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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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Hey godar, what happened to private vessels?

I am running a server and I am needing them a lot right now, but I don't seem to make any vessel private.

It would be good to have that feature back, as it's causing a few issues (like when someone going EVA while being spectated).

Private vessels are in the work. If you want to take a look, feel free to!


I believe that we have some other things to merge to the branch before poking it.

Oh, by the way, asteroids are not disapearing, so after some time there are a lot of them.

Some people are getting severe lag from this.

Is there an easy way to get rid of them?

Are you sure? IIRC, DMP does only remove untracked asteroids after a few minutes.

Edited by RockyTV
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Having a problem . me and my friend are trying to join my server but we BOTH cant. the ports are forwarded right but neither of us can connect. I also had him make a server and we try to connect to that. but it wont work. Both servers were working yesterday. any idea why?

Update: Fixed the Problem. Turns out my IPv4 address changed without me knowing lol fixed the port and all worked

Edited by seethingword
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Great, I can wait patiently, thanks.

Are you sure? IIRC, DMP does only remove untracked asteroids after a few minutes.

Don't ask me, ask them :P


There are 155 asteroids total.

Server: latest release version, 0.90, science mode, running on linux.

Some players are using RemoteTech, but I don't think it will change much.

Very bright points are 3 or more asteroids very close together like if more than one spawned in a row.

Asteroid ammount set to 30.

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Great, I can wait patiently, thanks.

Don't ask me, ask them :P


There are 155 asteroids total.

Server: latest release version, 0.90, science mode, running on linux.

Some players are using RemoteTech, but I don't think it will change much.

Very bright points are 3 or more asteroids very close together like if more than one spawned in a row.

Asteroid ammount set to 30.

That's weird... @godarklight please, let me take a look at it, so I can learn more about KSP's weirdness (or DMP's).

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I just spent the day playing DMP at a LAN party with a couple of friends. We made VERY heavy use of a number of different mods, including B9 Aerospace, TAC-LS, Kerbonite, OKS/MKS Kolonization, KAS, Inferno Robotics, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads, and a few others. Thought I'd report back my results for those curious. Forgive me if I'm rehashing anything that's well-known here.

Everything actually worked... surprisingly well:

* All parts more or less synced up between clients without issue. Mod control was not a concern in our case as we were running with synchronized folders, and everyone was able to see each other's unique parts without issue.

* Mods like TAC Life Support actually also worked about as expected. The only anomalies we encountered only occurred when syncing ahead to someone else's subspace, in which our Kerbals 'may' have died if we didn't have enough supplies aboard to accommodate the time advancement. This wasn't an issue for us because it was about how we expected it to behave, and just meant we had to actually co-operate and strategize our launch windows for various missions.

We sadly never got to really test out the Kolonization mods and such though too extensively - our own incompetence left us pretty much struggling to achieve orbit for most of the day, so we didn't get to actually embark on our planned colonization project :)

* Ship movements actually worked really well - any time vessels were moving in relation to one another, we were pretty impressed at how smoothly things looked. There was still some jumpy-ness, but the experience as a whole was WAY improved from the old KMP build we had tried from a year ago. Well done!

Here are the issues we had:

* Any time we had a couple of player-controlled ships visible in motion near each other, there was this complete framerate halt every 5-10 seconds, which took another 5 seconds to clear itself. It looked like DMP was re-synchronizing the entire vessel state and the game was going nuts having to re-load the entire vessel each time. This problem was most apparent when we were doing formation work (i.e. lifting off from Kerbin in close proximity to each other), but disappeared almost completely during slower, more precise operations like docking.

* The game was pretty unstable. At first I thought this was just the number of mods we had loaded, but the game's memory usage remained at about 3GB (and we were making heavy use of ATM to keep the usage as low as possible - we even tried OpenGL mode). We'd generally get crashes every 30-40 minutes or so. This wasn't a big deal because the problem player could just re-join after a few minutes... and I'd be hesitant to blame just DMP alone because we WERE being pretty mod-heavy at the time, but I'm not sure exactly what the cause was between all three of us.

* My friends would randomly get kicked for no obvious client-side reason, but the server logs would show "Disconnecting client <PLAYERNAME>, sent CONNECTION_END (Kicked for trying to create an existing subspace) to endpoint" messages at the same time. MechJeb *WAS* generally involved around some of these cases which I know can cause DMP to act a bit funny, but I'm not sure if that was the cause.

