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[0.24.2] Voice Commander 1.3.2 - Control crafts with your voice


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Looking for a plugin developer to take over this plugin! See this thread for details.

I've made a plugin called Voice Commander that enables players to use their natural voice to command their ships.

Download Voice Commander 1.3.2

List of available commands and macros

(Please make sure to read the section "How to Use" below.)



Source code: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp_voice_commander

(The Voice Commander plugin is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.)

Please see the following demonstration videos:














Screenshot of the settings window:


How to Use

  1. Install as a regular KSP plugin, that is, put the folder GameData\blizzy\ into your KSP\GameData\ folder. If you don't have the Toolbar Plugin installed yet, also put the GameData\000_Toolbar\ folder into your KSP\GameData\ folder.
  2. Copy the VoiceCommander\ folder into your KSP\ folder.
  3. Navigate to your KSP\VoiceCommander\ folder and run VoiceServer.exe. This is a little program that listens to your spoken commands and will send those to the KSP plugin.
  4. Start KSP as you normally would.
  5. In the toolbar, add the Voice Commander button to one of your toolbars:
    • Right-click the button to open the settings window. Do it now to configure the texts to speak.
    • Left-clicking the button toggles listening/not listening. Note that the "Toggle Listening" voice command will always work, regardless of the listening mode. This way you can (de)activate listening with only your voice.

Plugin support is optional. If you want to use the plugin-related command, you need the following versions of the respective plugins (or newer):

  • MechJeb: 2.2.1 development build 255

List of available commands and macros

Also see this post for further explanation about macros.

Frequently Asked Questions

What operating systems does this work with?

Windows only for now (I think from XP onwards.) I don't plan to support other operating systems myself, but I'm willing to accept patches to the source code once it is released.

Is my language supported?

Apparently Windows comes with a default speech recognition language installed. On Windows 7, you cannot install new languages unless you have Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate. If you don't, you're stuck with the default language. Please see your speech recognition settings in the system settings panel for what language that is.

My favorite command X is not supported. Can you add it?

Sure! Just drop me a note in this thread.

Can I customize what I will have to say for each command? (For example, I want to say "blue bayou" for turning prograde.)

Yes, those lines are customizable.

What are macros, and how do they work?

Please see this post.

Why is there a delay between a command and the response?

That delay comes from the speech recognition engine. It is necessary to recognize the end of a spoken command.

Is this open to other plugins so that they can contribute new commands?


Is that really your voice in the video?

I guess that's me.

Change Log

The plugin makes a check against http://blizzy.de/voice-commander/version2.txt to see if a new version is available. No information is sent.

1.3.2, 2014-07-25
- In addition to the automatic update check, the plugin now also gets KSP versions
from the update check server. In case the currently running KSP version is one of
those versions, the plugin will not complain about being incompatible with this
KSP version. This saves both players' and the plugin author's time.
- Updated for KSP 0.24.2 and Toolbar Plugin 1.7.6 (included.)

1.3.1, 2014-07-25
- Updated for KSP 0.24.1 and Toolbar Plugin 1.7.5 (included.)

1.3.0, 2014-07-05
- Added new commands. See http://bit.ly/1lnCdEv for a complete list.
- Added the ability to fill in default texts for commands in the configuration. This will fill
in a default configuration for any empty command text box.
- Updated for Toolbar Plugin 1.7.3 (included.)

1.2.0, 2014-05-17
- Added new commands. See http://bit.ly/1lnCdEv for a complete list.
- Added optional push-to-talk: Press a key on your keyboard, mouse, or joystick to enable
listening only temporarily.
- The last command recognized will now be displayed in the game for a few seconds (along with
an indication of recognition confidence.)
- Fixed a bug where multiple alternate texts for a command were not accepted correctly.

1.1.1, 2014-05-13
- Fixed a bug where the texts for "Apoapsis" and "Periapsis" were not saved correctly.
- Recompiled VoiceCommanderMechJeb.dll using a newer version of MechJeb. This will prevent
KSP from crashing should an updated version of MechJeb be installed.
Note that you must use MechJeb 2.2.1 development build 255 or newer.

1.1.0, 2014-05-12
- Added new commands. See http://bit.ly/1lnCdEv for a complete list.
- Added a macro mechanism to avoid having lots of similar commands. You can now say, "yaw + 10"
or "roll - 90" to rotate about the specified axes, all using a single command (and therefore
the same syntax.) Note that the actual syntax is still up to you - it could also be as lengthy
as "rotate about the roll axis by - 90 degrees".

