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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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We will be able to do that soon, we just have to wait for the weapons mods to add the code to make it work well on DMP :)

do you think that's gonna be anytime soon? i know you may not know the answer, but it doesn't looks like enough mods try to be compatible with DMP, even when combat mods are played the best in those.

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do you think that's gonna be anytime soon? i know you may not know the answer, but it doesn't looks like enough mods try to be compatible with DMP, even when combat mods are played the best in those.

The weapons modders thought that there was no good reason to support the mod until now, and in fact there wasn't.

But 1.6 update really changed this.

I will show them how well it works and they may consider supporting DMP :)

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Me and a friend have started renting a dedicated server for KSP multiplayer and were having some serious lag issues. Is there any specific settings we can tweak in the DMP folder to help with this? The server is located in Austin, where my friend is located, and I am in North Carolina, so the distance shouldn't be a huge issue.

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Me and a friend have started renting a dedicated server for KSP multiplayer and were having some serious lag issues. Is there any specific settings we can tweak in the DMP folder to help with this? The server is located in Austin, where my friend is located, and I am in North Carolina, so the distance shouldn't be a huge issue.

First of all, get rid of all debris near the KSC if you have any.

How fast are your internet connections?

The processing power of the host should not matter, but on the clients it makes the game way heavier so avoid showing up nearby with too many parts.

Bad connection will make the game slow down, even if keeping a high framerate.

And one single bad connection client will make everyone "lag" like that.

Also make sure you don't have other programs using the internet on the background, DMP uses low bandwidth but it's very sensitive to jitter.

It's quite resistent to ping though, you should not have issues with pings to up to 200ms as long as it's stable and steady.

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To be fair, I was serious about the first part, KSP is an awesome game ;). The second part has off-the-charts levels of sarcasm, although I am also guilty of this, DMP isn't really documented at all, nor have I contributed to the community docs. I will answer any questions about DMP's code though :)

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Just a quick question i read something about that you have to place to have the same kethane map (spots in same position for everyone but different resourcecount) some files of the mod in the inital szenario folder... question which are these and how to place...

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- - - Updated - - -

First of all, get rid of all debris near the KSC if you have any.

How fast are your internet connections?

The processing power of the host should not matter, but on the clients it makes the game way heavier so avoid showing up nearby with too many parts.

Bad connection will make the game slow down, even if keeping a high frame rate.

And one single bad connection client will make everyone "lag" like that.

Also make sure you don't have other programs using the internet on the background, DMP uses low bandwidth but it's very sensitive to jitter.

It's quite resistent to ping though, you should not have issues with pings to up to 200ms as long as it's stable and steady.

First off loving this mod. I only play the server I rented now thro this mod. You are doing a great job so far.

On to business


Ok so followed this and even with nothing but a small plane and a command capsle the game still lags to hell. Only when we are near each other tho.

Another bug is whenever another player goes near or puts parts or craft near something of mine and I go to fly it later my craft explodes and flys off in diffrent directions. This only happens if he has put anything at all near me. It seems to we a server sync issues where things dont line up and when I load into the new area the system freaks out bad.

The Server is in Dallas TX and so am I my IP speed is 60mbs down 30mbs down at the lowest his is about the same. MY PC is not lagging I can run anything I throw at it maxed so that not the problem.

Lastly Request:

Can we please have an overall server science pool that everyone works towards and we vote on what techs to unlock next? Also the ability to adjust science and money gains in the appropriate modes as well. That would make the science mode much more fun.

Also ClanForge is hosting my server and I asked them if they could load a custom save file and tree and they said the DarkMultiplayer does not support it. Can we get a in game GUI for doing that.

Any plans on making it so 2 ships or a station and a ship can be used near each other? We cannot even attempt to be near each other with any craft or kerbals without lost of explosions or huge lag spikes.

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Any chance anyone has had issues with being kicked / dropped off the server? I said before it was resolved by moving to a different VPS host, but that host was terrible and had lots of downtime which hurt the other things I'm trying to use it for besides DMP, so I'm back to the original one since I already a paid for a month and this one hasn't gone down once.

I can connect fine for anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, then I get the message on the client "Write failure. An established connection was aborted by the software in the host machine." And on the host I get "Disconnecting client X, endpoint X, Connection timed out.