* Finally, the one time we actually managed to try docking a couple of ships together, we had an issue. I was actually using KAS to try and affix one of my pipes to my friend's station for a refueling run, but a few seconds after I connected, both ships suddenly disappeared, re-loaded, and my ship was gone with only his station remaining! On my friend's screen, both ships were completely gone and he had to quit and re-join to get it back (after which only his station appeared though). Here's a video of what occurred:

Since this was a KAS connector port 'docking' (and not normal docking) I'm willing to write this off as an errant mod issue; I totally understand that DMP isn't built specifically around mods yet. I thought I'd mention it though since I saw posts earlier in the thread about trying to address some of these issues and hoped some extra reports might help.

Despite the problems though, we actually had an extremely entertaining day - thanks for working so hard on this project to make this possible! I look forward to trying it some more in the future.

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Great, I can wait patiently, thanks.

Don't ask me, ask them :P


There are 155 asteroids total.

Server: latest release version, 0.90, science mode, running on linux.

Some players are using RemoteTech, but I don't think it will change much.

Very bright points are 3 or more asteroids very close together like if more than one spawned in a row.

Asteroid ammount set to 30.

I don't really know if this is what's causing the issue, but, I think that the setting on the server config file is the maximum number of untracked asteroids. That way you can track dozens of asteroids, and you will still have 30 to track.

However, I don't think that it should be this way. I'm submitting a PR right now to add a new setting.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

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I don't really know if this is what's causing the issue, but, I think that the setting on the server config file is the maximum number of untracked asteroids. That way you can track dozens of asteroids, and you will still have 30 to track.

However, I don't think that it should be this way. I'm submitting a PR right now to add a new setting.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

Yeah, that would help a lot too.

These ones are untracked but I agree that the limit should apply for the total of asteroids, tracked+untracked.

The limit is set to 30 on the server, by the way.

Lots of them are showing zero on the time counter but don't despawn.

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How easy would it be to synch the active missions between players on the server? I currently have a career server with a friend and while all the first missions are the same it would also be fun to have the same waypoint during the kerbel visual survey missions for example?

Thanks for a great mod!

Edited by silvanus
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How easy would it be to synch the active missions between players on the server? I currently have a career server with a friend and while all the first missions are the same it would also be fun to have the same waypoint during the kerbel visual survey missions for example?

Thanks for a great mod!

I had the exact oposite request, as it seemed to be already happening, some players on my server are not getting missions that other players do, so some of them have missions to go to Mün and didn't even get to orbit.

While others already did all that and only get missions in Kerbin.

That's why it's on science mode.

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I had the exact oposite request, as it seemed to be already happening, some players on my server are not getting missions that other players do, so some of them have missions to go to Mün and didn't even get to orbit.

While others already did all that and only get missions in Kerbin.

That's why it's on science mode.

I believe the issue your getting tetryds is due to the Kerbals being synced among all players from the server. *\DMPServer\Universe\Kerbals\(Kerbal Name).txt

That file contains a basic flight log including flights to, suborbits arond, orbits around, excape from orbit around, landing on, boarding from and exiting to for each kerbal for each planet.

Im not sure when the sync happens but once your copy of that kerbal has those flight logs those missions can be accomplished. It doesnt track flag planting or specific locations (visual survey's) etc.

As for a hack to allow shared content between players you could use a symbolic link for the files that are player specific and have them point to the same file. I havent personally tried it, and I'm not sure how often the server writes and reads these files for the client but it could work.

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Can you see other people's custom flag designs in multiplayer?

IIRC yes you can.

@urlocalguru: I cannot code, so I don't know how it would work.

But yeah, the fact that there are orbiting ships prevents you from getting "reach orbit" contracts, etc.

So, I guess the best option is to use science or sandbox modes for now.

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@Everyone, The time syncer in career mode was broken due to an old workaround we were using to detect when KSP was ready, DMP v0.2.0.2 fixes this issue :)

@moriamo: Should be fixed now :)

@LilDevil: DMP reassigns kerbals if they get used in more than one vessel and always tries to make them available, there's a bit of weirdness that needs to be sorted out here..