1.0.0, 2014-05-11
- Initial public release.

Edited by blizzy78
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Toggle sas and RCS would be good commands to add.

Edit: Codey737 seems to think so too. :P

2nd Edit: Just tried it out, and this is awesome, It works way better then just about any other voice recognition I've used in a bit. Great job, I can't wait for more commands.

Edited by Tremzack
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I just had a sudden flashback to Bridge Commander.... to a vicious battle where a command to fire phasers and photon torpedoes was somehow interpreted as an order to drop shields and cut engines....

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Bridge Commander was cool but not as nice as Klingon Academy.

Great work Blizzy! Nice voice too.

Too bad there are these Windows limitations ... I'd love to yell commands in Klingon!

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I tried running this normal and in compatibility mode (XP service pack 3 and win7) as well as ran as admin with no luck. voiceserver.exe crashes. I'm running Win7 Ultimate x64.


Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: voiceserver.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 536ec97f
Problem Signature 04: System.Speech
Problem Signature 05: 4.0.30319.18408
Problem Signature 06: 5231319b
Problem Signature 07: 5f8
Problem Signature 08: b1
Problem Signature 09: System.InvalidOperationException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 9580
Additional Information 2: 9580860cf90d3d64bb2df9a1fda06e99
Additional Information 3: 1562
Additional Information 4: 1562a327152605e60181dff6cf76d5fe

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  BigD145 said:
I tried running this normal and in compatibility mode (XP service pack 3 and win7) as well as ran as admin with no luck. voiceserver.exe crashes. I'm running Win7 Ultimate x64.


Have you tried running it with just win7?

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err i a trying to get this to work but it doesn't seem to want to...

in essence the plugin recognizes the command(i know this because i have voice server loaded which lists that it recognizes my commands) but it does not do anything in KSP which is weird...

anyone have a fix?

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  Helix935 said:
in essence the plugin recognizes the command(i know this because i have voice server loaded which lists that it recognizes my commands) but it does not do anything in KSP which is weird...

Please observe the confidence displayed in the voice server. If it gets below 0.6, it didn't understand you good enough.

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  blizzy78 said:
I've made a plugin..

geez i gotta get out more i thought, since your english was really damn good, you were from an english speaking part of the world but hearing you speak german right now surprised me o.O i have a german speaking cousin and he an't as good as you.

Edited by sal_vager
Trim large quotes please, see the Good Conduct Guide :)
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  AntiMatter001 said:
geez i gotta get out more i thought, since your english was really damn good, you were from an english speaking part of the world but hearing you speak german right now surprised me o.O i have a german speaking cousin and he an't as good as you.

Haha :D Well there are some germans, who are actually quite good in the english language ;)

@blizzy78 Nice work, interesting to see that yet another modder whose work, I admire and often use is also a german :D *sneakily pointing at my location *

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  BigD145 said:
I tried running this normal and in compatibility mode (XP service pack 3 and win7) as well as ran as admin with no luck. voiceserver.exe crashes.

The more interesting output is the one in the console, some error that occurred in SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice().

Are you sure that a microphone is connected and that the Windows speech recognition can use it?

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  blizzy78 said:
The more interesting output is the one in the console, some error that occurred in SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice().

Are you sure that a microphone is connected and that the Windows speech recognition can use it?

It was my fault. I didn't have a microphone connected at the time I first tested this. It's running now.

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Voice Commander 1.1.0 is now available for download, adding more commands and bringing flexibility for existing commands.

Please note that I am still updating the complete list of commands linked to in the OP.

Edit: Done, the list should now be complete. Please reload the page in your browser if it still shows red text.

Edited by blizzy78
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Mechjeb commands don't seem to be working. Right now I'm just trying prograde/retrograde turns. This is with 250. I typed in "turn prograde" into the box. Saying "mechjeb turn prograde" or "turn prograde" just makes voiceserver pick up "brake" at 0.6 confidence. Sometimes it'll use "brake" at 0.90 confidence. Yes, brakes are set to "brake."

prograde = turn prograde
retrograde = turn retro
toggleListen = listen
toggleMap = map
actionGroupGear = gear
actionGroupBrakes = brake
actionGroupLight = light
actionGroupSAS = sas
actionGroupRCS = rcs
pause = pause

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