly annoying to me too ;)

@Spider0804: Could be one of 2 things. The first, if there's a space or enter in the address box, that would explain it. But there's something else rather serious that recently happened - Microsoft got control of no-ip's domains, buckled under the load and took 4 million of no-ip's domain names offline, including my one. They are back online now though.

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Godarklight, yeah I get that...but where do I find the kethane file so I can put it in the initial folder? :) What's it called? Also will doing this after players have played change theirs? Also, I see there's still no way to change the flag the personal flag of each player. Minor issue, but I thought I'd bring it up again. ;)

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What parameters does DMP use to decide if a vessel is trash that needs to be removed? I've lost two craft recently to apparent trash removal that really shouldn't have been deleted. One was a probe attached to a fuel tank/motor via docking port. The other was a crewed engineless space station.

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@Vladthemad: Flag syncing is in dev ;)

I need to document it - You need to copy a flag into KSP_Folder/GameData/DarkMultiPlayer/Flags/

I'm glad to hear, that will make it easier for users to add in their own. Right now we have a file on our teamspeak with the flags each person wants to use. Everyone downloads them when someone adds one, and so far that's worked.

But I'm not talking about just syncing flags, even though I think that's where it went the first time I brought up the flags question. What I'm asking about is the fact that DMP defaults to the default KSP flag. In single player when you create a new game you are given the option to change your default flag. That way you don't have to select the flag you want every time you launch a new mission. I know it seems like a small request, but nothing peeves me more than when I land someplace new, go eva to plant a flag, and find out it's the default KSP flag because I forgot to change it an hour and a half ago in the VAB! :/

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@Gristle, The only thing dekessler removes is things marked as debris in the vessel file: 'type = Debris' (It's very close to the top of the vessel files)

@Vladthemad: DMP has saved the selected flag for quite a while, ever since was released. If DMP isn't saving the selected flag, I should probably check out the output_log.txt file :-/

@kofeyh: Caused by having thousands of kerbals on the server, which is caused by DMP reassigning taken kerbals to new vessels incorrectly. (EDIT: should be fixed in dev, EDIT2: I've made a plugin to reassign the kerbals and delete the extras)

Edited by godarklight
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@Preliator: DMPServer only uses a tiny amount of CPU and RAM - but it does require a fair bit of bandwidth as it's a message relay. You can add your server to the public server list (down the bottom) if you want to make it a public server.

If it's linux, just install your distros 'mono' package (mono-complete on debian), and run DMPServer.exe with it ;)

Thank you. I will install the server one of these day.

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Awesome. Last thing - is there a way to externally signal the process to stop? I notice it doesn't react well to a simple 'kill' which should signal a clean shutdown request to the process.

If I want to run this thing constantly, within 'screen' (so I can reconnect to the server console) then there's no easy way to politely ask it to shutdown (for example, to backup the universe and or update).

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Maybe this has been said before and i just cant find it but:

Im having trouble with DMPServer, i can DL it just fine, extracts, and is done, but when i try and start the program all i get is a command prompt window with green/yellow scrolling text and then the box disappears.

After this I can no longer start the program at all and it will proceed to Lock up my system entirely after a little while with the Explorer window being locked first and any other window relating to the program after that.

Attempting to Force a Shutdown of DMPServer.exe in Tast manager processes tab causes yet MORE lock up until a Forced reboot with required to get ANY access back.

Please is there any kind of information about this?

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