Kicked for creating subspace is an old lazyness issue for me, I have to give some love to the warping system as it hasn't really been touched since v0.1.0.0.

The freezes are related to how DMP replaces the parts in a vessel. It kills it and replaces it, this seems to be the only reliable way of making sure the vessel is in its correct state.

@wasmic: Assuming you're playing career mode, this should now be fixed.

@Buggzy1011: On the server console, prefix the commands with /

@RepairArtist: Hrmm, I'll have to look into this one. I thought kerbals were auto-saved... I'll have to put this on my ever-growing todo list hehe.

@tetryds: Groups / private vessels / shared science is coming, I just keep getting caught up in other things. I'll also have to check on the asteroid thing, I suspect some revert paradox is coming into play here.

As for the missions, I'm actually not sure how to go about this one - It's likely a stock KSP problem :-/.

@Talavar: Good luck with the server, make sure you install the reporter plugin to appear on the d-mp.org server list too.

@Parias: If I ever figure out a way to load ships without hanging the game, I'm so there. Unity isn't multi-core though, so the current Kill/Replace solution looks like it will have to stick around, although this shouldn't be any more expensive than coming into range of the ship in single player. If the load times are different, this suggests a DMP bug.

* The game was pretty unstable - Likely the side effects of revert support (which I claimed was a memory leak). I suspect turning it off in options will likely stop the crashing - we'll need to throw out old updates, or apply some type of limit to them.

@urlocalguru: At the moment it reads once upon connecting, and then saves every 30 seconds if they have changed, so shared science doesn't really work that way unless you're only playing 1 at a time, which kind of defeats the whole point :P

* existing subspace - See above, this is my lazyness from pre-v0.1.0.0. The actual code that does this is here. It's caused by two players coming out of warp at the exact same time, both trying to create a new subspace with the same ID. In theory this should be locked up in the server and the warp system shouldn't be as peer-to-peer as it is.

* docking - Could possibly be PartKiller (the duplicate debris deleter) messing up. Another thing to poke I guess :-/

@silvanus - I intend to do shared science for the next version.

@Dynd - Custom flags work if you put them in the DarkMultiPlayer/Flags folder, although hardly anyone uses this feature as it's not well advertised. I also feel it's just a touch exploitable, but I'll leave it as is until it becomes a problem.

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I'm a bit confused as to how to set up a server. I feel as if there's something really obvious I'm missing (especially with everyone mentioning how easy it is). I've installed and launched a server, but I have no clue how to join it from another computer. The port is the default 6702, but I'm not sure what IP to use. To complicate things further the server is running on a Raspberry Pi (instructions from your github wiki), using a laptop for screen/keyboard (following this tutorial) and internet (these instructions). I've tried the IP of the Pi (I've set a static one), the IP from the "host" laptop, and a couple other ones. The server/pi (well, the laptop it's connected to) and client/computer are both on the same wifi, so I haven't done any port forwarding. Is that what I should do? If so what do I forward, to where?

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@Spekular: If you're running it from within your local network (which is the case here), you'll want to connect to the raspberry pi's network address, which is usually in the 192.168.0.x range (It could also be in the 10.x.x.x range).

For players on the internet connecting to your server, you need to port forward (by default TCP 6702) to your raspberry pi. Connections from the internet will connect to your public IP address. The best way to get your public address and test port forwarding would be www.canyouseeme.org.

Also... I didn't know I even *had* a github wiki, but yeah those instructions look correct. /sbin/ifconfig will tell you your network settings - the "inet addr:" is the address you connect to (although I assume you talk to this thing over SSH, so you probably already know that address :))

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@godarklight Thanks for the response! I get two "inet addr:"'s when running ifconfig, one for "eth0" (ethernet cable) which is the static IP I set for the Pi, the other for "lo" (Something called "Local Loopback"). The "lo" one is though, which is some local address iirc. I've checked canyouseeme on both the "host" (laptop providing internet to pi) and the client and the ip is the same so they're definitely on the same LAN. None of these three addresses works though, they all say the connection was actively refused. Port 80 is visible on canyouseeme, but all the other common addresses and 6702 give a timeout. I guess I shouldn't worry about that though as I'm currently only interested in connecting with computers on the same LAN. I haven't noticed any 192.168.0.x addresses (or 10.x.x.x) in all my digging. Am I supposed to get one of those from ifconfig?