I can't for the life of me figure out what's causing it, both VPS boxes "should" have been configured identically (Server 2008 r2), and I'm literally using the same DMP server folder as I was on the other machine. Help? lol

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@PvP players - I had a quick chat to BahamutoD (BD Armory), at the moment they more interested in doing contracts, and I'm more interested in completing DMP (0.1.7). We'll get there one day though ;).

@Nightmare - Take one of the players Universe/Scenarios/KethaneData.txt files and copy it to both Initial/ and all the other players ;). It will overwrite their current kethane map though...

@SheepDog2142 - If it happens every 30 seconds, DMP kills and replaces vessels in order to update the parts. If the vessels are loaded, the .Unload / .Load is a bit expensive to do, which causes a slight stutter. It's the same reason why the game freezes when you go near a 500 part station in singleplayer, although DMP does this every 30 seconds. Also make sure you're using, I had a silly network bug that caused the game to lock up while sending messages :P

@TNTkenner - Best multiplayer mod maybe :P. DMP still has its fair share of bugs...

@Duke23 - I don't expect people to understand exceptions, but you have to interpret them very literally. "An established connection was aborted (disconnected) by the software (a firewall) in the host (your) machine".

@JJspace23 - DMPServer runs on mono. You need the "MRE".

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Any progress on slerping? Unfortunately I have little experience with vectors.

I will guarantee that once you finish the slerping algorithm and make vessel updates a lot smoother, more people will be interested in DMP because they will realize that DMP is no longer some volatile prototype; it's reliable, extensible, healthy, and the real deal.

Edited by longbyte1
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@longbyte1: I know exactly what you're talking about, but slerping isn't the correct thing here. This bit is going to take a math-magician to figure out.

Each vessel has an angular velocity: https://github.com/godarklight/DarkMultiPlayer/blob/master/Client/VesselWorker.cs#L1048-L1051, and that's what controls the spin of vessels. However, field is copied from the root parts angular velocity every fixed update step.

DMP tries to set it https://github.com/godarklight/DarkMultiPlayer/blob/master/Client/VesselWorker.cs#L2219-L2231, but something isn't quite right, I suspect I need to somehow transform the angular velocity across all the parts - which I tried to do by applying the parts rotation to them.

For single part vessels or vessel where the root part takes up most of the mass, this likely already works, but only by chance. Someone who fully understands unity's / KSP's rotation / world space needs to come in and clean up that little nugget.

If anyone knows of a mod that resumes rotation after warp, then the problem is already solved and we need to find them. If not, I've been considering setting the velocity to zero like KMP did :-/

@Nightmare: When I actually finish DMP next version, it will have groups / permissions / shared scenario modules. I just need to find the time for it ;)

Edited by godarklight
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@NoXPhasma: VITAS is correct, the server runs on mono. DMP is also developed and compiled under mono as well if that means anything :P

@tetryds: Thankyou - That looks like it contains the solution to my problem. I *think* borrowing 2 lines should be ok with respect to the GPL.

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I *think* borrowing 2 lines should be ok with respect to the GPL.

Or you could just ask. Consent in writing is often easily obtained, and protects you and others' ability to distribute DarkMultiPlayer. So it's worth getting.

Strictly speaking, re-licensing code requires consent of all of the contributing authors (who are copyright holder's for their respective contributions) to distribute the code under the new license.

Speaking of, you might want to get a note from any other DMP contributors while it was under GPL, plus any KMP contributors where lines were leveraged into DMP okaying that change.

As small as DMP's contribution list is, this might be easy enough now, but I remember VideoLan spent a somewhat drama-filled year contacting devs and even reverting commits or cutting out code in order to move libVLC from GPL to LGPL to fix legal issues preventing them from distributing on Apple's App Store and the Microsoft Store (even at no cost).

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Or you could just ask. Consent in writing is often easily obtained, and protects you and others' ability to distribute DarkMultiPlayer. So it's worth getting.

Strictly speaking, re-licensing code requires consent of all of the contributing authors (who are copyright holder's for their respective contributions) to distribute the code under the new license.

Speaking of, you might want to get a note from any other DMP contributors while it was under GPL, plus any KMP contributors where lines were leveraged into DMP okaying that change.

As small as DMP's contribution list is, this might be easy enough now, but I remember VideoLan spent a somewhat drama-filled year contacting devs and even reverting commits or cutting out code in order to move libVLC from GPL to LGPL to fix legal issues preventing them from distributing on Apple's App Store and the Microsoft Store (even at no cost).

What? I think you're confused. Darklight is grabbing some 2 lines of code from another mod to place it into DMP, not the other way around.

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