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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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One announcement, officially from BCSpazer:

<BCSpazer> To all my loyal Users:

<BCSpazer> A Troll has been using my username (BCSpazer and variations of it) to log onto my and other's servers and causing general havoc. Let it be known that IT IS NOT me and from now on I will be using a different username to play on DMP servers.

<BCSpazer> That being said, let us as a community blacklist ANYONE playing on ANY server as BCSpazer.

He sent that on the DMP channel, at esper[dot]net.

Edited by RockyTV
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  RockyTV said:
One announcement, officially from BCSpazer:

<BCSpazer> To all my loyal Users:

<BCSpazer> A Troll has been using my username (BCSpazer and variations of it) to log onto my and other's servers and cause general havoc. Let it be known that IT IS NOT me and from now on I will be using a different username to play on DMP servers.

<BCSpazer> That being said, let us as a community blacklist ANYONE playing on ANY server as BCSpazer.

He sent that on the DMP channel, at esper[dot]net.

Thanks RockyTV.

Hopefully with the community's help we can keep people like this out of the DMP world.


Edited by bcspazer
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It says my target is actively refusing to connect.

I searched the thread for my problem but all there is that I should drop my firewall. I tried that, it doesn't work. Port is forwarded, check it online. Even added rules to firewall to allow connection. Don't know what to do

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Is there any way to alter the difficulty settings? I've tried altering the save file but DMP just switches it back to standard difficulty when I log in. I'd like to use features like buying individual components in the tech tree.

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@Steven Mading: Dev supports 0.24 - I'm getting there, just want to finish off a few things before I release it. And because it's a good enough excuse, I'll release on 31st october as that's KMP's anniversary (I thinks). My little way to celebrate 1 year of KSP multiplayer ;).

@inigma: Thanks for showing me the bug - It was a bug in the pid (the way KSP stores GUID's in ConfigNodes) to guid converter. I forgot to add a dash :P

@RockyTV/BCSpazer: I'll code a global auth plugin for server admins to participate in, that way instead of being registered on one server, you register on all of the servers participating ;)

@nanowinner: Target actively refused to connect means they sent a TCP reject - which means the server either a) isn't running, or B) is firewalled.

@Mulbin: I'll have to expose them via a server setting - But atm it's just default.

@technologygeek: When you click upload on the craft sharing window it should come up with "Uploading / Uploaded!", then other people can download them.

@Tery215: Yet another bug that was made worse by KSP 0.25 - This type of thing started in KSP 0.23 and that exact bug is the major reason KMP doesn't exist today :(. I'll poke it until I figure it out.

@chiefymuc: *Plonk* *Explode* :). I have to add the PQS altitude and use that instead if they are close, I believe the ground doesn't spawn at the same altitude in KSP all the time :-/.

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Not sure what's causing it, but when I join my server with a couple of friends, it lags like hell and the planes are rubberbanding, I'm hosting it on my own pc now, where I'm playing ksp on. It should do fine though, it's pretty powerful and can run games like BF4 maxed out. I'll try external hosting soon, but I'm not sure if it will fix it... Anyway, I'm asking it cause on youtube, people just fly flawlessly...

If you need more info, don't hesitate to ask.


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@PikachuNL: I need to code motion prediction.

(this is my branch for KMP that was never merged). It's actually pretty low hanging fruit, so I'll nab that one today.

@stardestroyer: KSP's terrain doesn't spawn the same for all players, which causes err... issues at the moment. But yeah - you can certainly try :)

@longbyte1: Baby steps, I'll get there (although 31st october is sneaking up on my pretty quickly) :P

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  godarklight said:
@PikachuNL: I need to code motion prediction.
(this is my branch for KMP that was never merged). It's actually pretty low hanging fruit, so I'll nab that one today.

Just a question, wouldn't it be interesting if the acceleration of the craft was also accounted?

Because I think that it would help with the smoothness, even more when you have an airplane performing a constant turn (even if for a few moments).

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Custom Flags.

What does the ohter players see? Can they see the flag? Or only the default Kerbal Space Program flag? Or a missing texture? Or the previous flag put on the craft? Or does it simply not allow you to select the custom flags?

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So, Bob got up from his seat, and went to go in the rover's external command seat before takeoff so that he doesnt need to go in his rover when im in Eve's orbit because that takes too long. Then http://i.gyazo.com/0881920f2d3de8c7edb5eae160a6c072.png . Just, p00f, the plane just instantly gone, and no "Catastrophic failure" message or anything. wat? Seriously, they got warped to 1995 or what?

Yeah i was playing in a DMP server.

64bit ksp, win7.

Note the odd "KIA" in the screenshot, since a kerbal killed by crash usually read "Missing in action". Unless thats just a DMP thing that kerbals say KIA instead of MIA.

And me who spent soo long stealing these three from the people on the server. [Dont worry i replaced them whit generic kerbals]

EDIT: http://i.gyazo.com/5e19ca6876b4bf95636a192e6c340b8a.png

"Just try again", din't work.

Edited by Enthalpy
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  Enthalpy said:
So, Bob got up from his seat, and went to go in the rover's external command seat before takeoff so that he doesnt need to go in his rover when im in Eve's orbit because that takes too long. Then http://i.gyazo.com/0881920f2d3de8c7edb5eae160a6c072.png . Just, p00f, the plane just instantly gone, and no "Catastrophic failure" message or anything. wat? Seriously, they got warped to 1995 or what?

Yeah i was playing in a DMP server.

64bit ksp, win7.

Note the odd "KIA" in the screenshot, since a kerbal killed by crash usually read "Missing in action". Unless thats just a DMP thing that kerbals say KIA instead of MIA.

And me who spent soo long stealing these three from the people on the server. [Dont worry i replaced them whit generic kerbals]

EDIT: http://i.gyazo.com/5e19ca6876b4bf95636a192e6c340b8a.png

"Just try again", din't work.

You running Kerbal Attachment System? Any other mods?

I ran into this bug, happens usually only with newly spawned vessels, and I thought this was a DMP/KAS bug. I hadn't reported it yet. Can you confirm if you are using Kerbal Attachment System when you duplicate the issue?

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  inigma said:
You running Kerbal Attachment System? Any other mods?

I ran into this bug, happens usually only with newly spawned vessels, and I thought this was a DMP/KAS bug. I hadn't reported it yet. Can you confirm if you are using Kerbal Attachment System when you duplicate the issue?

Nope. No KAS. I was running Mechjeb, and some flight engineer redux cheap mechjeb ripoff required for the server.

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@PikachuNL: The root part is kind of the way vessels are handled in KSP, Things that break off become new vessels. This should have been corrected on the next full update though.

@Enthalpy: If you don't have the flag, DMP will reassign it to the default flag. Unless it's in DarkMultiPlayer/Flags/, at which point all flags are synced from and two the server - nobody uses this feature though :).

As for the disappearing vessels, PartKiller is obviously playing silly-buggers - It's supposed to remove vessels / debris that break off other players that haven't been synced through the server, they aren't legitimate vessels / debris, they are duplicates only.

@Everyone, My internet has been shaped and I really need to reduce things using my connection, so I've stopped the server list scraper. As noted on the page itself, I'm handing the server list over to VITAS. The server list isn't completely done yet, but it's most of the way there :).

Go check it out.

(It's also instant-updating, it uses a DMPServer plugin rather than making the server list scrape data off all of the servers - You'll likely need to visit me in IRC to set it up until we write some docs for it).

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