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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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@godarklight, just to note that the 6716a3e116adb which changed the part names to include periods didn't appear to solve the problem where solidBooster.sm is a forbidden part. I had to disable the part checking to get around it.

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@Multiplay server admins: I've had a few reports that people can't change some of their server settings - Apparently this is fixed by recreating the server profile.

There may be another way - if DMPServerSettings.txt is in the main server folder, delete it - DMP has exclusively used Config/Settings.txt since 2.1.0, and under normal circumstances that file is ported and moved to Config/Settings.txt in all versions after 2.1.0. If someone can confirm this I'll update the OP and let multiplay know, I'll remove the message when it's fixed :)

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Hello, first of all AWESOME work!!

I have no problem at all to create a server, but when I try addons I just cant do it.

I create the DMPMODControl.txt and put it in the DMPserver map. the names of the addons I want to use is already there and I created the whitelist.

I made it after alot of trying and fixing! thx any way!!

Edited by haggen
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@godarklight I have a problem with the new update, where the dmp screen where you set your name and connect to a server has not buttons. It is just a normal unity GUI with a title and nothing else. How can I fix this?

I have the update working on one computer, but not another meaning I can not play multi-player.

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Would it be possible to use this mod to play KSP from separate views of the one ship? As in, having 2 people playing the game from a different computer/Monitor, controlling different parts of the mission such as a Landing Pilot and a command module pilot?

I am hoping to simulate an Apollo Mission with two of my friends, and need to be able to control the same ship from different views.

Thank you.

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If nothing changed in the last weeks/months its NOT possible.

2nd player will see "Vessel is controlled by other Player".

After undocking Lander from Orbiter 2nd Player can control 2nd vessel.

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Anyone know how to start a new save game on the server, i have been playing with a couple of mates and we are building orbital stations using OKS and TAC Life Support but things don't seem to be working right so we have elected to start over in a new save. Hopefully this will fix things.

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Hey Godarklight, do you know a way to dump a 1200 part craft from the server?

I keep getting these afts on the server and nobody knows how it got on it and i can't recover or delete it from the tracking station.

neither does nukeksc is any good.

It turns out to be a connecting bug or some sort... i dunno, but my game now keeps crashing when i want to command other crafts.

Edited by MK3424
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Anyone know how to start a new save game on the server, i have been playing with a couple of mates and we are building orbital stations using OKS and TAC Life Support but things don't seem to be working right so we have elected to start over in a new save. Hopefully this will fix things.

Just start a new Gamesave on your Client. (Use or delete login-keys from mod-folder and universe-folder on server.)

Ignoring vessels, they keep flying forever on server or terminate them in tracking station.

Or do you mean a complete fresh and empty server?

then delete player and vessel-folders in universe-folder on server.

Hey Godarklight, do you know a way to dump a 1200 part craft from the server?

I keep getting these afts on the server and nobody knows how it got on it and i can't recover or delete it from the tracking station.

neither does nukeksc is any good.

It turns out to be a connecting bug or some sort... i dunno, but my game now keeps crashing when i want to command other crafts.

Dump from server game to a non-server-gamesave?

Its not possible. vessels on server are kind of .txt-files.

no way to import them in a stock-save. either with a text editor ;-)

or do you mean you can not terminate that 1200-monster in tracking centre?

then generate a universe folder from savegame (in dmps options),

search for the correct vessel-file, "login" to server and delete manually exactly the same file (name)

from vessel-folder in servers universe-folder.

Edited by Jansn
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I hope someone can help me with this - I've been running a DMP (KSP 1.0) server since it was made available, and players are reporting that their ships are disappearing - they put a ship into orbit and when they return a day or two later it is gone. Is there anything obvious I should be looking for by way of configuration to make ships persist? Is there something specific for me to look in the logs to see why a ship may have disappeared?

I'm running on Debian using Mono - and the folders and files are all owned by the user the server runs under, and seem to have the appropriate permissions (rw for the owner, which the same user as the server runs under).

Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for this mod! We had a great time yesterday flying together. We had try this in the past but the other player were not seen often. But yesterday we saw us every time. Thought the 10 times bigger loading range is helpful, but i do not know the code.

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Hey all! General advice question here, sorry if this has been answered and I just can't find it:

What is everyone using as the general workaround for MP Career? Is anyone manually syncing Contracts? Manually syncing everything (Science, Funds, craft files, etc)? Completing a contract and/or recovering Science and then manually editing values to "give" the other player some of the rewards? Something else I haven't thought of?

Fixing to get a run of this set up and just wondering how everyone else is managing the Career aspects. I think we'll be doing the revert-heavy design/testing stuff in an offline sandbox just to be on the safe side, though I understand the best practices. The kerbal persistence issues (re: XP, Rep) seem to be significant. Any advice appreciated, much thanks.

Edited by aazah
Updated after combing through the last 30 pages
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Hi folks,

playing for the first time with DMP since 0.25 :)

I have build a small mod package to play with my friends and we are experiencing a weird problem: our astronauts are going "M.I.A." without any reason. Everyone starts with 20 Kerbals and they seem to "disappear" for no reason. So after a couple of minutes EVERY kerbal is MIA and we cannot go on... :/ Anyone had that Bug? Anyone idea for a solution? Doesn't seem to happen in Singleplayer :/

Mod Package:

RemoteTech 1.6.4

KIS 1.1.2

Infernal Robotics 0.21.2


MKS 0.30.1

StageRecovery 1.5.5

Firespitter manually updated to newest version

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Yeah I don't think Kerbal sync is implemented yet. This is the last mention I can find from godarklight himself:


thx for the quick answer!

The Problem with that bug is the following: Career Mode is completely impossible as all your Kerbals are going MIA/KIA within minutes and you cannot afford any more Kerbals, let alone play on with any manned mission. And we'd really like to play Career mode because it sets nice limits - especially if you're playing with beginners! Really hope that godark can come up with something :/

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if you have access to the dmp-server, you can create a script, that back up/copy the kerbal-files

to another folder. when kerbals or ships disappear, you can copy it back to "live-universe"

Or do all that manually.

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Do you think you can add the ability to selected a person to spectate from the dmp menu? Searching them in the traction station is troublesome and slow, most of time it being glitch out and make you spectate a piece of debris going 6km/s on the other side of kerbin

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@dagobert: Generally I've found just reconnecting to the server has given me more kerbals to play with in Career mode, however the fact the 'story line' contracts, other than the first three, only seem to be doable once per server rather than once per play made if very hard for players to get enough money to do anything. So it's not the only issue you'll face.

Currently I play in science mode with other people on my server, gives some progression at least.

As far as I'm aware ore generation isn't the same for each player either which will lead to problems with shared mining outputs later on.

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@Jansn: hosted the server on my own, so I'll try that if I can locate the files you mentioned

@benjamg: thx 4 the additional info! a challenge is not that much of a problem - if its too hard, we can adjust the settings. R

Reconnecting works, correct. But after a couple of minutes (even seconds) the problem is as bad as prior to reconnecting; so especially within the first "contracts" its not a very suitable solution for us :/

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