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the lo interface (and localhost / is only if you want to connect to a service running on the same machine (loacaly)

normaly you should have 1 external ip address on your router.

10.... and 192.... ips are for local networks and dont work from the internet.

(you only use them to connect to your devices that are connected to the same router at home that you are using)

it might be helpfull if you can copy the output of "ifconfig eth0" from your rasbberypi.

also do "route"

if i understand correctly your laptop is beeing the router for your rasberrypi? i hope you know that your rasberrypi wil only be accasible as long as you have your laptop running. that makes the rasberrypi kind of unneeded.

also runn ipconfig (for windows) or ifconfig (for linux) on your laptop and see what ips the different interfaces have.

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10.... and 192.... ips are for local networks and dont work from the internet.
I'm aware of this but
I'm currently only interested in connecting with computers on the same LAN

As for:

i hope you know that your rasberrypi wil only be accasible as long as you have your laptop running. that makes the rasberrypi kind of unneeded.

I got the pi without any other hardware because I wasn't sure what I would do with it, so the laptop was just to get set up. Now that I'm going to use it as a server I'll probably get a wifi adapter for it.

also runn ipconfig (for windows) or ifconfig (for linux) on your laptop and see what ips the different interfaces have.

Have done.

it might be helpfull if you can copy the output of "ifconfig eth0" from your rasbberypi.

also do "route"

Will do when I can. :)

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Hey! Just wanted to say, Awesome mod!

However I have two issues - One, when I attempt to sync to my friend, It'll Sync, But his plane, Or rocket will still appear to be standing completely still, Yet his engines are at full blast - I'm using the DarkMP Updater for client and server, rather then the manual install.

Another thing is modding the server, I tryed to read the Modcontrol text, but just felt a little overwhelmed at the amount of text. Any possible chance for a more simplistic version, Or even a video tutorial? Thanks!

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Another thing is modding the server, I tryed to read the Modcontrol text, but just felt a little overwhelmed at the amount of text. Any possible chance for a more simplistic version, Or even a video tutorial? Thanks!

Just set the modcontrol = 0 : it allows you to use any mod on the server.

but please note: if somebody uses a mod that you don't have, his craft won't be loaded for you but it will to others who has the parts/plugin needed.

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Just set the modcontrol = 0 : it allows you to use any mod on the server.

but please note: if somebody uses a mod that you don't have, his craft won't be loaded for you but it will to others who has the parts/plugin needed.

So - when I set it to 0, and load it up with a friend, Lets say we just have B9Aerospace - We'll be able to see eachothers crafts then?

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So - when I set it to 0, and load it up with a friend, Lets say we just have B9Aerospace - We'll be able to see eachothers crafts then?

Absolutely correct - we tested this at a LAN party last weekend (along with a slew of other part mods) and this worked more or less flawlessly.

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@Spekular: If the laptop is giving internet to the raspberry pi, then there's a good chance that the PI is in a completely seperate network, which may be why you can't connect to it. One day I'll do a video on how IP networking kinda works, but until then I guess I'll have to explain it.

For a simple example, I'll write the address/netmask together. /24 is, which means it can contact things when the IP's first 3 numbers are the same. I *think* this is your problem:

Client computer addresses are:

Laptop computer addresses are:

Pi's addresses are:

There is no way the Client and PI can talk to each other in that above setup, although the laptop knows how to talk to both of them. First make sure that they are in the same networks first.

@MightyN0ob: Thanks, but this is likely a side effect due to how I try and spawn vessels in the atmosphere when they are close. KSP kills vessels that are flying more than 2.5km away, so what I do is I temporarily set them to "landed", and then hope KSP figures out that they actually should be flying - at which point they start working again. I've got an idea of how to "fix" this (keep them landed and move them every frame referencing the last DMP update), but I haven't coded that yet. It's called HackyInAtmoLoad for a reason hehe.

As for mod control, I recommend leaving it to the default and just getting DMP to set one up from your gamedata directory - Just hit options -> generate blacklist DMPModControl.txt, and then move the file to the server folder.

If you have complete control over the GameData directories though, then using modcontrol 0 is fine.

@RonaldoFTW: Hey, us nerds make mods for fun, which results in players having fun, which is a positive feedback loop of fun-ness :P

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