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[0.23.5] Refuel Station - Uses kerbtown

Albert VDS

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Refuel Station

Do you have a fleet of spaceplanes, rockets or other vehicles that need constant refueling and you don't want to keep launching refuel trucks?

Than the Refuel Station is the thing for you. It allows you to place a refueling station near the runway. It refills itself.


This mod uses the KerbTown plugin which is included within the archive.


blackheart612 - Refuelstation texture

Albert - Model & CFG

How to use

Place the RefuelStation part, located in the Utility tab. Make sure it's flush with the ground.

Add an docking port jr. or KAS winch.

Select RefuelStationBase as your launch location through the KerbTown button.



License - ‎CC by-nc-sa

Edited by Albert VDS
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This...could be extremely useful if it could be repurposed for other fuels too, like antimatter and Helium-3 from KSPI, or Kethane. Mainly so one no longer has to construct unwieldy and part-laden "ships" to do the same.

Editing the config is easy enough, though it might be nice to see a few optional textures. Great idea though. :D

Edited by phoenix_ca
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  phoenix_ca said:
This...could be extremely useful if it could be repurposed for other fuels too, like antimatter and Helium-3 from KSPI, or Kethane. Mainly so one no longer has to construct unwieldy and part-laden "ships" to do the same.

Editing the config is easy enough, though it might be nice to see a few optional textures. Great idea though. :D

Well, it could easily be integrated to MFT/FStexture switcher except we might get some guys yelling for no MFT versions after that hehe

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Here's an easy-peasy config I made that slaps a (sorta) reasonable amount of storage for Antimatter, Helium-3, and Kethane. The numbers are quite large but I figure it doesn't really matter since this can serve as a reasonable abstraction for things like off-site storage or whatever quite nicely.

Module Manager 2.x required.

name = Kethane
amount = 0
maxAmount = 200000

name = Antimatter
amount = 0
maxAmount = 500000
name = Helium-3
amount = 0
maxAmount = 20000

My only big suggestion at this point would be to add another site next to the launch pad for easy(ish) rocket refuelling on the pad.

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Great :). But using a simple part is strange, how do you put it on the static base ? Unless using hyperedit, it sounds like quite complicated.

+use kerbtown for that is not really necessary, you could have include the base with the part itself.

(or you use this base as spawn point and drop the part on it)

Have you considering using snjo work for his gaz station ? It's really a kerbtown building.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Great :). But using a simple part is strange, how do you put it on the static base ? Unless using hyperedit, it sounds like quite complicated.

Have you considering using snjo work for his gaz station ? It's really a kerbtown building.

It's actually really easy. Install all the files, go to the VAB, find the Refuelling Station under the Utility tab, select it as root part (Part Catalog is invaluable for this). Slap a KAS winch or docking port on its stack node. Add lights and a toolbox if you want. Move the structure to the bottom of the VAB. Click the orange button at the top of the screen (outline of a house with "KT" lettering), select the refueling base launch site. Launch, and you're done. It'll count as a vessel, and will be loaded when you launch a rocket or plane, but condensing all those resources into one part makes a huge difference. Instead of say, 100 He-3 tanks, you can just use this one part plus my config above (Kethane storage equivalent to a little more than ten of the largest tanks).

If for some ungodly reason you find you need more storage it's just a quick-and-painless persistence file edit.

Edited by phoenix_ca
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Looks really useful, and will save me lots of time, especially if I can manage to stick these things on rovers, and set up Non-KSC bases on Kerbin. Making it possible to land and refuel in places around Kerbin. You really should be a MFT version, so we could use it to refill stuff like life support. The cheatyness of an MFT version of this is all up to those that use it. Example: Hyperedit. I use it to modify the lan of my commsats (very cheaty) and align their SMA once I put them in really close orbits (not very cheaty).

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  Storywalker4 said:
Looks really useful, and will save me lots of time, especially if I can manage to stick these things on rovers, and set up Non-KSC bases on Kerbin. Making it possible to land and refuel in places around Kerbin. You really should be a MFT version, so we could use it to refill stuff like life support. The cheatyness of an MFT version of this is all up to those that use it. Example: Hyperedit. I use it to modify the lan of my commsats (very cheaty) and align their SMA once I put them in really close orbits (not very cheaty).

I'm sure there's someone out there that'd say I'm a dirty cheater for using Hyperedit to put test craft on the Mun so I can figure-out if my config changes to ORS worked. Those people are to be ignored, for they are putting their noses where they do not belong.

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  • 2 months later...

I added and infinite fuel generator to the config so basically I can land, refuel and refuel an unlimited number of times. Helps my massive cargo planes.

Edit: Oh never mind, it was already there. lol :blush:

Edited by Eskandare
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